Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and eighty nine. Nick Fury's SOS

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989、Nick's Asking for Advice

Time flies, and it's been half a month in the blink of an eye. During this period, the entire New York City is considered peaceful. Except for the little spider who has some roles, everyone else is considered peaceful. Even Hell's Kitchen seems to want to relax.

This kind of calm makes the citizens of New York City very uncomfortable, but they don't know that an earth-shattering battle is coming, and this war is completely incomparable with the previous one. Jia Er.

This is a kind of tranquility before the storm, and those who are really keen have already smelled the smell of gunpowder.

Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. is one of them. He has been having nightmares for the past few days, but after waking up, he can’t remember any dreams. Years of experience as an agent tell him that something big will happen;

I woke up from a nightmare this day, and I no longer feel sleepy, thinking that instead of staying at home, I might as well go to the headquarters to see how the research on the 'Universal Rubik's Cube' is going;

It had to be said that even though he had no memory of his dream, his subconscious mind still told him where the source of the coming disaster was.

As the source of the incident, Loki, this meeting is quietly appearing in Asgard. He has a complicated mood, with a strong desire for revenge and a little hesitation;

Looking at the temple on the top of the mountain, Loki recalled every detail of himself. Here, he had a long period of happiness, but when he knew his life experience, this happiness became like a mirror, and he used to love him. How much I admire Odin, how much hatred I have for him now;

He knew that relying on himself would not be able to fight Odin at all, so when Thanos offered his support, he agreed without hesitation. Of course, he was not a fool. Wouldn't even do it, invading the earth just happened to step on Loki's heart, and cooperation would benefit both.

Loki doesn't even know what he wants, the throne of God King? Part of it, but not all of it, more of it is a son who wants to prove to his father that he is the most suitable one;

Others don't know Thor, but as a younger brother, he still doesn't understand? A typical big fool who has no brains and can only beat hammers. If such a guy sits on the throne of God King, he will ruin Asgard if he is not careful.

Even if I already know my Frost Giant's bloodline, I have lived in Asgard since I was born, and I have already regarded Asgard as my hometown;

If Asgard is buried by his stupid brother,

He was really homeless, and for this reason, he had to let his father Odin understand that his choice was wrong.

This is how Loki gave his excuse for this action in his heart. At first, he felt it was far-fetched. As time passed, Loki became more and more sure of his correctness. When he returned to Asgard today, even he himself I don't know what mood;

Wanting to see what happened to his closed father Odin?

Yes, but more is the last expectation in my heart, hoping that when I meet later, my cheap father can finally change his mind, abandon Thor, and choose his great Loki;

He knew that this was an extravagant wish, and the chances were pitifully rare. Wouldn't a biological son choose an adopted son? The possibility is too low, and the other gods in Asgard will not be happy, but at least it is a glimmer of hope, isn't it?

Loki didn't know that Odin had crossed the stage, and such a thing as passing the stage would not happen in the next tens of thousands of years, but how could he tell clearly with his cultivation?

The prophecy of "Ragnarok" has been spread for tens of thousands of years, and it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Loki, like everyone else, believes in it, thinking that Odin's life is not long, and the retreat is clearly to prolong his sleep for a longer time.

Old Odin did hide it very well, even his first wife didn't notice it, if not for Liu Hao's arrival, even Gu Yi wouldn't know about it, let alone Lokiel.

Odin did this originally not for calculating his own people, but for possible enemies. After passing the throne, Asgard's power will inevitably drop a lot. Those opponents who were beaten by Odin when he was young are really useless idea?

If so, when they come in a team, they will definitely give them an unusual surprise, and they will be able to wipe out all the enemies who really covet Asgard.

However, the arrival of the ancient one made Odin's expectation a lot. The ancient one who borrowed the magic power of other dimensions can calculate that his rank has improved. What about his enemies in the depths of the universe? Maybe it counts too?

Even if it is just a premonition, he will become more cautious, and the chance of success will be much lower. It is better to listen to Gu Yi's persuasion. He can not only train the child, but also put on an appearance that he is about to die and can't wait to choose an heir. Wait for possible enemies.

