Dimensional Ship Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 1166: Ram's information

When Xinghai was still worried, two figures appeared in front of Xinghai.

Looking at these two girls with completely different hair colors, Xinghai only felt a little dazed in front of him.

Since he left that world, he has never seen these two girls again. Although he said he would go back and pick them up, for various reasons, he was unable to do so. thing.

And according to the time flow ratio of that world and this world, it should have been a long time there. You must know that time is the most likely to cause accidents. Although there is no need to worry about lifespan, other things still need to be worried. After all, Ram and Rem are not the most powerful beings in that world, so any accident may happen. .

But the trouble is, things here have been bothering him all the time, and although Ram and Rem are a little worried, he doesn't have much energy or can do anything about it, not to mention that he left when he left. At the time, there were a lot of backhands arranged, at least it was no problem to ensure the safety of Ram and Rem.

Of course, these arrangements will gradually lose their effectiveness over time, but if he can complete these things earlier, then he can still go back to pick up Ram and Rem.

If he unfortunately died, maybe that would be better for Ram and Rem, because then the crisis caused by him would not involve their sisters anymore.

It's just that if Ram and Rem knew about this, they would definitely not agree with him. It's just like what those children said, every time he makes a choice in this kind of thing, he always doesn't consider their thoughts, because if he considers their thoughts, it goes against his own original intention.

After being stunned for a while, Xinghai quickly reacted, and then turned his attention to the black humanoid in the distance. After confirming that the black humanoid did not have any special actions, he used his own strength to pull the two girls behind him.

During this period, the two girls did not make any resistance, but quietly let Xinghai deal with them.

After pulling the two girls to a relatively safe position, he opened his mouth and said

"Why did you come here? It's dangerous here."

Hearing Xinghai's question, the two girls were silent for a while, and then Ram was the first to speak.

"We know Hai is doing very important things, so we are here to help Hai."

Ram's words made Xinghai subconsciously want to refute, but considering that both of them can come here, there must be some special means, so he asked

"What method are you going to use to help me, let's talk about it first, if it's a method that makes you pay a huge price, I don't agree, and since you can come in, then you must go out. So if the situation is unfavorable later, You must find a way to escape first."

Xinghai's words made Ram shake his head.

"Hai may not know that once this space is formed, no one can leave this place unless one of you and that guy dies."

Ram's words made Xinghai's eyes sharpen, because he wanted to stare at the black human figure, so he didn't look back, but his tone was quite serious.

"Ram, tell me everything you know about this place."

It seems that Xinghai would ask such a question for a long time, so the moment Xinghai opened his mouth, Ram immediately answered Xinghai's question.

"I don't know how this space came from, but Ram knows that all beings in this space can use their strongest power, but it should be noted that this is just a spiritual space..."

Ram's words made Xinghai's eyes widen, and Ram's words continued.

"Of course, although this is just a spiritual space, if you die inside, you will also die outside, and there is only one way to leave here, and that is to kill that guy."

Ram's words made Xinghai ponder. If he can get out of here by killing that guy, it will be no different from his previous purpose. Anyway, he must kill that guy.

Other than that, there's another problem, and that's Ram's mentioning that you can only get out of here by killing the guy.

Although Ram said this, Ram didn't say why he had to kill that guy to get out of here, and more than that, he also thought of another question.

Thinking of this, Xinghai's tone became solemn again.

"Ram, I have something to ask you. You must answer me seriously, otherwise you don't have to tell me about the next thing."

Hearing Xinghai's question, Ram nodded and said:

"Well, Ram will answer as appropriate."

"No, I ask you to answer seriously, you must tell me the real answer to the question."

Sensing that there was something wrong with Xinghai's tone, Ram also became serious.

"If you have any questions, just ask Hai directly, Ram will know everything."

After getting Ram's answer, Xinghai said

"You said before that you can only leave if you kill that guy, so are there any restrictions here, such as only one person can go out or there are other options that must hurt you, this question is very important to me, so I hope you can give me an accurate answer."

Xinghai's words made Ram silent for a while, and then I saw Ram reply.

"This space is very special, and I don't know much about it. The only way I know to leave is to kill that guy. I don't know if other conditions will be required after killing that guy, but if Hai doesn't try it first. If so, the outcome will never be known.”

At this time, it was Xinghai's turn to be silent. He knew that Ram was telling the truth, but if it was really the same as what he thought, that kind of ending was something he didn't want to accept anyway.

Seeing that Xinghai was still hesitating, Ram spoke again.

"Hai, we have wasted too much time, there is no time for us to waste now, if Hai can't finish the matter here immediately, then the children that Hai cares about will be irreparably hurt, this is what Hai doesn't want to see thing."

Ram's words stabilized Xinghai Yuanhai's swaying heart.

Just like Ram said, if you don't try it, no one will know the final result, and the black humanoid can't wait any longer. He also felt it just now, and the power of the black humanoid has become stronger again.

Although he still doesn't know the source of the black humanoid, at least he added another reason why the black humanoid must be killed.

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