Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and ninety. The Women's Federation Assembled

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990. The Assembly of the Women's Federation

Liu Hao doesn't dislike such politicians at all, because he is very clear about Nick Fury's position, he can't be a capitulator, that's enough, even if it's Earth in the Marvel world, Liu Hao still hopes that they can make their own decisions, Who allowed Yanhuang civilization to exist here?

It's not that he never thought about letting the superheroes of the Dragon Kingdom come to New York City to fight, but after thinking about it, he still gave up in the end. The Dragon Kingdom did not know the invasion point ahead of him. For them, ensuring the safety of their own country and the people It is very important, even if there is a slight possibility, you can't take risks, and you would rather be useless than make a mistake.

Because the former is just no profit, and the latter will be a huge disaster, and you must not gamble.

But giving up is giving up. It doesn't mean that Liu Hao has no other ideas. For example, the Chinese in the major martial arts gyms in the Lafayette area can also provide a force at that time. With his protection, it is still possible to defend one side. Definitely get a share of the action.

In the plot of the previous life, the battle in New York City was only played by those from the Women's Federation, but this is not the case in reality. Facing the invasion of aliens, even if they have different political opinions, they will definitely abandon their prejudices and agree with each other;

For example, Magneto, will it appear by then? It's hard to say, but Liu Hao can be sure of one thing, that is, Magneto will never be willing to let aliens rule the earth. Although ordinary people among humans are opposed to mutants, their race is still the same, and they are also mutants. Wellspring, aliens are completely different, that's the essence.

Similarly, a few women’s federation superheroes are absolutely impossible to resist the invasion of countless Kiritas. They are not yet strong enough to fight against an army. How many?

In terms of group attack ability, it seems that Thor is the only one, but in New York City, can he release the thunder field big move? Don't kill all the New Yorkers before that time.

However, there are only so many shots that can be given in the previous life, and only a few members of the Women's Federation can be taken care of. Of course, their contribution is also the largest group, so it is understandable to give them.

Leaving Liu Hao Clinic, Nick Fury couldn't wait to contact Tony Stark, ruled Captain Bald Eagle, and asked Natasha to find Bruce Banner. , even if it is green pants, it is also one of the few he is most assured of.

It's not that he didn't think about looking for mutant organizations. He even believed that Magneto knew the cause of the incident and could take care of the overall situation, but the incident didn't happen, and the double-reverse parties didn't have the slightest degree of trust at all. It's better to wait and lock the opponent's position, and there will be no change. ,

the first to notify the other party;

Where is Professor X? Dwelling in X Academy, pretending to be a harmless kid;

The established X-Men team will only target the same mutant criminals. It is clear that they are mixing in their own circle, and their control is only in the Hexagon Building. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. Coveting, might as well wait and see;

On the contrary, after the incident this time, it can be used as an excuse to let the Hexagon let the mutants join S.H.I.E.L.D. He, Nick Fury, needs power too much;

He doesn't care what crimes these people have committed before, as long as they can be used by him, they can be forgiven. Isn't his Patton a typical example? He is also a wanted criminal, but isn't he loyal to him and SHIELD?

Compared to the Hexagon, he, Nick Fury, thinks he is much bigger.

Next, the plot that Liu Hao is familiar with was pushed forward step by step, even if it was Bruce Banner, Liu Hao let Natasha find him;

The green underpants, who had known about the situation for a long time, did not choose to escape this time, but followed the other party with a calm face, but the clasped hands still made the black widow look confused. After a few days of not seeing each other, they escaped into the empty door? Don't want your Betty anymore? Does that mean the big guy's biggest weakness is gone too?

This is not only Natasha's idea, but also Nick Fury's idea. How could he who analyzed the green pants not know that Hulk doesn't have much self-awareness? Previously, only Betty could keep the green underpants sane at the last moment. What about now? Can it still be done?

"Amitabha!" Bruce Banner sang the Buddha's name in Chinese, which made a group of people completely confused. How could they know that this was Bruce Banner's strategy;

"The catastrophe of the earth is approaching, and the poor monk naturally dare not escape!"

"Yo... the green guy has changed his beliefs!"

