Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and ninety-three. Ancient 1 for help

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993、Ancient One Calls for Help

At this time, maybe you want to say why the bald eagle hasn't launched a nuclear bomb to wash the ground?

There is indeed such a possibility, but there is one thing that is definitely different from the plot;

It is also this difference that makes the bald eagle dare not easily launch a nuclear bomb. That is, in the sky, the height of the wormhole exceeds 30,000 meters. At such a height, the choice of the explosion point of the nuclear bomb becomes very important. In the hands of the Kiritas, the bald eagle was not at all sure that the nuclear bomb would take effect.

And once it is detonated on the periphery, the loss will only be paid by the bald eagle itself. If it is unlucky and it is detonated by the Kirita people on the side of the bald eagle army, it will really be over, and the entire bald eagle will fall;

What's more, Liu Haoke still sits in the clinic. Who knows if you launch a nuclear bomb, people will think that you have thoughts about him, and just pinch it away, and in exchange for Liu Hao's greatest hostility.

The current bald eagle can't afford to gamble at all, and doesn't dare to gamble. The nuclear bomb on the launch pad still needs to be prepared, at least it can only be launched when the Cheryta people fall into an absolute disadvantage, so as to ensure that they will not be attacked by Chery in the middle. The tower man detonated it.

As a country that can only survive within its own planet, the Bald Eagle doesn't need to think too much to understand that the Kiritas must also have super killer weapons like nuclear bombs in their hands;

The other party hasn't used it yet, maybe it is to completely occupy the earth, or it may be something else, but it must not be used by the other party to let the other party use such a killer without any scruples.

According to Bald Eagle's calculations, the best time to launch is when the wormhole in the sky is about to be closed. Whether it can be done or not depends on the opportunity.

In the clinic, the diversion of the ancient one has not stopped. From time to time, the Kirita army disappears without warning, and when it reappears, it is either in the dragon country or the polar bear, and occasionally it will appear in the territory of old Europe.

Although Old Europe had the least distribution, in comparison, their losses were the biggest. Who made them have almost no troops in their own country? Counting on the bald eagle's garrison here, it will be fine when the bald eagle territory is calm;

In today's scene, where are these bald eagle garrisons in the mood to help old Europe? Those fighter planes and the like had already rushed towards their own country at the time of the incident;

The global call for firepower is already the highest order of the Bald Eagle Black Palace. What does the life and death of old Europe have to do with them?

If it weren't for Britain and France, they still have some knowledge,

It is impossible to say that the Qiruita people can make the whole of old Europe fall, which also allowed them to establish the concept of "A Dou who cannot be supported" in Gu Yi's heart, and Gu Yi directly entered the second echelon and became a It is at the same level as the small book.

The small book in the far north of East Asia is also in a very complicated mood. How can it be possible not to pay attention to such a big event as the bald eagle alien invasion in New York City? 'Dad' was KO'd by aliens, but in his heart, there is still a little thought;

That is, it is best for this white dew to lose both sides with the aliens and win the invasion of aliens, but it will definitely lose a lot of money.

This expectation, with the passage of time, is moving more and more towards what they want in their hearts. The fleet and air force originally stationed in Xiaobenzi have begun to dispatch and march towards North America frantically. The important result was born, but it also made their sense of security fall to the bottom. If the aliens defeated the bald eagle, their country would really be defenseless.

Only by watching it on the spot can you understand how much the so-called superhero contribution can be. This is not hundreds of thousands of opponents, or even tens of thousands of Kiritas invading. The SHIELD superheroes headed by Thor Most of them can be won. Although it is impossible to achieve the goal of a quick battle, the loss of the Bald Eagle military is nothing more than some fighter jets.

now what? That's not the case at all. Thor and others bloomed in the center, luring some of the most elite enemies in the Kirita army, and withstood these attacks, but it was limited to this, and wanted to go further, both Impossible, and the continuous stream of Kiritas will not do what they want.

The influx of hundreds of thousands of Kirita troops, blooming in all directions, almost completely destroyed the entire New York City, with ruins everywhere. This is already a huge battlefield, a huge meat grinder, and the combat effectiveness of a single unit has not reached the ancient one. Level, not much use at all.

In Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil Murdoch is now covered in scars, which is the biggest proof. Frank the Punisher is not much better. Big Daddy and Super Killer can only support it. I don't know how many people died, and there is no need to worry about the Hexagon anymore, but it also plunged New York City into a bigger battle.

The bald eagle has frantically dispatched troops from various states, and the so-called national guards have come. I don’t know how many, but their combat effectiveness is not much higher. It may be okay to bully weak countries on the earth, but facing Kirita People's higher-tech crushing often doesn't take long to cause heavy losses, and even local morale plummets and they want to surrender to the Kiritas.

But the Kiritas are not good people. They don’t know how to kill and kill in the universe. They will not accept surrender at this time. The fate of these people can be imagined. Even if they die, they don’t understand why their opponents don’t say so Wude.

Liu Hao in the clinic carved a data talisman in the air, and split it into hundreds, and shot it all over the battlefield with a wave of his hand, looking for those who Liu Hao had observed for a long time. These people all have one thing in common, That is, luck is generally high, and many of them have been seriously injured, but at least they survived. If they find a quiet place, most of them can survive because of luck;

Of course, some may do this, such as Big Daddy and Super Killer, who have a family and a family, and it is enough to fight now. The bald eagle army has also entered the battlefield wave after wave, and they can retire with success;

But some have different thoughts, such as Daredevil Murdoch, under the heart of the Virgin, would rather die than think of one more guard, such as Frank the Punisher, who is also retired from the Bald Eagle Special Forces. At this moment, The belief in the heart is often at the peak, and it is impossible to retreat casually.

Without these people, the future Marvel world may not be a big problem, but the level of excitement will definitely drop a lot, and if they come forward to treat their injuries at this time, they can intercept more luck, killing two birds with one stone, Liu Hao will not let go;

This action of his made Gu Yi sigh in admiration, thinking a lot, and finally thought that the reason for Liu Hao's action was that Liu Hao admired these self-rescuers.

The spot of light transformed from the talisman clearly found these people, submerged in it, and instantly healed, even the exhausted spirit seemed to be infused into Wang Quan, as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep and could still fight for 300 rounds.

Some of these people can guess that Liu Hao made a move. For example, Tony Stark fought for several hours. Tony Stark has gone through the limit several times. He dare not stop because he knows very well that once If you stop walking, you may fall into a deep sleep in an instant. Gritting your teeth and sustaining until now, it has been the breakthrough of willpower again and again, but it has also reached the peak. If it continues like this, it is likely to hurt the source;

This kind of situation is like a crazy stimulating line splitting again and again, fighting with one's own lifespan. After this battle, even if one does not die, one will soon start to grow old, the kind of ten or twenty years;

Liu Hao's healing talisman came at just the right time. He replenished his physical strength and energy at once, and his combat power soared again. For a moment, he almost broke into the Stark Industrial Building, which shocked Loki.

In Manhattan, the statue of the Goddess of the Green Leather Firebox has collapsed, and now it is shattered into unknown pieces. The Kirita people don't care about this, it has affected here from the beginning, and now this area has become another main battlefield. Or the fleet of bald eagles coming from the sea;

At this time, the bald eagle is also much smarter, knowing that fighter jets can't face the Kirita people head-on, so it's used to attract monsters and contain them;

Not to mention, the effect of attracting monsters at the beginning is definitely leveraged. A large group of Chirita flying objects were introduced into the vicinity of the ocean, and they were almost wiped out under the ambushes of various warship guns and missiles in the fleet;

But after the Kiritas discovered it, it would be difficult to follow up. As a race that can navigate the universe, how could it lag behind in terms of radar?

Under the frenzied attack of the Chiritas from the Sixth Fleet who arrived first, the Bald Eagle could only hold on for two hours. Afterwards, except for a few warships staying in the open sea, all the others were sunk into the sea. The Bald Eagle Heigong's liver hurts.

The flamboyant force of the sea does not seem to be of much use against the Kiritas.

Liu Hao is also a little surprised when the matter develops to the present, and he can't help complaining about the parallel imports of movies in his previous life. They invaded the earth by an interstellar race, and they were taken care of by a few people from the Women's Federation. Thinking about it now, only children would take it for granted. Bar.

