Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and eighty-seven. Gaia consciousness?

987. Gaia Consciousness

In the previous life, there were quite a few such views, and the analysis was so good that Liu Hao had to wonder whether there was any push from the will of the Marvel universe.

"It shouldn't be so. It's just a small spider. It's just a hero for a while. It's nothing if it comes out of the Marvel Earth. Where does it need the blessing of the will of the Marvel Universe?"

Liu Hao said so in his mouth, but he was thinking about whether there is Gaia consciousness in the Marvel Earth under his feet.

It has to be said that Marvel Earth is the most special one in the entire Marvel Universe, otherwise so many cosmic gems would not gather here, and the gathering of so many cosmic gems on the earth may also have a great impact on the earth, It is not impossible to cause Gaia consciousness to be born on Marvel Earth.

But Liu Hao is equally clear that the so-called Gaia consciousness is definitely not as powerful as imagined. What's more, it's just a ignorant sense of danger. In order to protect himself, he subconsciously gathers more luck on some outstanding people , in the hope that these people can help themselves resist possible disasters.

And this kind of Gaia consciousness is actually very common, and even exists in many heavens. This is how the children of destiny came, but they can only stand out in a certain era, and the upper limit is limited, and it is absolutely difficult to compete in the long river of fate. ferry.

Therefore, Liu Hao just thought about it, and he didn't even bother to get to the bottom of it. Even if it is the Marvel Earth with Gaia consciousness, isn't it something he can smash easily? More is still thinking about how to intercept the luck distributed from the Gaia consciousness of Marvel Earth.

He doesn't need this bit of luck himself, but it doesn't prevent him from guiding it to the Dragon Kingdom. At worst, he can also give it to a certain Dragon Kingdom person from Marvel Earth.

All of a sudden, Liu Hao remembered that he had very few people from Longguo. Strictly speaking, Zhang Kuai was the only one he was familiar with. He habitually raised his head and glanced at Zhang Kuai. Liu Hao discovered the big difference under the watchful technique of gazing at Qi;

Zhang Kuai, who was originally weak in luck and could disappear at any time, now has a big change in luck, the gray color has long since disappeared, and there is even a hint of red in the milky white. This is already a sign of advancement. Thinking about it, I feel that Reasonable, after staying with me for so long, and learning Chinese medicine and other knowledge from me, it would be a ghost if there is no improvement.

"Maybe you can try to cultivate it."

A thought flashed in Liu Hao's mind, since the other party knew him early, it could be regarded as a predestined relationship with him, so why not support him a bit? What's more, there is no one available in front of you.

Quietly fired a spiritual energy towards Zhang Kuai, which can be regarded as a test for Liu Hao. If Zhang Kuai exercises more diligently in the next period of time, his body digests this spiritual energy, not to mention other things, his physique will definitely be stronger. The range has increased, and by then, the physical condition will never lose to some weaker Marvel protagonists, such as Daredevil Murdoch and his like;

until then,

Let’s take a look at Zhang Kuai’s combat effectiveness. If it is suitable, he might as well release it to be a vigilante in the night, and he can get some benefits. In Marvel Earth, this is the mainstream in itself, just follow the trend, and take a look. Can Zhang Kuai snatch much luck from other vigilantes?

In the distance, the inflated Dr. Lizard began to crush the little spider. Among the crowd, Liu Hao saw Daredevil, that is, during the day, otherwise this guy would have rushed out to fight side by side.

"Is Natasha here too? She is really everywhere!"

Liu Hao thought of Liao Zhong again, and took advantage of the opportunity to send a message to the other party. It is a great experiment site, which is not to be missed. He also wanted to see if Liao Zhong, who participated in the battle against Dr. Lizard, could get a boost in luck. Maybe he is still weak against Dr. Lizard, but if he participates, he participates. If he wins, he should get some military merit, right?

Facts have proved that Liu Hao was right. After Liao Hua, who was protected by Liu Hao's talisman, came to the scene, he posed little threat to Dr. Lizard, but it finally played a big role in restraining him. He also protected the little spider when he was unable to succeed. , this is enough, after a big battle, Liu Hao saw that the milky luck on Liao Zhong's head became darker, this is the reward.

