Dimensional Ship Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 1164: a slump

The black figure forced himself to calm down, then pushed the terrifying thought out of his head.

He has designed it for so long, and all the plans are very perfect, so it is impossible for the other party to still have those memories of the past. If this is the case, then there must be something else wrong.

Moreover, he is not without a chance to save now.

Although it was said that most of the containers had problems, he left a lot of backhand when he made these containers, for example, to take the power of these containers back into his body again. Although those containers were made by himself and based on his own model, he still did not trust those containers, so he left behind such a backhand.

Now it seems that his behavior of leaving behind is still very correct.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, directly activated the back hand, and took back all the contents originally stored in those containers.

Of course, due to the limitation of this special space and the reasons of the container itself, the speed of these powers recovering is very slow, but that doesn't matter, anyway, it is impossible for him to fail in a short time. And now, let's start with those containers that have just been destroyed, as much power as can be recovered.

You must know that even if the container is destroyed, the flow of energy requires a process. Although a few containers must have lost a lot of energy over a long period of time, but now he can't care about that much, and he can recover as much as he can.

At the moment when the black humanoid started, all his clones felt that something was wrong. Originally, they had a steady stream of energy in their bodies, but now they disappeared like a flood that opened the gate.

There are a few clones that haven't fought yet, but the clones that are fighting are instantly slaughtered. The original advantage quickly turned into a disadvantage, and the original disadvantage became even more disadvantaged or even killed directly.

The girls under Xinghai didn't understand what happened, but they understood that this was their chance, so they immediately exploded all the power they could use, hoping to finish the battle as quickly as possible.

Of course, some girls also have their own guesses about such changes.

Lafite said before that their targets are all clones under control, and once something goes wrong with the main body, it will affect these clones. Similarly, if there is a problem with the clone, the main body will also be impressed.

The biggest difference between the two cases is that a problem with a clone will only have a certain impact on the main body, but if the main body has a problem, all the clones will be affected. This gave them a feeling that their battles were not invisible. Although they were not in the same space, they were fighting the same battle with Xinghai.

This kind of thinking makes them more motivated.

Xiao Ren built a defense and was ready to fight everything, and finally something hit her shield. It's just that this thing didn't even splash a ripple on the shield.

And after waiting for a long time, Xiao Ren did not wait for any violent impact, but instead waited for Yoshino's voice.

"Xiao Ren, take back your defense, everything is over."

Yoshino's words made Xiaoren a little stunned. Isn't she about to be attacked, why would Yoshino say such a thing? And Yoshino's words also made her have some doubts, that is, it has been a long time, but she has not been attacked, this is a very abnormal thing.

Thinking like this, she stuck her head out, and saw Yoshino who was standing by and looked at her with a smile. Apart from that, she didn't see anything else?

"Little Four, this is..."

Seemingly seeing Xiao Ren's doubts, Yoshino replied

"Actually, I don't know what happened. I was going to come to help you just now, but before I arrived, the attack suddenly weakened rapidly, and then became extremely weak."

Hearing Yoshino's words, Xiao Ren also remembered. Before, she did feel that something hit her shield, but she ignored it because it was too small. What Itono said was true, then the thing she ignored was the attack that locked her on.

But that attack was so powerful, but why did it suddenly become like that?

And more importantly, she was clearly prepared for that, but in the end it was such a result, this violent change made her a little confused for a while.

Looking at Xiao Ren who was still struggling, Yoshino smiled and said.

"Well, since it's all over, shouldn't we be happy about it?"

"And do you remember, Sister Lafite said that the avatar will be affected by the main body, maybe what did my brother do?"

Yoshino's words made Xiao Ren's eyes light up, and then she quickly said

"Yes, it must be the brother who did something!"

Looking at Xiao Ren who was suddenly excited, Yoshino was stunned. What she said just now was just to comfort Xiao Ren, but now it seems that she has caused some misunderstandings to Xiao Ren. I just hope that there will be no trouble in the future.

At this time, Yoshino suddenly had one, and that is the current she and Xiao Ren, she is more like a sister. Obviously at the very beginning, Xiao Ren was the elder sister.

Well, but it doesn't matter, no matter who is the sister between them, they are the same, they are the best friends, this will not change.

Yoshino sighed for a while, then took the lead in coming back to his senses.

"Since the matter has been resolved, let's go back first, and we need to report to Sister Lafite."

Hearing Yoshino's words, Xiao Ren nodded quickly.

And after seeing Xiao Ren nod, Yoshino once again summoned his hull and walked in with Xiao Ren.

After both of them entered, a vortex-shaped space appeared in front of the hull of Yoshino, and then the hull of Yoshino slowly drove into the vortex.

in a special space.

If the black humanoid can see the face, then its face must be very ugly now.

Just the moment it decided to withdraw the power it had left in the container outside, several more containers fell. In a hurry, he only recovered a small part of the power, even more than he expected. Less, and this part of the power is not enough for him to have the ability to break the current situation, at most it can only allow him to maintain balance.

This is completely inconsistent with what it expected, but at this stage, there is nothing to make him picky, and it is not bad.

Now, as long as that guy's strength doesn't grow, he still has a chance.

And just when this idea appeared in his mind, this special space suddenly began to tremble.

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