Tony Stark has a weird face, but his mouth is full of glib, and his shifting color is beyond words;

"Hulk is originally the 'anger' in human emotions. Buddhism has studied this for thousands of years, and has already had the ability to suppress it. The poor monk dare not let Hulk come out and destroy it easily. It is the best way to escape into Buddhism. choose!"

Bruce Banner explained with a smile, as if he didn't hear Tony Stark's sarcasm, he knew very well that America is the territory of God, and even though he believes in science more, he still accepts this sect's sarcasm in his bones. Influence, why not yourself?

Since this period of time, he has been unable to step into the next level, isn't it because of this? That is to say, after understanding this point, let him pretend to be a Buddhist disciple in every word and deed, so as to eliminate the influence of childhood education;

Not to mention, although he still hasn't stepped into the next level of Buddhist cultivation, the effect has already appeared, and he has vaguely touched the bottleneck.

Now Bruce Banner has no scars on his head and no robes on his body. He is really a monk in every move. When he enters the Longguo Harbin Buddhist Academy for further studies, no one will think that he is a monk. fake monk.

Liu Hao has seen all this about Bruce Banner for a long time. He even thought about whether he would take this guy away when he left the Marvel Universe in the future. After all, he also cultivated a monk for Buddhism. Can this guy go to Lingshan to compete for the position of 'Raging King Kong'?

It seems very interesting to think about it, and because of this, Bruce Banner is completely in Liu Hao's eyes. Whether it is for fun or other things, the green pants in the future will be more promising after breaking away from the shackles of the Marvel universe. Why not do something for profit?

He didn't think that the prehistoric Lingshan would push Bruce Banner away. Lingshan doesn't have any concept of race. There are many monster races among them, let alone a human race?

Knowing that Bruce Banner is from another world, he may be more popular with Lingshan. There is a high probability that the Tathagata will use Bruce Banner as a gap to step into the Marvel universe to preach. Lingshan is duty-bound to expand the influence of Buddhism. Willing to pay more too.

On his own Earth, Liu Hao is not willing to let Buddhism influence too much, but in other worlds, not to mention the Marvel world dominated by Western civilization, Liu Hao is much more willing, and even willing to help. The Bruce Banner in front of him is An obvious example, with Buddhism as the striker of Faith Invasion, he was too happy to be happy.

When Liu Hao was thinking, he glanced at Zhang Kuai, who was diligently grabbing the medicine behind the counter. During this period of time, this kid has not let him down. An Jin, that's all, what satisfied Liu Hao the most was that Zhang Kuai had vaguely shown signs of stepping into the Hundred Schools of Practice. The stronger the scholar's atmosphere, once the opportunity came, stepping into the Hundred Schools system would be a matter of course .

Liu Hao knows that what Zhang Kuai lacks now is the resonance of a certain thinking. There is still a big difference between the Marvel world and his own earth. Without the establishment of a system of hundreds of schools, it is necessary to use "resonance" to comprehend the civilization of the Dragon Kingdom One of the thoughts, use this as a breakthrough to open a hole;

Moreover, Liu Hao also vaguely noticed that even if Zhang Kuai succeeds, the hundreds of cultivation systems in the Marvel universe will be very different from the outside world, which makes him look forward to it, and invests in Zhang Kuai's observations a lot.

Marvel Earth has a superficial Gaia consciousness, and one more practice system is definitely a major benefit for it, and Zhang Kuai, who is the initiator, will inevitably be blessed by the luck of Marvel Earth's Gaia consciousness, and even for a moment The number of superheroes surpassing the Women's Federation did not surprise Liu Hao at all.

Because in comparison, the Women's Federation is nothing more than a hero for a while, and it is simply a lot of pawns selected by Marvel Earth, but what about Zhang Kuai? It is the initiative to help the evolution of Gaia's consciousness on the Marvel Earth, which is completely different. The mountain monster is so sturdy;

And with Zhang Kuai opening this gap, Longguo has a unique practice system, a practice system that does not require the use of aura, which is enough to change the civilization structure of Marvel Earth once again, which was originally dominated by Western civilization. Will the earth change completely? This is very difficult to say, and at the worst, it will definitely be able to fight against all courts.