A hearty battle also benefited Liao Zhong a lot. Compared with training, going to the battlefield is the time to improve the most. After today, it can be said that Liao Zhong's combat effectiveness can really be brought into play;

Liu Hao only hoped that he would not rely on his own cultivation to go out to make troubles. If he really did that, he might die in some conflict. This is not a joke. He is not lucky enough, and many times he doesn’t know how he died , That is to say, Liu Hao added protection to him today, otherwise how could he withstand several blows from Dr. Lizard?

Liu Hao's worries are superfluous. Liao Zhong is a man in his dozen years old, and he has long since lost his will to fight. If Liu Hao hadn't transmitted his voice today, he would never have made a move. Wouldn't it be good to sit in his own martial arts gym and teach his disciples? ?

In terms of status and wealth, he is very comfortable. He feels that he has earned enough money in this life, and his only thought is that his martial arts school will continue to prosper, and his family can inherit what he has learned all his life;

The old guy also knew that he must have received Liu Hao's protection today. How could he not understand the damage Dr. Lizard slapped on the building? How can my old body bear it?

"Huajing is probably at the fifth to sixth level of combat power. It's okay to face human opponents. An opponent with excellent resilience like Dr. Lizard is basically delivering food when he goes up."

After watching Liao Zhong's battle, Liu Hao has an assessment of this. It's not bad to be a vigilante in the night at this level. The Daredevil Murdoch in front of him is at this level. Before stepping into the next level , it is better not to participate in city-level battles.

And Zhang Kuai digested Liu Hao's little aura, and it is definitely not a big problem to enter the realm of transformation. His cultivation level is enough to wander around the streets around Lafasheng. As long as he doesn't encounter things like rpg, there will be no great danger. It doesn't take too long for a small chess piece to be used.

I don’t know if it was due to the participation of Natasha and Liao Zhong. Dr. Lizard, who had regained his humanity at the last moment and repented, had no chance. This may be due to the inducer of Orochimaru;

In short, Dr. Lizard ended up in a life-and-death situation. In the end, he did not return to a human body, but the body was scrambled by all parties. The SHIELD, the Bald Eagle military, the secret Orochimaru, and the agents of various countries hiding nearby also picked up a trace. Meat crumbs, his contribution can be considered full;

It's a pity that the little spider has left after the big battle, and Dr. Lizard's laboratory hidden in the sewer has nothing to do with the bald eagle. Orochimaru will not let it go.

This is the problem of unlucky luck, doing more, but getting less, the more you do, the more boring you are.

The current bald eagle is like this. It seems that whatever they do is wrong. Their recovery of Dr. Lizard’s body has also become a strong evidence of the bald eagle’s genetic experiment.

'The appearance of a mutant is a gift of nature, because he is completely random, no one can know who will be next, not only that, but even his ability cannot be guessed;

However, what the Hexagon is doing is customizing genetic variants, such as lizardmen. Once they are controlled, the soldiers of the Hexagon can save even camouflage uniforms in the future! '

This statement is very popular in the territory of Bald Eagle. Everyone knows that for the citizens of a country, they don't care about their various experiments. To a certain extent, the citizens are eager to have more experiments. ;

But there is one thing that needs to be confirmed is that it will not pose a threat to the interests of the citizens themselves. Whoever is used as an experiment should not be found on their own citizens, let alone children. They absolutely do not want to be inexplicably injected when they serve in the military in the future' Extremis virus', or become a 'lizard man' without anyone noticing.

If we change the angle and let them all become Spider-Man, then what takes to the streets is not a protest, but a crazy celebration.

Lafasheng, Liao Zhong's return aroused warm applause. He has never been so respected in this life. He responded all the way with his fists in his arms, but he was held high by his martial arts disciples within a few steps. Get up and parade through the streets amidst cheers.

"Lao Liao's Xingyi gym is about to be released!" The curators who were watching the major martial arts gyms looked envious;

"He has already done it, this battle has completely established his prestige! In the future, all the martial arts schools in Lafayette will respect him!" This one is a bit sour.

"Hmph, they belonged to them originally! What? You're still not convinced?" No one knew what to say.

"Old Liao is also a senior, why don't you accept it?"

The sour guy hurried to make amends, he watched the whole scene through the camera, Liao Zhong's fierceness is by no means something he can resist now, but don't be forgotten by then, if he comes to challenge him, he will be in big trouble .

"Huajing! We got the medicinal soup from Mr. Liao, and the doctor has a chance to take care of it!"

"Don't say, during this time, an old guy like me feels much more relaxed. I'm more than ten years younger, and I'm in great shape. This is hope!"

