Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and eighty-eight. Natasha's unwillingness

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988、Natasha's Reluctant to Be Ordinary

Going through this journey, Liu Hao has also gained a lot. It is a creation from scratch. Although he saw the Gaia consciousness of a planet, it also made him understand how the embryonic form of world consciousness is. born.

From here to the prehistoric 'Day of Heaven', many things can be guessed.

For example, as the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven, did Hongjun refine the consciousness of the prehistoric world? Is this the so-called 'Heavenly Dao'?

If in the prehistoric period, Houtu did not obtain the master of the 'tunnel', does it mean that Hongjun has really become the chief executive of the prehistoric period? Eloquent?

This possibility is too great, and it's no wonder that Hongjun's old meeting has become the biggest boss in all kinds of prehistoric novels, and it's still the kind that hides behind no one knows.

"Perhaps, the legendary boundary source is a small world, a conscious body of a dimension?"

Liu Hao also thought of such a possibility. According to the legend, as long as one finds a small world, a "boundary source" of a plane dimension, and refines it, one can completely control this world, and live and die together with it. , become the master of a world, an immortal existence.

Now it seems that this legend is mostly reliable, otherwise it would be impossible for such information to be passed down.

In the Marvel universe, there are countless small worlds, small planes, and messy dimensions. Do these worlds have their own owners?

For example, Gu Yi's biggest opponent, Domma, isn't he the immortal existence of the dark dimension?

Liu Hao is very clear that before his arrival, the method of "Daluo Daoguo" to jump out of the long river of fate was not spread in the Marvel Universe at all. A possibility now.

"Dark dimension? Wait until the main body is out, but let him find some time to take a stroll!"

Taking another deep look at the 'Pearl' spinning slowly at that moment, Liu Hao turned around and left.

When he returned to the clinic, he found that an acquaintance had been waiting here for a long time;

The one who came was Bruce Banner, who was very low-key during this time.

"Why did you shave your head?"

Looking at the shining head of Bruce Banner,

Liu Hao almost laughed out loud. He never expected that he would introduce green underpants to the Buddhist gate, and the other party would be addicted to it. The appearance in front of him clearly shows that he has already gained something. fruit monk.

"Shave off three thousand threads of affliction, and only then can you practice Buddhism better!"

I have to say that Bruce Banner is definitely one of the top few in Marvel Earth. How long has it been? Not only can he speak Mandarin fluently, but in his words, he clearly told Liu Hao that this guy already has a good understanding of the Buddhist scriptures. own understanding.

But these words made Liu Hao very speechless, in order to save more time to study Buddhism? To save the effort of washing your hair? Why does it sound like the same meaning inside and outside the words? It seems that this guy can only be regarded as a beginner. If he really wants to step into Buddhism thoroughly, he still needs to go to Longguo Harbin Buddhist Academy to study abroad.

It's just that since Loki is coming soon, the time to study abroad needs to be postponed.

The idea of ​​Liu Hao had just been born, but Bruce Banner would directly give Liu Hao an even bigger surprise. He came today to bid farewell to Liu Hao;

The Buddhist scriptures in the library of Columbia University were no longer enough for him to comprehend. He knew very well that working behind closed doors was not an option. He had the idea of ​​going to the most prosperous Dragon Kingdom of Buddhism to practice in his heart. Once this idea came out, he could no longer suppress it. No, He hurried over to say goodbye to Liu Hao.

"It seems that your Dharma practice during this period has had a great effect on the Hulk in your body!"

"Yes doctor! In the sea of ​​consciousness, I can already communicate with Hulk in a simple way. Although I am still playing the piano with the cow, even playing games is a rare improvement;

It's just that it's difficult to improve by studying Buddhist scriptures alone, so I came up with the idea of ​​going to the major temples in Longguo to place orders! "

Good guy, even the monk understands the order, and I have to say that the green pants are definitely serious.

"Your method is very good, but you can't just leave. After a while, aliens will invade the earth, and the location is in New York City, but you need to do it!"

There was such a big explosion all of a sudden, even Master Bruce Banner couldn't bear it. He thought he was in a strong enough mood to break the attack on the spot at this moment, but Dou Da's eyes were wide open, and he didn't know how to respond for a long time.

"As a famous scientist, you don't think that only the earth has intelligent life in the whole universe?"

"Naturally impossible! Although I have never encountered it before, I am absolutely sure of the existence of aliens;

However, if the aliens farthest around reach the earth, they also need the ability to travel through space. Can the earth really stop such an alien invasion? "

"You seem to have neglected your own life strength!"

