Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and ninety-four. The impact of the war is beyond imagination

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994、The impact of the war is beyond imagination

As soon as the "Weakness Talisman" came out, the bald eagle's army immediately sensed that the Kirita people seemed to have reached a certain limit, and began to fight back vigorously, and the effect was also increased several times. Once this situation spread to Hexagon The building elicited a burst of cheers, without saying anything, it must be stud time, and the follow-up teams put in as much as they can.

They also discovered the problem in the western part of the Dragon Kingdom and the Siberia region of the Polar Bear. Many fighters who had been ignoring it didn't hesitate anymore, and they threw themselves into it with all their brains, and forced a wave of climax.

On the other hand, the old Europeans finally had a chance to catch their breath, and the number of follow-up Gu Yi shunts decreased sharply, which made them start to come and go.

The brightest ones are Thor, Tony Stark, and others. The weakening of the Kirita people immediately allowed the women's federation team to turn the tide of the battle and gain the upper hand;

At this time, I saw the scene after watching the movie of the previous life. It seems that these Kirita people have become weak in their hands. building opportunities.


Thor rode the lightning, descended to the top floor of the Stark Building, shouted at Loki, raised the hammer high, but didn't intend to drop it, with an expression on his face that you disappointed me, which made Loki Ji couldn't stop complaining, feeling that this stubborn big brother really couldn't be saved.

"My stupid big brother! You seem to have improved a lot!"

Loki's compliment almost made Thor fail, and he was so happy that he raised his head unconsciously, thinking that his brother who refused to admit defeat had finally bowed his head;

He didn't know that he fell into Loki's trap in an instant, and the lightning on the hammer in his hand also restrained a bit, but before he could answer, Loki disappeared from him, and only then did he realize that he was careless.

He wouldn't admit that he was almost fooled by Loki again, just as a drunk never admits that he is drunk, and a well-developed limb never thinks he is simple-minded.

Loki ran away, but Barton, who was affected by him, became Thor's vent point. Facing Thor, Barton was still too tender, and was knocked out on the spot after two rounds. He just knew that Barton was one of his own, otherwise he would have died long ago;

Similarly, none of the scientists on the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building escaped,

All of them fell into a coma, and when they woke up again, they could be regarded as having escaped the control of Loki's mind. Thor hit the right way, saving a lot of trouble;

He didn't wait here, and how to close the wormhole was not something he was good at. Seeing Tony Stark's armor landed, he couldn't wait for Case to look for Loki without even saying hello;

Thor didn't want his uneasy younger brother to be killed by the earthlings in a daze. For example, it is very possible for the real family to become violent in the green underpants.

Poor Loki, with his back like this, not long before he left Thor, he was caught by Hulk, and he was caught in green pants like a rag and slapped the floor frantically. Even if he didn't die after a few blows, his bones would still be shattered.

At the end of the day, Hulk scorned 'what a weak god', which almost made Loki's liver explode.

The counterattack is also impossible to achieve overnight, and it also takes a long time, but as it gets to the end, more monsters and monsters will appear on the stage;

Mrs. Gao, who is hidden in the underground of New York City, has now received orders from all over the world, all asking for the purchase of alien corpses and equipment. The ones that are extremely high and do not bargain at all, the biggest one is the small book.

The little book is really anxious. They already know that the aliens not only attacked the Bald Eagle's New York City, but also opened up small battlefields in the west of the Dragon Kingdom, the Polar Bear Siberia area, and the hinterland of old Europe. This means that each of these countries can obtain relatively complete alien technology, but what about themselves?

Safety is safe, but there is no benefit at all. Once other big countries digest these technologies, what else can the earth have in their small books?

Now, they feel that there is a big problem with the vision of these aliens. Why is my dignified little book ranked second in gdp on the earth (Dragon Kingdom has not surpassed Xiaoben at this point in time)? How can we ignore it? Don't you know that I have a lot of stupid people here?

Is it because of the appearance of our small book "Yaki no Orochi" god? Did it cause the aliens to perceive the danger?

It must be so, there is no other possibility!

