Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 135: About the new wizard

Wuhe Shidao felt the strange gazes of others around him, and said unbearably: "What's wrong, did I say something wrong?"

"Wuhe Shidaojun."

Kamura Kyoupei looked at Wuhe Shidao with a serious face, and then sighed: "Because you are the elder brother of the commander, I always thought you would have something special, but now it seems that you have not inherited the commander. Any point of goodness of Lord Guan."

"Well, although I think so too."

In the Wuhe Qin, he bit a lollipop named Jia Beijia and said, "Shen Wuyue, you can rarely say normal things once."

"Yes, it is my life's wish to go through fire and water for you. No matter what you ask, I will immediately agree to it."

God Wuyue Kyoupei knelt down on one knee, his face was full of joy, like an avid believer, look like that, maybe he would be willing to let him jump from Flaxinas in the Wuhe Qin now accept.

"Then stay away from me, I don't want to see you again." Wuhe Qinli said.

"Do not……"

God Wuyue Kyohei let out a miserable wailing, as if he had lost something extremely important to him.

After a while, two staff members appeared and dragged away the emotionally out of control Kyouhei Kamui, and it seemed that it was not the first time to do this kind of work based on their appearance.

Wuhe Shidao looked at the towed **** Wu Yue Gonghei, and secretly sighed: Shen Wu Yue Gonghei, really is a special person.

After everything calmed down, Wuhe Qinli continued: "Since you are too stupid, let me explain it for you."

Although he was scolded by Wuhe Qinli again, Wuhe Shidao was surprised to find that he was not as resistant as before. Is his ability to bear it stronger, or... he is used to it.

Thinking of this, Wuhe Shidao shivered involuntarily.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Wuheqin said dissatisfied.

"Ah, I was a little distracted just now." Wuhe Shidao said embarrassedly: "Go ahead, Qinli."

After confirming that Wuhe Shidao really won’t be distracted anymore, Wuhe Qinli continued: “This spatial earthquake is more terrifying than any previous one. It erupted almost after we observed the foreshock. The speed is much faster than before."

"Wait, isn't Qinli listening to you saying this will cause a lot of casualties this time?" Wuhe Shidao said.

"Yes" Qinli nodded, somewhat sentimentally.

Although she is not the kind of Madonna who shed tears when she sees death, the neighbors who have been with herself for so many years say that they are gone, and she still feels a little bit emotional.

"Are they all dead..." Wuhe Shidao said with his head down.

"Yes, but no one can stop this happening. As far as the situation is concerned, the power of space tremors is unsolvable. No one can intervene in space tremors. So once a space tremor erupts and you have no way to escape, then What awaits you is death."

Wuhe Shidao keenly noticed the non-human word in Wuhe Qin's mouth. Before thinking of Xinghai's behavior before, he suddenly had a terrible guess.

Wuhe Shidao swallowed, and said with some difficulty: "Qinli, Mr. Xinghai, isn't it an elf too?"

"Did you guess it so soon? It's worthy of praise." Wuheqin said expressionlessly.

"But aren't elves only women?" Wuhe Shidao said in a panic.

"Theoretically, it is correct." Wuhe Qin paused and said: "But Xinghai is too elves in many places, so we can only guess like this."

"So why can't Mr. Xinghai be a human?" Wuhe Shidao asked cautiously.

"Oh" Wuhe Qinli shook his head, not wanting to talk to Wuhe Shidao again.

When the village rain Lingyin saw this, she had to explain on behalf of Wuhe Qinli, so she asked: "Little boy, do you think the space shock is powerful?"

Although Wuhe Shidao was a little confused by Murakami Lingyin's words, he still replied, "It's big."

"Then do you think someone can stop the spatial shock of that magnitude just now?" Lingyin Curayu asked again.

"I think should not be……"

Having said this, Wuhe Shidao was suddenly stunned, because he suddenly remembered the picture of the signal that used a strange magic circle to confine the space.

Seeing that Wuhe Shidao had reacted, Muramasu Lingyin went on to say: "The abilities used by that man are completely different from human magic, and the thing he just threw into the sky is suspected to be his angel. Plus some of his previous deeds, so we guess he is an elf."

"Then am I going to date them too?"

Wuhe Shidao said this sentence almost tremblingly. Xingren is okay. Although she is both poisonous and terrifying, she is at least a girl, isn't she, but Xinghai is completely a man, and he has always respected him. the man.

Because Xinghai is very calm at all times, and is also very gentle with others, and can quickly build a relationship with anyone. Although Xinghai has some problems with his legs and feet, he knows a lot of things, almost giving people a feeling of almighty, so Wuhe Shidao always wanted to be like Xinghai.

Therefore, Wuhe Shidao has no way to associate Xinghai with a date.

"What are you thinking about."

Wuhe Qinli looked at Wuhe Shidao and said with a look of disgust: "I didn't expect you to be interested in Xiao Ren. Brother, you are even more scumbag than I want."


Lingyin from the village rain also nodded

"It's too much to say to be interested in men."

"I don't have that kind of thought." Wuhe Shidao shouted.

"Dare you say that you didn't imagine going on a date with Xinghai brothers and sisters?" Wuhe Qinli stared at Wuhe Shidao with a serious face.


Wuhe Shidao had no way to deny it, because he had indeed thought about going on a date with Xinghai just now.

"Look, it really is a pervert."

"It's a pervert."

"It's a pervert."

Wuhe Shidao suddenly had an urge to escape from this place, but he still resisted his impulse, but he felt something was wrong, he seemed to be pitted by the piano again.

"Well, you don't need to worry about Xinghai's affairs for the time being. According to our guess, they are likely to belong to another elves, so it will be very troublesome to solve them."

"But the good news is that they are not malicious to humans. The situation just now may be just an accident, and they tried their best to prevent it, so we don't have time to think about them now." Wuhe Qinli said.

"Elves...is there any branch?" Wuhe Shidao asked suspiciously.

Wuheqin glanced at Wuhe Shidao and said, "You don't need to worry about these, we will take care of these."

After she finished speaking, she smashed the Doujia lollipop in her mouth and said: "The two guys ran away, but they left us with a big mess. It's really irritating, if I see you again next time Xiaoren, I must make her suffer."

At this moment, a crew member of Fraxinas suddenly shouted

"That magic circle has new changes."

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