Liu Hao is also a little speechless. Bruce Banner seems to be stupid in reading and reading these days, completely ignoring the strength of his own Hulk, have you?

"Will the doctor take action then?"

Bruce Banner twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, and soon thought of Liu Hao's strength, and the tension on his face disappeared a lot. Isn't there a strong man who can confine space in front of him? It seems that there are still many mutants with strange abilities in my own earth, so it seems that not everyone has the ability to resist!

"It depends on the situation, but I still hope that you can handle it yourself. It is rare to have such an opponent, and it is also an excellent training object for you;

Have you ever heard of the dark forest theory? "

"Mr. Liu Nianci's theory of the Three-Body Problem! I have read it in the past. Is the doctor's implication that it is a dark forest system among civilizations in the age of the universe?"

Liu Hao muttered to himself, it seems that this world also has Mr. Liu Da, so the theory that any universe and world has universal value must indeed be popularized.

"Yeah! There is still an opposition between good and evil among humans on Earth, not to mention the various civilizations in the universe. This alien invasion is also a good thing for Earth. As long as they are defeated, at least many of their If technology stays behind, the earth should also enter the cosmic era!"

Bruce Banner nodded thoughtfully. As a scientist, he was looking forward to this very much, and he felt a pity in his heart that his situation was no longer suitable for America;

Once it appears, it will only have the fate of being a guinea pig. Others don't know the news outside these days, how can he not know? The hexagon building doesn't have the slightest integrity, don't have too many mice, even a famous scientist like him can't escape his fate, let alone an ordinary person?

Not being able to participate is definitely a big loss. It’s okay, just let go of this path first, and have decided to step into Buddhism. Before the Hulk problem in the body is completely resolved, it’s better not to be half-hearted.

"New York City is really full of disasters, can't aliens be introduced into no man's land?"

"You'll know when the time comes. Some things can't be avoided just by thinking about them! I'm optimistic about you guys, let's go!"

Liu Hao was very happy in his heart. If such a big scene is placed in a desert area, the effect of the special effects will be too bad. Even if it is for the ratings, it must not be bigger. It’s not that you Bruce Banner thinks it will affect innocent people. You can go according to your own will, dear!

Knowing that Liu Hao didn't want to talk about it, Bruce Banner didn't ask any more questions, and he knew that even if he asked, he couldn't get an answer. After chatting for a while, he left worried. When he was going out, he met a person who was so familiar to him that he couldn't be more familiar with him. His figure made him involuntarily quicken his pace.

"Natasha, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Natasha looking at Bruce Banner suspiciously, Liu Hao hurriedly greeted him. Although he was covering up, he also played the role of appearance, and his body shape did not change at all. As S.H.I.E.L.D. Na studied the senior nine-level agent, and if she continued to doubt, the green underpants might really be exposed.

"Doctor Liu, excuse me!"

"No problem!"

For Natasha's politeness, Liu Hao was noncommittal, but he was not used to such Natasha.

"Doctor Liu, I'm here for Master Liao. When I was fighting against the Lizardman, I saw that even if Master Liao was beaten by the Lizardman, it would be fine..."

Natasha paused here. Liu Hao already knew why the other party came. She and Liao Zhong must have fought several times during this period, and they have already figured out Liao Zhong's strength. It is normal to have doubts. Most of them also guessed that Liu Hao was helping secretly, and they came here today to think about whether they could get this kind of means of strengthening protection from Liu Hao;

It's just that when the words came to my lips, I found that I couldn't say them at all. In the final analysis, I wanted to get good things, but I didn't have something to pay for.

Liu Hao didn't care about such a small trick at all. It was impossible to teach Natasha, but it didn't mean he couldn't try to draw a talisman for her;

He doesn't intend to directly participate in Loki's resistance against the alien invasion, but it doesn't mean he can't use his dark hand. It should be known that as long as he makes a move, he will be able to intercept some luck rewarded by the consciousness of Gaia from Marvel Earth. Isn't it right now? Is there a way to deliver it to your door?

"This is the Taoist talisman way!"

Liu Hao responded lightly, stretched out his hand and took out the pen and paper, raised his head and handed it to Natasha;

"Since you are here, you are considered destined. This protective talisman is given to you. When the disaster comes, you can also use your combat power more!"

