Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and ninety five. Tony can't wait

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995、Tony's Can't Wait

New York is being rebuilt. Although it has been destroyed in sevens and eighties, New York City is irreplaceable in terms of geographical location and environmental advantages. The benefits of reconstruction are more in line with the interests of a larger consortium. On the second day, the vote of the Bald Eagle Congress was passed, and the reconstruction work officially started on the second day.

Liu Hao didn't expect that Lafasheng could get a share of the reconstruction;

But after careful consideration, I feel that this should be the case. The entire New York City, with only Lafayette intact, seems to be no longer in the same dimension;

Even the silliest member of parliament knows that there are people they can't afford to mess with here. When dividing up the spoils, they naturally dare not ignore Lafasheng, and the choice of the leader is also not beyond Liu Hao's expectations. Liao Zhong It is also.

It is said that the surviving mayor of New York City has privately searched for Liao Zhong, promised the status of a state legislator, and even gave the construction rights of two streets;

In the future, these two streets will still be divided into the management of the Lafasheng area, which can be regarded as a way to continue to expand the Lafasheng area. The two streets under construction, and who will own the properties in the end, even if Liu Hao closes his eyes. Guess seven seven eight eight.

In this battle, the major martial arts clubs in Lafasheng also showed their authority. Needless to say, how effective is the actual combat effect of the Dragon Kingdom martial arts? The rapid increase in the number of people, the further expansion of the influence of Longguo Guoshu has become a foregone conclusion, and it will be irreplaceable for a long time in the future.

Liu Hao didn't care much about these things. He only showed a smile when he saw the news of the Dragon Kingdom's opening of the martial arts license. Needless to say, the promotion of the Dragon Kingdom among the troops has seen results. Knowing that the arrival of the cosmic era is a foregone conclusion, we began to prepare for the future.

In terms of planning, whether it is Marvel or other worlds, as long as there is Earth, there has never been one that can match Dragon Kingdom. This is a plan that lasts for decades, and then it will be steadily promoted every five years. Only the Dragon Kingdom can see such a far-reaching country, and it will not cause disordered steps due to the change of office.

In such a country, every seemingly minor policy has a unique layout;

The opening of the martial arts license is one of them. It seems random. When you really need it in the future, you will find that the country has prepared so much for it.

Things like rebuilding a city have little to do with superheroes, except for RICH's Tony Stark,

Others are laymen at all, the kind who don't even get any income, which means that after the war, they can take a long vacation.

But this war has also made these people see a completely different side, and it is clearer how terrifying the enemy they will face in the future is.

In the face of such an enemy, if there is no sense of urgency in the heart, it is always those who take one step at a time and see one step at a time. The members of the Women's Federation are no longer here. Knowing their own weakness, the first thought is how to become stronger.

Bruce Banner left, and came to the Liu Hao clinic to say goodbye again. Before leaving, he brought Liu Hao a talisman to prevent the Hulk in his body from bursting out when he placed orders in the major temples of the Dragon Kingdom. He didn't want to Out of control, Liu Hao doesn't want him to get out of control and cause large-scale damage in Longguo;

In Liu Hao's heart, every Longguo person is extremely precious and cannot be lost inexplicably.

He also very much wants to see the Hulk become a monk in the future, or the next time he sees the Hulk in green pants, he should wear cassocks. Do you want to help him make a set of monk robes that can be large or small? Or maybe you can build a magic pestle for this guy?

Liu Hao kept this in mind, and it wasn't really for fun, but the monk's robe and the subduing magic pestle represented the face of Buddhism. Since Bruce Banner had already made the decision to escape into Buddhism, the face of the card also needed to be done well, right?

Such a good promotional board is much more useful than any advertisement, and it cannot be wasted casually.

Think about it, when Thanos arrived, Bruce Banner stood up with a compassionate face, and sang a Buddhist name to Thanos: "Amitabha, Thanos benefactor! Turn back and be on the shore!";

Will Thanos be ignorant? Or you may ask a question: "Then monk, what Sajia is doing is a major event of family planning in the universe. For the sake of the universe to last longer, who will go to hell if I don't go to hell? As an eminent monk, how can you stop me?"