The moment Loki returned to Asgard, Odin had already noticed it. He saw the staff in Loki's hand, especially the "Soul Gem" in the staff, and thought about how much his camouflage was. Some use.

Seeing Loki walking towards his retreat, Odin calmed down and waited quietly, but he didn't know that this guy turned a corner at his door and went directly to his wife's bedroom.

This is also Loki's temporary decision. In his concept, Asgard may be his last visit. After this time, as long as Odin is not dead, he will never dare to come again. The decisive god king is not Kidding.

That being the case, it is very necessary to go to see his mother, this mother who has no other thoughts in her heart and only regards herself as a son, he maintains the greatest respect.

On Marvel Earth, Nick Fury left the "Universal Rubik's Cube" laboratory disappointed. Before leaving, he also confessed that his most trusted subordinate, who he deliberately arranged, paused, and his mind was still a little uneasy.

The spiritual omen of this stewed egg is right. Before he sat in the office for a long time, he was woken up by the shrill siren of the whole building. With a glance, he knew that the crisis came from the "universe" he had not left for a long time. Rubik's cube' laboratory;

When he hurried to the scene of the incident, he saw his most trusted Barton pointing an arrow towards his chest. He didn't have time to think about it. His suspicious character saved his life at this moment. I didn't think about why Barton betrayed, the first thought was to dodge;

But his strength can only be regarded as mediocre, and he avoided the vital point at the last moment, but he was completely unconscious. The moment he closed his eyes, he saw an elk helmet and that gorgeous robe. It is a pity that the earth dress is still too hasty, and the information obtained is still too little;

After waking up, Nick Fury didn't care about his injuries. His first thought was to rush to Liu Hao's clinic. If anyone could give him the answer, he thought it would be the most mysterious Liu Hao. ;

The loss of the 'Universal Rubik's Cube', he no longer cared about any fears, and he didn't care about whether he would be rejected. Even if there was a slight possibility, he had to go through this experience. The 'vibration gold' stored in the shield board was packaged in one brain.

When he arrived at Liu Hao's clinic, Natasha, the black widow, had been waiting for a long time, and the closed door opened slowly after his arrival, which relieved the tension in his heart a lot.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is what you call it. Its real name is 'Space Gem', and it is also one of the six most precious treasures in this universe. What you think of as 'Infinite Energy' is just its most basic use. nothing more;

With your current abilities, you still have a long way to go if you want to do research! "

As soon as Nick Fury stood still, Liu Hao threw out news that shocked him, and it took him a while to recover. He was still ignorant of these words, but it did not prevent him from understanding the six most precious things in the universe. How important is one of his treasures;

He is familiar with alien civilizations, and he understands that such precious treasures cannot be owned by the earth at all. Once other civilizations find out, the only fate is that the earth will be smashed. He still understands the principle of children holding gold.

"Already other alien civilizations know it's on Earth?"

Nick Fury asked a dry question. In his opinion, that elk head is a visitor from a certain alien civilization. Now his only luxury is that the other party only come to one. The news was found in a certain corner and has not been shared yet. to others;

Only in this way can a possible civil war be avoided, and the most important thing right now is to keep this visitor on the earth completely, and absolutely not let the other party spread the news, otherwise, the earth will never have peace.

Liu Hao glanced at Nick Fury, looked at the cold sweat on the other's forehead, and laughed in his heart, will he know that he is afraid?

"The one who retrieved the 'Space Gem' was the second prince from Asgard, the younger brother of Thor!"

"Huh... It's okay, it's okay!"

Nick Fury heaved a sigh of relief. How to say it is still a matter within the ninth session. It seems that Asgard coveted the "Space Gem" is still a good thing. This hot potato can no longer stay in his hands;

He turned his head and thought of Thor, the god of thunder. This incident was provoked by his family, and he had to let him finish it anyway. Isn't he going to start a "Women's Federation" next?

This seems to be an excellent excuse, to tie that little-brained Thor, God of Thunder, into the chariot of the earth, so everyone will be happy, right?

