Dimensional Ship Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 1165: unexpected visitor

The shaking of the space Xinghai and the black humanoid were discovered at the first time, but Xinghai didn't feel much about it, because he didn't know anything about it, and the black humanoid was different.

He has been here more than once, so he can be said to know the situation here very well.

This space does not exist in this world, or in other words, this is actually a special spiritual space, a spiritual space that only he and that guy can enter.

Of course, only he and that guy can come in is the conclusion he got, not the rules he set. Because he doesn't have that ability, he can summon this space freely, but he can't make any changes to this space.

If only this is not enough for him to use this space, because only in this space can he truly integrate those forces in his body.

Because every time he kills that guy in this place, he will get a ray of that guy's spiritual power, and it is only those spiritual powers that allow him to integrate the power in his body, otherwise those powers will always be there forever. Can't really belong to him.

In order to control those powers, he had to do such a thing.

Although this space will not give him any preferential treatment, he has a very good understanding of this space and knows some of the small details. Relying on these small details can give him more advantages.

Of course, the premise of using these details is that he does not fall into such a disadvantage, otherwise no means can be used.

He was preparing to do it just now, but this sudden accident disrupted his plan. He had a feeling that this was another very unfavorable thing for him, but he couldn't stop it from continuing. , not only is he incapable, but he doesn't even know what's going on now, how can he stop it.

Inexplicably, he had some regrets.

In fact, when he appeared, it wasn't the best time he had scheduled, but he really couldn't wait that long, so he started early, because in his opinion, even if he did this a little earlier, he wouldn't be able to. Any change in the results is not only because he has done such things many times and has experience, but also because of the power gap between him and Xinghai.

Many times, when the power gap reaches a certain level, no matter what the other party does, it is a joke, because what the other party does is absolutely impossible to succeed.

But the reality is, one after another unexpected things happened. If he had ever experienced something like this, he would definitely be on guard. In other words, as early as before, he eliminated all the factors that might lead to accidents, just to ensure the stable realization of the final plan.

As a result, in this most important time, accidents continued, and many things he had never encountered before happened, and he who had not experienced these things before did not make any precautions, and even these accidents avoided him Any precautions he took so that his precautions didn't work.

And now, even if he wanted to make some precautions, it was useless, because he couldn't make any precautions at all.

When he thought about it like this, the vibration became more and more obvious, and even the whole space began to tremble.

At this time, it was finally Xinghai's turn to change his face, because he felt that some of the seals he had placed before were damaged during this shock, which caused part of the black tissue to escape his control.

He didn't complain about this, but was very worried. This was a space he was completely unfamiliar with, and now there was a mutation that he was completely unfamiliar with. He wasn't sure if the mutation was the black humanoid belt. come.

It's not just the current situation that this change is bad for him.

The puzzle did not last long, because after the vibration of the space reached a certain limit, the originally white space was distorted visible to the naked eye, and some other colors were mixed in the white, and then two ships, one blue and one pink, appeared. in this white space.

At the moment when the two ships appeared, Beijiang and the black humanoid had completely different reactions.

Xinghai's first reaction was surprise, then worry, while the black humanoid fell into panic.

It had come to the conclusion that no one else in this space could enter this space except him, but now the appearance of these two outsiders has shattered his guess. Not only that, he could have imagined with his feet that these two outsiders were definitely from that guy's side, because only his subordinates would have such things.

Up to now, it completely believes that everything that is happening now is the conspiracy of that guy, otherwise it really has no way to explain so many accidents.

Thinking of this, the fear of the past came to its heart, and the anger in its heart was completely dispelled, and even he had the idea of ​​​​running away.

But in the end, this idea was suppressed by him, because he knew that if he didn't solve one of them, then he would have no way to leave this place, and although two outsiders came, but after sinking in, he found that the two An outsider isn't that powerful either.

And just now because of the vibration of space, he took back a part of the energy. Although only part of it, it was enough for it, because he had absorbed the power of those containers before, and now it has no more containers.

In other words, it has taken back all its power outside, and with the part that was taken back just now, his power is now above that guy.

This is enough, although he doesn't know how that guy let other people into this space, but after so long, only these two useless people have come in here to know that he wants to go to this space. It is very troublesome to send people in in the space. It is estimated that there are not only restrictions on strength, but there may also be some special restrictions.

However, although he knows these things, it is still not the best time for him to go out. Because of what happened just now, he still needs time to stabilize the power in his body, so it is best to hide it now.

On the other side, Xinghai looked at the two hulls. Although he could not tell who the two hulls belonged to, the familiar aura on the hulls proved that the owner of the hulls was definitely someone related to him. , but among the people he knew, except for Lafite... No, it should be said that even the current Lafite can't give him any help.

In this case, it would be very dangerous for them to come here, so he was worried about it.

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