Then Bruce Banner replied: "It's too much evil for the benefactor to do so. Why don't you join the poor monk and lead them into Buddhism, so that they won't be able to have children? Wouldn't it be nice?"

Liu Hao couldn't help laughing when he thought about it. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Bruce Banner had to be packaged. He didn't lack these materials in his hands. He only needed to refine two Houtian Lingbao, and he didn't need to be strong. , It’s so worth it, just wait until the next time Bruce Banner comes, and he can also give him a gift as a gift, counting him as a congratulation for stepping into Buddhism.

Bruce Banner was the first to arrive and leave, but Liu Hao was a little surprised by the one who came after him;

"Tony, are you still free to come to my place?"

"I don't seem to be busy?"

Tony Stark himself is indeed not busy. Compared with before the war, he is not in a hurry to upgrade his battle armor. Stark Industrial Group has a little pepper busy. Even if he gets a share of the reconstruction, it will at most let him He just came out to say hello, that's why he had this doubt.

After Liu Hao thought about it a little bit, he understood. This guy is also a lucky one. For most of his life, a playboy can marry such a wife who is capable of writing and martial arts. No one is so lucky.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?"

"Sir, 'Yi' is the artificial intelligence you wrote, right?"

As Tony Stark, who also has artificial intelligence in hand, analyzed this point, it did not exceed Liu Hao's expectations. Even if the gap between Jarvis and 'Yi' is still very large, in Marvel Earth, it is also the same. One of the most understandable 'easy' runs.

"Are you upgrading again relative to Jarvis?"

"I want to reprogram a new artificial intelligence!"

Liu Hao laughed, this deadly guy, just after the Kirita invasion of the earth has just ended, you can't wait to ask for Women's Federation 2? Now that I have the concept of Ultron in my mind, I can understand it, but it’s interesting to ask me for advice. Once I teach myself, Ultron’s strength will rise to a higher level in the future, so the sin must not fall on me? He is not willing to participate in things that are harmful to him.

"'Easy' is a product compiled in Chinese. If you want to understand it, you must be proficient in the development of the entire civilization of the Dragon Kingdom, such as Yin and Yang, Sixiang, Bagua, etc. Even if I teach you, you will not be able to understand it in a short while;

Instead of referring to the core structure of 'Yi', you might as well find a way to create your own programming language. The key is to bridge the gap between the three-dimensional Chinese language and the two-dimensional English language! "

These words, Liu Hao said will not cause any changes in Ultron. Judging from the plot of the previous life, Jarvis in the later period has indeed begun to get rid of the two-dimensional system. Not too much, this in itself is the credit of Tony Stark, whose IQ is beyond the charts. Even if Liu Hao doesn't say it today, he can still achieve it. It's better to sell one.

After listening to Liu Hao's words, Tony Stark also strengthened his mind. In other words, he came here just to get a certainty, and he didn't really want the core structure model of "Yi", as a self-confident There is still some pride in the arrogant Tony Stark psychology.

"The recent development of artificial intelligence is very fast. I believe you have also discovered that other institutions have corresponding weak artificial intelligence, right?"

"Jarvis has already told me that powerful bald eagle organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Hexagon have their own intelligent programs, but they can only be regarded as the products of big data. It takes a lot to enter the real artificial intelligence. time;

On the contrary, Longguo is developing faster with the Chinese language programming model you released, and it won't be long before there should be an artificial intelligence comparable to Jarvis! "

Tony Stark said so, but he admired Liu Hao in his heart. With the intelligence level of 'Yi', it is just a matter of hand to block the intelligent development of Marvel Earth;

However, Liu Hao did not do this at all, as if he was more happy to follow the emergence of many artificial intelligences, and even released a more advanced programming language for this. If he were Tony Stark, he would never be able to do it. It's too late.