Nick Fury’s idea just happened. On the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, Thor, the God of Thunder, was about to descend on the earth. Loki had made a lot of trouble in Asgard before. As an older brother, he felt the responsibility to make this The worry-free younger brother turned his back on the shore;

He also didn't realize that everything about him was calculated and promoted by Odin. This time, fate completely connected him with Marvel Earth and Marvel Women's Federation.

"Oh, by the way, the biggest function of the 'Space Gem' is to open the space channel."

Liu Hao's reminder directly caused Nick Fury and Natasha to panic. With a little brain, one can understand that Loki, the guy who failed to compete for the throne in Asgard, probably needs to rely on external forces, but you don't want to. If you fight, you will fight in Asgard. What is it to come to our earth?

We are also very innocent, don't do this, okay?

Nick Fury almost cursed in his heart, just because the earth is weak, you chose to fight on the earth? In other words, you used the earth as a springboard to fight for the throne of Asgard with external forces?

If that's the case, the earth will be really troublesome. Once it is captured by Loki, it will inevitably fall into a series of wars with Asgard in the future. That's it, the whole earth can only be smashed, people Asgard Gard is definitely not willing to put the battlefield in his own home. The form is stronger than people, and it can only be on the earth. Once it continues, how many people will survive?

An alien civilization that can travel through space channels, no matter how confident Nick Fury is, he is not sure. He looked at Liu Hao expectantly, wondering if this god-like powerhouse in front of him would make a move at that time?

Soon, he thought of the protector of the earth that Liu Hao had mentioned before, and he was still unwilling to do so. At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing to have such a protector, but how could he contact him?

He opened his mouth several times, but he didn't know how to ask, so he could only grit his teeth and ask;

"You want to contact the guardian of the earth? Hahaha, in your position, you are still far away. Even your commander-in-chief is also not allowed to speak to others. The so-called overlord of the earth has been seen a lot for thousands of years! "

Liu Hao insulted Nick Fury unceremoniously, did he really think he was great? You bald eagle is nothing more than a superpower, even with all your strength, you have no ability to unify the earth at all, you think too highly of yourself, right?

Do you really think you can control the earth? It's just that Gu Yi has no desire for power, otherwise, with Gu Yi's strength, he would have already ascended to the throne of the king of the earth.

These words made Nick Fury very embarrassed. The more he knew, the more he realized his ignorance. Before Liu Hao arrived, Nick Fury always thought that there was nothing he could not handle, and there was nothing that was his own. What can't be controlled, such as Professor X and Magneto, if you really make up your mind, you can also suppress the other party and make them obey you obediently.

Looking at it now, the previous thoughts were nothing more than looking at the sky from the well. The real strong never dismissed him, even when he was kneeling, people might not see him. Hong Guoguo's ignorance is the most hurtful.

"Instead of thinking so much, you might as well spend your thoughts on self-help. There is a saying in Longguo that you should have heard, 'God helps those who help themselves'; and only when they see your efforts, will people praise you, and they will be in your true hands. lend a helping hand when unable to resist;

What use is it if you depend on others for everything? I think the "Women's Federation" in your mind is good. When I talked with him, he also thought it was not a protective measure that the earth itself should have. "

Liu Hao said this in his mouth, but he was thinking in his heart that now I am firm and you form the 'Women's Federation', how can I have a share of the credit, right? When the time comes to share the profits, I can't lose my share, it's just an export, and I can also intercept a share of luck, which is too profitable.

On the other side, Nick Fury also calmed down and strengthened his thoughts. He also knew that Liu Hao would not make a move easily, and the hint he gave: He can help in the most dangerous situation, but he needs to see you Your own efforts, if you all give up, I won't bother to talk to you, just let you die by yourself!

On the contrary, Nick Fury trusted Liu Haozhi's words even more. He didn't want to pin all his hopes on others. It would be nice to take this opportunity to have a real power in his hand. Only with a gun in his hand could he be able to survive on Earth in the future. have a greater voice.

With the final guarantee, Nick Fury felt relieved, and he had already begun to make plans for himself in his mind. He is a very mature politician, even in the most critical moment, he still does not forget to strive for more and greater interests for himself.

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