Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 137: Wake up

"Huh, huh"

Xinghai leaned on an alley, panting heavily.

Just before, a non-existent memory suddenly appeared in his mind. This memory gave him a headache and almost fell from mid-air.

In an emergency, Xinghai launched a random teleportation, anyway, stay away from Tiangong City.

After all, there are various signs that the airship in the sky has been monitoring the abnormality of the entire Tiangong City, so if Xinghai stays in Tiangong City, he will be discovered anyway, so Xinghai must leave there.

However, Xinghai had a good atmosphere. It didn't teleport to any weird place. It landed safely in one place, and the surrounding architectural styles were also very different from Tiangong City. Maybe even the country was different.

But this is fine, at least they can't find the door in a short time.

But now Xinghai still needs to solve a lot of problems, the most important of which is Xiao Ren's affairs.

But now Xinghai had a splitting headache for some reason, and if this solution didn't solve it, he would definitely not be able to deal with Xiao Ren's problem.

"Damn it, stop it, stop it!"

Xinghai knocked his head vigorously, as if this could make his pain a little lighter.

But no matter what Xinghai did, that kind of pain was not alleviated by half.


Xinghai suddenly thought that there were some special devices in his small world, which might relieve his pain.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and directly entered his own small world.

As soon as he entered the small world, a fiery body rushed into his arms.

At the moment that body leaned up, Xinghai suddenly felt his headache healed a lot, at least now he could bear this level of pain.

After being calm, Xinghai turned his attention to the delicate body in his arms.

Just as he thought, the person who rushed into his arms was Xiao Ren, because when Xinghai took Xiao Ren into his own small world, the imprisonment he placed was lifted and replaced by someone from Xinghai Small World. Imprisoned.

However, it is different from needing external objects to assist outside. Imprisonment is everywhere in the small world of Xinghai. As long as you enter the small world of Xinghai, you will naturally be subject to this kind of imprisonment, so there is no need for other things. Up.

Moreover, the things in Xinghai Small World have the bonus of the magic circles laid by Xinghai. These magic circles were laid during the heyday of Xinghai, so Xinghai didn't worry that Xiaoren would destroy anything inside.

Now that he has calmed down, he should find a way to solve Xiao Ren's problem.

However, Xinghai's detection array was ineffective against Xiao Ren, so Xinghai could only use his own experience to judge what was wrong with Xiao Ren.


Xiao Ren's mind at this time seems to be a little confused, just keep calling his brother repeatedly, but now it hasn’t been long since Xinghai brought Xiao Ren into the small world, but Xiao Ren still has an abnormal change, so that even now even his mind is Can't sustain it anymore.

It used to be because there was a place to vent, but now the energy cannot be released after being imprisoned by the stars, so the situation has become more serious.

So is it enough for Xiaoren to release these energy?

No, that's not right. This situation is a problem that only appeared after Xinghai used the detection array on Xiaoren, but before Xinghai used the detection array, Xiaoren had some abnormalities, so the reason is definitely not this.

"Does it really want to be like that?"

The reason why Xiao Ren was like this was probably because of what Rafi did. Coupled with Xiao Ren's previous words and behaviors, Xinghai roughly knew what Rafi wanted Xiao Ren to do.

But Xinghai had always been escaping before, because he didn't want to get involved with Xiao Ren more, but now that he thinks about it this way, he is really a hypocrite.

Because he said that he didn't want to get involved with other people anymore, but he always treated the girls around him in a gentle way, attracting their attention.

If you really don't want to have more relationships with others, then he shouldn't show that kind of gentle character from the beginning.

If this was the case at the beginning, then there would be no such things later. And the reason why he treats those girls with this attitude is that he also wants to have more contact with them in his heart.

So from the beginning, he was a hypocrite.

Javelin is like this, Xiaoren is like this, and Shishino is like this.

After gaining the love and trust of these girls, and then alienating them ruthlessly, this...

What a scumbag guy.

Perhaps his attitude should have changed.

Thinking of this, Xinghai picked up Xiaoren, and at the same time, he didn't forget Shitono who was lying on the side. He lifted Shitono with magic power and took them to the mansion not far away.


Wuhe Qinli and Wuhe Shidao returned to Wuhe's home.

Looking at the same house as before, the sense of horror in my heart is even greater.

Wuhe Shidao even found that the vase that he had broken because of panic had returned to its original state, so that he could understand why no one would remember the space shock.

Because Xinghai's retrospective time point should be a few minutes before the space shock alarm sounded, these talents would have no impression at all.

"This is really... a miracle!" Ling Yin Cun Yu sighed.

"Lingyin? Why are you here?" Wuhe Shidao asked in surprise.

After kicking the Wuhe Shidao in the Wuhe Qin, he cried out in pain, and then said in a voice that hates iron and steel: "You reptile, your perception is so slow?"

"I was not too shocked by this scene just now, so I didn't see it." Wuhe Shidao defended himself.

However, it is obvious that Wuhe Qin Li did not believe it. Wuhe Shidao, who did not want to continue to struggle on this topic, asked Mura Yu Lingyin: "By the way, Lingyin, why did you appear in our house."

This time Wuhe Qinli answered Wuhe Shidao's question instead of Cunyu Lingyin.

"Because Xinghai seemed to have taken Xiaoren away just now, their home was empty. We have already dispatched personnel to investigate."

"Is it really okay for you to break into private houses like this? It's illegal, right? What if they suddenly come back." Wuhe Shidao said cautiously.

Wuheqin waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about this problem. They probably won't be back in a short time, otherwise we would not dare to explore their home like this."

"Moreover, even if it is detection, we will not do anything to the contents, otherwise Xinghai and the others will come back and it will be bad for us. We can't bear the anger of "Sea King". "

Wuhe Shidao actually wanted to say that Qinli, you said for a long time, but still did not explain why Lingyin appeared in their home.

But seeing Wuhe Qin, which is now in commander mode, and seems to be a little unhappy, Wuhe Shidao still abruptly suffocated his own problems, otherwise it would be a curse.

But, Mr. Xinghai... will they really come back?

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