Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 136: repair

The huge green circle in the sky moved.

I saw the pattern above as if it had come to life, swimming around in the circle, and after a while, it stopped.

"Glol lol lol lol..."

With the sound of a series of gears rotating, the magic circle that originally had only one in the sky slowly separated and turned into two magic circles.

The lower circle is green and the pattern looks like a towering tree, while the upper circle is silver, which looks like a huge clock.

Everyone on Flaxinas watched this scene silently, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, no one knew what Xinghai wanted to do, he was an elf, and he was so powerful that one would feel breathing Difficult elf.

There was no information about him before, so that everyone knew nothing about him.

Although Xinghai has left now, the magic circle is still there, but no one is willing to risk unknown danger to contact this magic circle, so they can only let it go.


As a bell rang, the hands of the huge silver clock circle in the sky turned.

But the direction of the pointer is not clockwise, but counterclockwise, and the second hand is moving so fast that only a faint phantom can be seen.

And some changes began to appear below this big formation.

I saw that the originally destroyed ground began to close together, and the scattered soil and stones flew back to their original positions. After a while, the ground returned to the scene before Xiao Ren's second destruction.

Immediately afterwards, those places destroyed by Xiao Ren's energy wave also began to recover. From the outside to the inside, it seemed as if time had flown backward.

In a short while, this messy place that had been destroyed was restored to its appearance before Xiao Ren destroyed it.

After all this was done, the green magic circle moved, and green light spots fell from the sky, making all the objects underneath covered with a green film.

When everyone thought this was over, the silver circle turned again, but this time it no longer turned counterclockwise, but clockwise, until the time displayed on the clock circle was the same as it is now. Down.

However, it is strange that the restored buildings and humans have not undergone any changes. Only a few people noticed that the green film seemed to fade a bit, but they soon thought it was an illusion and left them behind.

After doing all this, the two arrays in the sky suddenly exploded into light spots in the sky, and the static world below also moved.

Except that some people have some doubts about what they have been stunned for more than ten minutes now, but after seeing everything around them as usual, they just left the matter behind. As for the spatial shock, has this happened?

The people on Flaxinas stared blankly at the fully restored city, as well as the citizens who were already busy, unable to speak for a long time.

After a long time, a person said in a trembling voice: "Can the "Sea Emperor"... even do this kind of thing? "

Wuheqin was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "Xinghai may be more terrifying than we thought, and so is Xiaoren..."

Wuhe Shidao looked at the intact city and squeezed his fists. If he could also have the strength of Xinghai, then many things would have been resolved smoothly.


Tokisaki Kuangsan looked at the restored city and the people whose activities were as usual, with an inexplicable enthusiasm on his face.

"If I have this kind of power, I can definitely...definitely...realize my wish..."

Just now, she felt the strong time fluctuations, so she rushed towards this place where the huge time fluctuations had occurred.

And when she arrived, she just saw the scene of the city turning back. At that time, Tokizaki Kuzou was deeply shocked.

Her ability is related to time, so she has been devouring other people's time, in order to collect enough time to go back to the past and fulfill her wish.

But because ordinary people's time is too scarce, even the consumption of maintaining her battle is a problem, so she has not been able to succeed.

Until she discovered the human being Wuhe Shidao, this human being was completely different from other humans.

Wuhe Shidao exudes a strong taste of time, and these tastes have been tempting Kakuzo Tosaki. As long as she can get the time of Wuhe Shidao, perhaps she has a slight chance to achieve her wish.

However, she has only now discovered that someone can do this directly.

No need to work hard to collect time, no need to go back in time, not even a hint of danger.

Reset a place to the past, then change the history of the time, and then bring the world back to the present, this kind of technique, this kind of great power, it can definitely... it can...


Xinghai floated in the sky, looking at the fully restored city, and sighed. Although he is not the kind of nosy person, but the cause of this matter lies in him, then he has no reason to let it go.

And the result was the same as he thought. When he saw Tokazaki's methods before, Xinghai suspected that the time structure of this world was not stable.

So he set up the two large formations, and as expected, the two large formations easily restored it to the original state, and because of Xinghai's deliberate reasons, the people there have no memory of this spatial earthquake.

After all, most of them are dead people, it is too easy to modify a small part of the memory.

However, there is another reason why Xinghai was able to succeed because the time of this event was too short, so Xinghai could easily repair it.

If as time progresses, this period of history will gradually stabilize in the long river of world history. At that time, no matter how you go back to the past, how you change history.

Because the world has its own corrective power, no matter how you change history, the world will naturally correct it and let it walk on its current trajectory again.

So from the beginning, Tokizaki Kuzumori's goal was impossible to achieve, which is why Xinghai said that to Tokizaki Kuzumori.

Because at that time, he suddenly remembered that he was also someone who had done this kind of thing. He found that no matter how he went back to the past, no matter how hard he made, he could not change the ending.

Returning again and again, failing again and again, he can't see hope, can't see the future, in the endless return and pain, he finally surrendered, surrendered to the world, surrendered to time...


Being indulged in pain, Xinghai raised his head fiercely. He hadn't experienced these things, but why did he have these memories.


Suddenly, there was a violent pain in his brain. The pain was so painful that Xinghai even felt that his brain was about to split.

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