To put it bluntly, these one million Kiritas lined up to behead Thor and others, and there is no hope of making any progress in ten days and a half months.

From the mouth of 'Yi', Liu Hao already knew that the major arms dealers of the Bald Eagle have entered the wartime production mode. The Bald Eagle is like this, and so is the Dragon Kingdom and the Polar Bear. Who dares to slack off at all? At this time, how many family assets must be pulled out.

It’s only a few hours, and the bald eagle’s investment will never be less than tens of trillions of dollars. It can be said that the gdp of two or three years has been completely consumed in these few hours;

These are understandable and must be done, but the most troublesome thing for the bald eagle is that the states are in chaos, zero-dollar purchase incidents are emerging one after another, and it is irresistible. Useful, all kinds of basements are being dug crazily at home, it seems that there is no sense of security if it is not like this;

But things happened so fast that the Black Palace didn't have time to take care of them. When they saw it, things were out of control, and they couldn't even dispatch any troops. In terms of priorities, they could only deal with the Kirita people first.

It is conceivable that even if the Bald Eagle wins against the Chiritas, the market will be destroyed in all likelihood, and it is impossible to even think about recovering in a short period of time.

Even such a super loss, the bald eagle dare not announce it afterwards. Whether it is the number of military casualties or market destruction, they can only grit their teeth and swallow it. Not only that, but they must also divert the public's attention. It became the biggest target, and setting a model became a matter of course.

It's no wonder that the "Women's Federation" has become the object of admiration. In order to set a model, the officials exaggerated their achievements and contributions. When the public saw it, oh, it's really lucky. Fortunately, there are such powerful superheroes who are dying We, otherwise we are really doomed, we must stand up!

Up to now, Gu Yi seemed to have realized that he had played too big this time, so if he didn't interfere, there were too many Chirita people, even if 20% of them were diverted, it still made the bald eagle a little overwhelmed.

"My lord, is there a way to reduce the fighting power of the Kiritas?"

Gu Yi called for help. Today's invasion must be ended today. If it is delayed until tomorrow, the loss will only be greater. Moreover, the most important thing is that other voices will appear inside the earth, such as the surrender faction. It may cause more people to follow blindly, and then it will be really troublesome.

"Alright, it's time to end!"

There are really too many casualties. The bald eagle army has entered New York so far more than one million, and the cumulative number of people present is almost two million. The number of casualties has soared to nearly 800,000, plus the casualties of New York City citizens The number is nearly 1.5 million. If it continues, it is very likely that all the bald eagles present will be defeated, and there is no guarantee that they will win;

Gu Yi's call for help just happened to make Liu Hao go down a step, and it was time for the earth to fight back.

It's still a talisman, but this time it used the full power of this incarnation, the 'weakness talisman', it seems to be the same, but when used in the battlefield, the effect is definitely far beyond imagination, once it is contaminated, it seems to be infected Forced to work seven times a night, his hands and feet are weak, his energy is low, his thinking is scattered, and he falls asleep repeatedly.

As soon as this method was used, various situations frequently appeared for the Kirita people, and their guns were inaccurate. It was okay to rely on intelligent driving for each other. Frequently, inexplicably, they are directly loaded into the muzzle of other people's guns.

Loki also saw the problem with this sudden change, but facing Liu Hao's methods, he had no solution. He thought of Odin and the ancient one, the guardian of the earth he had mentioned, and smiled wryly in his heart. In the end, the other party still made a move, is it the limit to be able to tolerate my nonsense now?

Could it be that the other party went to find his father Odin during this time?

Could it be that his father woke up from his deep sleep?

Loki felt a little flustered. He was very confident, but it depended on who he was dealing with. He could be very confident when facing his tough old brother Thor, but he was not at all sure when facing the old fox Odin. Knowing that Odin is about to die, but as long as the other party has breath, everything he has can only be a play.

He began to think about his way out, and when he rolled his eyes, he understood what to do. The way of life still had to be on his brother Tiehanhan. Even if he was jealous of Thor, he also knew the brotherhood between the two. Feelings cannot be faked.

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