Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 134: Self-blame

Feeling Xiao Ren's sudden burst of power, Xinghai came to Xiao Ren's room almost in an instant.

But the moment Xinghai came to Xiaoren's room, the magic circle arranged by Xinghai finally couldn't support it, and it was all broken with a click.

Then the power from Xiao Ren quickly spread to the surroundings, and Xinghai also saw the red hair Xiao Ren.

The energy wave continues to spread, and anything touched by Ren's energy wave will be directly destroyed, which is a completely different mode of destruction than a space shock.

The performance of Space Shock is more similar to annihilation or swallowing, but unlike Xiao Ren, it is a complete destruction, like a wall of destruction moving forward, and then destroying all the things blocking its way forward.

Upon seeing this, Xinghai immediately took out an array plate from his space ring. Now is not the time to ask Xiao Ren what happened. Now, what is more important is how to stop Xiao Ren.

This array disc is square and made of a material very similar to crystal, with a side length of about 20 cm and a thickness of about one cm. In it, you can see the river of stars turning, and not only that, there are many formation patterns on both sides of the formation plate, these formation patterns are connected to each other, and occasionally some brilliance flows along these patterns.


As soon as Xinghai raised his hand, the formation flew directly into the sky, submerged in the clouds.

In the next instant, a huge golden magic circle spread quickly, and its spread speed even exceeded the speed of the energy wave released by Xiao Ren.

After the range of the magic circle exceeded the range of Xiao Ren's energy wave, Xinghai immediately shouted again


Following Xinghai's order, the edge of the huge golden magic circle in the sky was hung with golden chain-like patterns.

These formations directly submerged into the ground, looking at the world from a distance as if it were enveloped by a golden cylindrical barrel.


Xiao Ren's energy wave slammed into the magic circle arranged by Xinghai, rippling waves.

Seeing this, Xinghai frowned. Has his magic power actually declined to such an extent? Only this level of power can make his Exclusion Array tremble.

And Xiao Ren, whose energy wave was blocked by Xinghai, discovered the arrival of Xinghai.

"Ah, ah, it's really my brother, so easily he blocked the full power of my concubine." Xiao Ren said with an obsessive expression.

"Xinghai, what's wrong with you, why are you doing this?" Xinghai asked with a frown.

Obviously Xiao Ren was still fine when he left, but why did Xiao Ren become like this after he only left for a while?

"I don't know, my concubine just feels that her chest is so hot, so uncomfortable, and painful. She was very comfortable when she was with her brother, but her brother left her concubine. It was really ruthless."

"So, so the concubine wants to destroy something!"

At the end, Xiao Ren's tone suddenly became high.

Then in the next instant, the ground cracked and countless rubble floated up, even revealing many underground refuge passages.


With a wave of Xinghai's hand, several arrays fell into the void, and then suddenly several golden chains stretched out from the void, which tightly bound Xiao Ren.

After taking control of Xiao Ren, Xinghai began to recall what had happened before.

Although Xiao Ren’s strength is good, it is still far behind Xinghai. The main reason why this is happening is that Xinghai did not notice Xiao Ren’s previous abnormality, and later did not notice because of Rafi’s affairs. Xiao Ren's changes.

Therefore, the reason for all of this is actually not Xiao Ren, but himself.

Suddenly, Xinghai's heart was filled with regret, and it was like this again, every time.

He always likes to be self-righteous. He thinks that he is right every time, saying that he should care about other people's thoughts, but he has never really cared. He always uses his own thoughts to guess other people's thoughts and uses himself. Guess the situation to replace the situation of others.

Just like this incident of Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren clearly had something wrong before. He should find a solution, but what did he do?

He just left Xiao Ren and let him go, and before he actually tasked Xiao Ren before, he clearly had no problems, obviously there were no problems...

Oh, it's ridiculous, he actually called people who have changed so much that they have no problems at all.

He is really, really a waste...

"Ah, brother, my concubine is so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable..."

Suddenly, Xiao Ren moaned in pain and woke up Xinghai, who was still laughing at himself. He then remembered that it was not the time to think about this.

In theory, his restraint technique should be able to seal the energy in Xiao Ren's body together, but now it seems that there is no such sign at all, or it is just because the restraint chain is too tough, Xiao Ren cannot break away, but for Xiao Ren's body The energy has no effect at all.

Seeing Xiao Ren's painful appearance, Xinghai's heart was also twisted.

No, we can't delay any longer, we must find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Xinghai took Xiaoren into his own small world. Similarly, Xinghai also took Shishino, who was unconscious on the side, in, and then left the place directly.

There is no alternative to this. Xiaoren has made such a big thing, I am afraid that everyone will follow them next, if I do not leave this place, I am afraid that the next thing to meet them will be endless trouble.

So leaving as early as possible is the best choice.

But when Xinghai left, he frowned as he looked at the tattered earth.

After thinking about it for a while, Xinghai drew a few lines, and then closed the array back, but the huge circle in the sky did not disappear, but gradually showed a greenish color after Xinghai left.

Immediately afterwards, the green color was like a drop of ink entering the clear water and quickly dyed it green.


"Here, what happened again..."

Entering Fraxinas, everyone looked at the changes in the huge circle below them in panic.

Just now, as soon as there was an early warning of the space earthquake, Lingyin from the village rain asked Flaxinas to take the Five Rivers Shidao and others into Flaxinas.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the spatial earthquake to erupt, and the location was next door to the Wuhe Shi Taoist.

Wuhe Shidao looked at his house that had been razed to the ground, and looked at Xinghai's house, which was somewhat incomplete but still relatively intact, and said with a little shock: "Xingren...could she be an elf?"

"You are not foolish and hopeless."

In the Wuhe Qin, he redoubled his words: "It was just a guess before, but now their identities are almost certain."

"They?" Wuhe Shidao said in confusion.

Wuhe Qinli looked at him contemptuously, then said, "Is there only one person next door?"

"But isn't Mr. Xing a man? Isn't the method just a kind of magic?" Wuhe Shidao asked in confusion.

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly felt that everyone around him was looking at him with a strange look, and in the Wuhe Qin, he looked like a mentally retarded person.

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