In fact, if Liu Hao hadn’t come, Tony Stark would have done the same. He allowed others to develop big data pseudo-artificial intelligence, but he also had a bottom line, that is, once the pseudo-artificial intelligence of others had the possibility of upgrading, he would never Hesitantly suppressing, even devouring, firmly monopolized his position in artificial intelligence, ensuring his Stark family's influence in Marvel Earth.

And with the unique 'artificial intelligence' in his hand, he can be so confident against anyone, even the entire Bald Eagle Kingdom.

But this time, Tony Stark's idea is destined to be impossible to realize. He knows that "Yi" is a peak, and he has realized the power of the 3D context as a programming language, because he has tried to let Jarvis devour Long Guoxin When the prototype of artificial intelligence appeared, it failed shamefully;

This kind of feeling is like a dwarf no matter how smart he is, it is difficult to hit a grown man. If you punch him with all your strength, he will only think you are tickling him, and he will greet you with a big laugh and grab you. Chat happily while strengthening people's intelligence experience bar.

It was also because of the failure of this matter that Tony Stark couldn't wait to invest in research in this area as soon as the war ended, and listed it as the first important event. In order to ensure his leadership in this area, he hurriedly ran Come for advice.

"With your intelligence, you should have discovered the flaws in English. In the context of English, there are only 'yes' and 'no'. This is like the coordinates of 'X' and 'Y' in mathematics. Even if If you completely control them, you can only get a flat structure, the difference is only in size;

Therefore, what you need is to create a 'Z' coordinate to transform the plane structure into a three-dimensional solid, that is, to add the factor of 'uncertainty';

In nature, extreme 'yes' and 'no' are quite rare, and 'uncertainty' represents 'possibility', which is also a data bias. Marking the answer with 'percentage' will make our judgment more accurate. There is basis. "

If these words were told to others, they might have to argue with Liu Hao, but Tony Stark could hear them clearly.

It's not that Jarvis can't use data percentages to give answers, but this answer is completely based on existing data as a reference. In other words, this aspect is not artificial intelligence at all, but a summary of other people's answers into a percentage;

It’s like asking a million people, 51% of them answered “yes”, more than 50%, but it doesn’t mean that the answer of these people is really correct, it’s very likely that 51% of people don’t know it at all The meaning of this question is to choose the answer at will.

And real artificial intelligence not only needs to refer to the answers of big data, but also needs to have its own analysis. The most essential point is to delete the data that answers indiscriminately. Even if it is a question, it must be given to real professionals. The answers of these professionals, plus their own analysis and so on to make judgments, give the percentage of the answer.

Such an answer may or may not be wrong, but this kind of mistake is absolutely rare, and even an error rate of one in billions can be ignored for a long time.

Even if Liu Hao didn’t say these hints today, after a while, Tony Stark’s IQ can figure it out very well, otherwise Ultron would not be able to appear, but I don’t know why it got out of control later;

In the final analysis, Tony Stark was too impatient to wait, always thinking about solving problems, completely ignoring the laws that everything should have, jumping too high, the greater the chance of losing control, the second assembly of the Women's Federation There were already signs of Tony Stark when he was born.

But no matter what, it’s a good thing. Ultron is nothing more than ‘Skynet’. After all, it’s still a lot worse. I don’t know what it means to be cautious. I thought I was awesome and invincible, but I was taught to be a man by reality. Here It may also inherit Tony Stark's arrogance, otherwise it may really develop into "Skynet" and directly create a large number of robots to overthrow the human world.

The destructive power created by Ao, who lacks the attribute of "dog", is just like that, raising an island-sized land into the sky, trying to destroy the earth;

It doesn't know that even if it is not terminated by the Women's Federation, Nick Fury also has the backhand Captain Marvel to handle it. Such a guy, as the second copy of the Women's Federation, is not bad, and it will make the members of the Women's Federation, and even the reserve members. We have a lot of growth and experience.

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