Judging from the plot of the Women's Federation in the past, Natasha the Black Widow is not considered soy sauce, but in the final decisive battle, his contribution is pitiful;

Without the horizontal push ability of green underpants, she couldn't fly and attack like Thor and Tony Stark. Even the same melee player Captain Bald Eagle was much stronger than her, and she wasn't as capable as Barton. Using bows and arrows as long-range shooting, in the end, you can only kill the little ones in the corners, or the kind that are alone.

No way, although it is known as the strongest ninth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., compared with other non-human beings, it is still not enough. After all, Natasha, the black widow, is just a mortal. No matter how strong she is, she has not surpassed the limits of human beings. .

Liu Hao once suspected that Natasha the Black Widow and Hawkeye Patton were forced into it by Nick Fury in order to give himself some say in the women's federation team, or that they had the functions of monitoring, mediation, linking, etc. ;

But they are more like clerks. They are okay for sweeping the tail and so on, but they are really not good at fighting head-on. If they are not careful, they are likely to die on the spot. Without high defense, how can they stand out in the Marvel world?

Looking at the other main combat forces, which one is not rough-skinned and thick-skinned? Even Tony Stark has a hard shell, hitting the enemy while ensuring his survival.

High defense and thick blood are the standard equipment for the protagonist. Black Widow obviously does not have these two points. Even if the latter is stronger than most people, it is still limited, and the ceiling is there.

As a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., even Black Widow, who has been in the secret service industry for decades, her acuity is beyond ordinary people. Thieves are troublesome, from this point, she smelled the difference, it was the harbinger of the coming storm;

It is also because of this that during this period of time, except for the tasks she could not get rid of, she almost devoted all her time to Liao Zhong's Xingyi boxing martial arts gym, exercising herself crazily, and she even vaguely realized that this might be The only way to step into a higher level of combat power;

And this conjecture was also confirmed by Liao Zhong's battle today. Liao Zhong, who has added Liu Hao's protective ability, means that he has no worries about the future.

In the past, all the combat skills that could only stay in Liao Zhong's mind were taken out by him for experimentation, and the effect, in Natasha's view, was absolutely top-notch. If Liao Zhong used these methods before, she would It's not enough for Liao Zhong to fight.

In other words, the way of the Dragon Kingdom's national art to reach the sky is 100% correct, and this black widow's heart is even hotter, and she is not far from being ordinary.

Nick Fury had communicated with her a long time ago about the establishment of the 'Women's Federation', and she would represent S.H.I.E.L.D. as a member, but when he learned of the list of other players, she knew Braised eggs want more of her affinity and judgment, or a hint of strategic decision-making ability;

In this team, the role played is more inclined to logistics and backup commanders. It can't be said that it is dispensable, but it is definitely not what the front line needs.

If she didn't find a way to a higher level, Natasha would be happy to take on this task, but now it's different. She has been used to close combat for decades, and she also likes this feeling. It really makes her sit in the rear, On the contrary, I am not used to it.

Before arriving, Natasha also thought about being rejected by Liu Hao, but out of the possibility, she still wanted to seize this chance. Now it seems that the cold figure in front of her is not as unnatural as she imagined. Good communication.

"I know you are very proficient in the language of the Dragon Kingdom, but if you want to really step into the practice of Dragon Kingdom martial arts, you must be proficient in the culture and even civilization of the Dragon Kingdom!"

When Natasha took the talisman in Liu Hao's hand respectfully, Liu Hao made a point, whether the black widow from the polar bear Romanov's royal surname can achieve her wish can only be seen by herself.

Liu Hao is not at all worried that the Black Widow will learn the real Dragon Kingdom martial arts in the future. On the contrary, he is happy to fulfill this, because he understands that in order to master the Dragon Kingdom martial arts, it is not only necessary to exercise, but also to be familiar with Taoism, Chinese medicine, etc. The culture of the Dragon Kingdom has a resonance, and if you learn it, it doesn't mean you can pass it on. Even if you pass it on, isn't the disciple also proficient in these things?

Disciples who have learned and understood Taoism, Chinese medicine and other cultures of the Dragon Kingdom must have very different thoughts. Liu Hao is too aware of the assimilation ability of the Dragon Kingdom civilization. The kind that still affects them for generations.

Moreover, there is still a bumper in the hands of Liao Zhong. As the inheritor of Xingyi Quan, even if he opens a martial arts school to teach, will he really open it up to all his disciples?

That is simply unrealistic. The inheritance of Chinese martial arts is divided into inner and outer sects. The inner sect is 100%, and the outer sect has 80% is already very remarkable.

So, what is there to worry about?

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