You know, the programming language of the former computer has been dominated by the Dragon Kingdom language. Even if the Bald Eagle is still holding on, I have to admit that my own language is outdated, and I know that even if I fight again, I will inevitably end up eliminated;

Once Baijia's practice system is opened, can the bald eagle at this time still be stubborn?

Didn't Liu Hao know that the magic of the magic world is more easily accepted and passed down in the Marvel world?

Obviously, it is very clear that the Marvel Universe has many magical foundations, even if they are different, but the essence is still close, but because of this, it makes him more cautious, and he may even abandon this benefit and do not want to use it. spread the word.

Previously, the way of talisman and seal that was spread to the Dragon Kingdom by chance has now taken root in the Dragon Kingdom. Established for a century-old foundation, Liu Haogao took a closer look at the fact that he was not in a hurry but treasured it.

The gathering of the first batch of associate members of the Women's Federation in the Stark Industrial Building did not attract Liu Hao for long, and if it wasn't for Bruce Banner, he wouldn't even take a second look;

On the contrary, he is very interested in Loki. How such a cunning god can play with the whole earth by himself is what he wants to see. Moreover, the scepter in the opponent's hand is what Liu Hao really covets. The only pity is that I don't know when to digest the inheritance of the space gem, otherwise I can just pick it up now.

Just like in the plot, Loki, who had arranged everything, appeared on the other side of the Atlantic, and gave the newly established Women's Federation a plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain. His appearance also made the already nervous people have no time to think about it. want to capture the opponent;

The fact was as they expected, after some fighting, Loki was captured, but they didn't realize that Barton was leading a group of researchers under Loki's control into the Stark Building. On the way back with the spaceship.

When the 'Space Gem' was linked to the energy activation of the Stark Building, Loki, who was locked in the space carrier, was relieved, and then he began to provoke the relationship between the Women's Federation team. Blessing, even Bruce Banner, who has stepped into Buddhism, has to be recruited;

Almost instantly, he understood that the cage where Loki was held was prepared for him, Hulk, no matter the size or size, it was so suitable. Now, Hulk, who had been suppressed by Bruce Banner for a long time, could no longer restrain himself , as soon as it appeared, it also meant that there was a war within the Women's Federation, allowing Rocky to go away calmly.

The combination of the inside and the outside has always been the kingly way. The Hulk's destruction inside attracted the attention of a group of people. Barton rushed outside and directly destroyed the No. 3 engine of the space carrier with an arrow. Even if he knew Loki had a problem at this time, No one was able to pull out their hands to fight, and could only watch Barton flee with Loki;

Fortunately, when Loki fled, he took away the scepter of the soul stone, otherwise it would be a big problem when Bruce Banner would wake up. Did you know that you fell into Loki's scheme?

The space carrier had to be rescued, and chasing Loki was the most important thing. Tony Stark, who had a battle armor, had to become the vanguard. With a clear mind, they soon understood where Loki would choose. How could Tony Stark be in the mood to help repair the space carrier? Being able to give a farewell is already for the sake of our companions;

In the team, apart from Tony Stark, only Bruce Banner was able to repair the space carrier. Even if the others stayed, it would be useless. They also hurriedly followed Tony Stark and left. Nick Fury looked confused, but had to let the still green Bruce Banner take the shot.

Not to mention how nervous repairs were left behind, Tony Stark returned to New York City, and saw Loki and the others standing leisurely on the top floor at a glance. He broke the glass and stood in front of Loki without hesitation. It was Loki's spiritual scepter that ushered in a light tap on the chest, and then a 'ding' sound flashed the embarrassment of the two of them.

Liu Hao, who was hiding aside, knew this well. It wasn't the blockage of any reactor at all, but the guardian of Marvel Earth's Gaia consciousness. He didn't become the protagonist who snapped his fingers in the future, and got an extra layer of Marvel Earth Gaia consciousness. Blessing is simply a common thing, and there is no need to make a fuss.

Rocky didn't understand this, but he also knew that it couldn't be the barrier of the reactor, while Tony Stark was completely ignorant and didn't know what the hell Rocky was doing. Going on, without giving Loki a second chance, he fell from the building and changed the battle suit at the bottom of the box.

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