Xiaobenzi felt good about himself, and quickly gave his own explanation, but this is not enough, the alien's technology is still available;

Not to mention, spend money to buy it, no matter from the regular road or from the black market, you have to make great efforts to do it. This is definitely not the time to be stingy. You must spend what you need to spend, especially the black market channels. Pass.

Xiaobenzi has sent notes to almost all the dark forces, and will give you whatever money you want, as long as the goods are in place;

Mrs. Gao was one of them, and she was also one of the ones who spent the most on the small book. In order to motivate Mrs. Gao, she even took the lead in giving a lot of deposits, which amounted to hundreds of millions. It would take half a year to sell washing powder?

What's more, New York City has become like this, and the market will not be able to recover in a short time! Washing powder cannot be sold, and people have to support what they should support. With such a large profit in front, it is absolutely impossible to sleep without fighting.

What's more, even if she was caught, it wasn't her who died, so what's there to be afraid of? If you want to do it, do it big;

Mrs. Gao even took over all the missions from various countries that she could receive, and there were quite a few who had the same attention as him, such as Jin Bin, the King of Hell's Kitchen, and so on. There were alien corpses and equipment everywhere. When will you wait if you don't take it?

That is to say, under such circumstances, how many corpses and equipment of the Kirita people disappeared for no reason on the ground in New York City. The participation of these gangster forces has also driven many survivors in New York City. This is all gold. Even if you don’t sell it, it’s still a good weapon. You can hide it at home. Next time the aliens invade, at least you have something to use, right?

The Bald Eagle army in New York City was busy fighting back, so they had no time to take care of this. By the time they found out, it was already too late, and even a lot of ships had already gone out to sea. It was impossible to know where they were transported, and the outflow was inevitable. .

After this news was reported to the Hexagonal Building and the Black Palace, both places were jumping. The loss of life and death almost wiped out the gains of several years. How could the benefits be enjoyed by others? must kill them;

But the idea is very good, but it is not easy to do it. The army has suffered huge losses. Even if they want to intercept it, they can’t find anyone to do it. The security team must suppress the chaos in the states. The zero-yuan purchase cannot continue like this;

The two major violent agencies can't take action, and other intelligence organizations and the like look awesome, but how many people can they have? There is no guarantee that they will be wiped out. In other words, the exodus of these alien corpses and equipment has become a foregone conclusion.

Fortunately, they also knew the situation of Dragon Country, Polar Bear and Old Europe at this time, and their psychological unhappiness was relieved a lot. Since the biggest opponents already have these things, let's go out.

How did they know that today's slack will lead to regret in the future; it almost made them lose their status as the world's police!

Of course, this is something for later, so I won’t mention it for now.

Right now, the corpses and equipment of these Kirita people have been shipped out in large quantities during the time that the bald eagle has no time to take care of. During this period, although they were blocked a lot, most of them still entered the international black market. It is the kind that can be purchased in any country, and you can get more or less income;

Xiaobenziguo bought a lot, Mrs. Gao took the opportunity to make a fortune, and now he can be comfortable even if he doesn't sell washing powder for a few years.

But these dark forces that are sold are also very ghostly. When sold to a country, there is no complete set at all, and some parts are often deliberately missing, or the complete set is simply disassembled and sold to a different country;

This makes the small book seem to have bought a lot, but actually wants to study, and the progress is far behind the other big countries. How can this make them reconciled?

But if you want to buy a complete set, you have to start with several big countries. The first person that Xiaoben asked was the bald eagle, but the bald eagle is now in a fit of anger, so who would like to take care of Xiaoben? He yelled at him and hung up the phone. When Xiaoben saw the bald eagle's reaction, he thought the chance was slim, so he quickly thought of other ways;

There are so many countries in old Europe that have to be divided, and I have to hold them back. There is no way, only the polar bear and the dragon country. Of course, the price is definitely high, and the time is very tight. Once the bald eagle is relieved There will be no more opportunities.

Thus, the secret transaction was born in this way, each takes what he needs, it cannot be said who earns more, and it cannot be said who loses more.

When the bald eagle finds out in the future, it's too late, and the hard-working control has become a complete joke, and it can't do anything to the other party, and the last anger can only be vented on Xiaobenzi.