"Let's go! It's time to go to congratulate. In the future, Mr. Liao will take the lead, so we can drink more soup and water later!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Don't neglect!"

A group of hall owners turned around and entered through the back door of the Xingyi Hall without leaving. This walk confirmed the true status of La Fasheng Guoshu for Liao Zhong, and also promoted Liao Zhong to Lafa Shenglong Kingdom The spokesperson of national art.

The determination of the status has the meaning of being justified, just like a job position, being crowned, and enjoying luck, Liu Hao saw a trace of pink appearing in the milky white clouds of luck above Liao Zhong's head, such a scene Let him laugh, and his heart moved slightly, thinking that since this is the case, can he continue to push Liao Zhong up, not to mention other things, isn't it impossible for New York City Councilors to fight for it?

It's not that he wants the status of the New York City Councilman, but he also wants to see if getting it will further increase Liao Zhong's luck.

This matter was kept in Liu Hao's heart, and he would worry about it when the time came, but there was one thing he needed to check in front of him, and that was the Gaia consciousness of Marvel Earth.

The core of the earth, no matter which world it is, can only be a vast ball of fire. Ordinary Taiyi will spend a lot of effort to protect himself, but for Liu Hao, it is extremely easy, walking through it is like the scorching sun. From the outside, all the way to the core area, only to find that what I said was true.

In the core of Marvel Earth, there is a fiery pearl the size of a fist, from which dazzling white light radiates. These white lights are isolated like tulle, independent and honorable. During this period, a trace of ignorance is emitted , it seems that it can communicate, but when you dig into it, you will find that it is basically a collection of Marvel Earth data.

"I see!"

After searching for a while, Liu Hao suddenly realized.

The pearl in front of me is indeed the Gaia consciousness of Marvel Earth, or the precursor of the Gaia consciousness of Marvel Earth, as Liu Hao guessed before. , but the number of one hundred is very remarkable.

It is more related to a planet-level computer. There is no "intelligent program" in this computer. It records every living thing and even all the materials on Marvel Earth, but it cannot make a fate for these materials and living beings. The plan is only responsible for recording, although it is possible to interpret it, it has absolutely no ability to interfere.

The only thing that can be done is to make adjustments to these materials and creatures that are more in line with the future development of Marvel, such as the climate and environment of Marvel Earth, such as the adaptive evolution of various animals, and creatures that are beneficial to Marvel Earth itself. Make a reward, which is the luck boost from Marvel Earth that Liu Hao said.

If Liu Hao, the white tiger, came in person, he might be able to summarize its operation rules, but he couldn't do it here as a vellus incarnation. Being able to make these judgments has benefited a lot.

Fortunately, Liu Hao has no intention of controlling it. As a chess player, Liu Hao's opponent is not Marvel Earth, let alone the mortal beings in Marvel Earth. If this is the case, Liu Hao will be looked down upon instead;

The reason for coming is more because I think about whether such a 'pearl' will appear on my own earth?

If so, is it stronger? Has a complete Gaia consciousness been born?

It’s just that these questions need to return to my own earth to get the answer, and my own earth is not as easy to step into the core as Marvel Earth. With the addition of several spiritual energy tides, my own earth has expanded by more than ten times, and how can it be inside the core? Can it be simple? He even felt that Da Luo Jinxian might not be able to step into it.

This matter has to wait for the white tiger Liu Hao to come out of the retreat before making any calculations. He is a vellus incarnation, but he can't get out of the Asgard plane.

Thinking of the aura, Liu Hao shot a shot towards the pearl, also wanting to see if the other party would absorb it;

Who would have thought that as soon as this spiritual energy enters the range of the Pearl, it is like entering the mouth of a glutton, that kind of can't wait is no different from seeing a foodie who has nothing to do, but it is a pity that the imaginary change does not appear at all, what should be or what should be, as if this spiritual energy is nothing but It's just dripping water into the sea, and it can't stir up the slightest wave.

But even so, Liu Hao still felt a slight difference. This slight difference was not the pearl in front of him, but his own feedback. It seemed that his aura had been put into the pearl, and he had left his imprint on Marvel Earth. Became one of the natives of Marvel Earth.

This situation made Liu Hao a little unexpected. It seemed that it would be better to go here after all the hard work before. Such a simple identity acquisition really caught him off guard.

"It's a method. I don't need it, but it's an excellent shortcut for others. Whether it's Orochimaru, or other companions brought here in the future, they are all needed!"

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