As everyone knows, Xiaobenzi, whose mentality has changed, is no longer the one who is obsequious to the bald eagle's father, his eyes are already red in private, if he still wants to endure for a while, he has already bitten him.

This battle almost hurt the bald eagle, and the decline of national strength is inevitable. Maybe it can catch up in the future because of its own background, but in the next few years, the bald eagle's control over Marvel Earth will not be as good as before. ;

Xiaobenzi is definitely not the first, nor the last, nor the biggest;

The biggest one is the old Europe. After this great war, the old Europe woke up completely, and clearly saw the weakness of its own military power. Relying on the protection of the bald eagle is simply a phantom. The testimony of the dragon's 'self-reliance' began to skyrocket in old Europe and became completely mainstream;

For the bald eagle, this is not only a loss of military expenditure, but also the elimination of deterrence;

The former made it impossible for the bald eagle to support so many troops in the future, and the latter made the current relationship between the bald eagle and old Europe a thing of the past.

As the biggest military opponent of the bald eagle, Polar Bear's Boss saw the changes in old Europe, and directly released the greatest goodwill. As soon as he said this, the garrison on the border between Polar Bear and Old Europe was directly reduced by 30%.

Politicians in old Europe saw Mr. Pu's actions, and they didn't know why they wanted everyone to sit down and have a talk? Mo Boss of Hansted seems to casually say that the natural gas of the polar bear is very good, and it can ensure that the people of Hansted live a warm winter life when it is connected.

The two sides come and go, expressing goodwill to each other, without paying attention to the bald eagle, and the changes in international relations have also taken a completely different path from this moment, which is also in line with Liu Hao and Gu Yi's previous speculation.

Everything is not going well, and the mentality of Bald Eagle at this time is the most accurate description;

The invasion of aliens was won, and those who lost a lot would feel pain, but there was no way to sweep the countries with the power of victory. Who would let them not be the only countries that resisted aliens? Didn't you see that the west of the Dragon Kingdom has been smashed for hundreds of miles? Didn't see the polar bear Siberia was almost destroyed? Didn't you see a lot of collapsed buildings in several cities in the hinterland of old Europe?

Everyone is resisting, why do you take the most credit for the bald eagle? Propaganda, tending to yourself is always right, with regard to the state of bald eagle New York City;

All countries have tacitly said that the bald eagle is not lucky. When the aliens invaded, they happened to appear in the sky above the largest city of the bald eagle. We did not have it, so everyone’s credit is actually the same, and they all paid a lot for the earth;

Although we have expressed sympathy for the loss of your bald eagles, we can only watch from the sidelines with regret. We have also lost a lot, so we can't help you!

The voice of tacit understanding from various countries, under the blessing of 'Yi', spread throughout the entire Marvel Earth. People in other countries saw it, and it seemed reasonable. The bald eagle was purely bad luck, and the aliens appeared in the sky above New York City. It is not controlled by other countries, and only you bald eagles think it is unlucky.

A hegemonic country must control its hegemony in all aspects. Once there is a gap, it is often the beginning of a fatal situation. The hegemony of online news changes hands, which is highlighted at once;

No matter how the bald eagles yell on the TV media, no one pays any attention to them. They only think that they are winning the sympathy of people all over the world, and they don't think it is a fact at all.

There is no way to describe it with the phrase "incompetent dog barking".

This is still under Liu Hao's deliberate control, otherwise he will let 'Yi' spread the news that the US dollar will be devalued on the Internet, and the last glimmer of glory of the bald eagle currency will be lost.

That is to say, considering that the bald eagle has lost too much this time, and for the sake of the coming cosmic era, it is difficult for the bald eagle to completely decline, Liu Haocai melted this news into many information, which made the dollar of the bald eagle drop. But at any rate the situation has stabilized.

The war ended, Gu Yi left, and New York City entered the era of the Women's Federation. In order to eliminate the greater influence, the bald eagle raised these people high, and Thor was ranked in the middle. Here, the bald eagle Black Palace The intentional or unintentional flattery was done just right. For this reason, even their biggest symbol, the 'captain', chose to stand aside. After all, they lost a lot of confidence.

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