Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 138: Memories in Wuhe Qin


As an alarm sounded, one of the staff members immediately shouted: "Report, another abnormal energy gathering place was found here."

As soon as his voice fell, a staff member immediately brought a special sign and placed it there.

But Wuhe Qinli and others are now gathered in Xinghai's room.

Although this was the center of the energy wave impact at the time, because of the Xinghai formation, there are still a few places that have been preserved. Even if the evil spirit is destroyed, it seems that there is nothing except the formation of Xinghai. The method was restored, but other things were completely preserved.

For example, the wooden sculptures they see in the Xinghai room now.

Wuheqin frowned and looked at these wood carvings, and then asked in amazement, "Have we seen these wood carvings somewhere?"

After a while, the village rain Lingyin came over and said: "The analysis results came out. There are these things in many places in Tiangong City. Although they are well hidden, we still caught some clues."

"And based on the calculations of the computer, this is the likely location of these things in Tiangong City."

With that, Murakami Lingyin handed the tablet in her hand to Wuhe Qin Li.

Wuhe Qinli took it, and then just took a casual glance, and was deeply shocked.

Because in this thumbnail of Tiangong City, red light spots are densely covered, almost covering the entire Tiangong City, and the red light spots represent the wood carvings of Xinghai.

"This number is a bit scary." Wuhe Qinli said.


Mura Yu Lingyin nodded, and then continued: "For the time being, we don't know what specific effects these things have, but according to our guesses, "Sea Emperor" may rely on these things to discover ahead of us." "Recluse", so as to bring "Recluse" under his command. "

"Is that so?"

Wuheqin pondered for a while, and then muttered: "Indeed, this is the only way to make sense."

After thinking for a while, she raised her head again and said, "How is the research done elsewhere."

Mura Yu Lingyin looked through the information in his hand and said: "We found a lot of energy residue on the first floor, but there was nothing on the second floor. It was suspected of being destroyed in the spatial epicenter of the "Empress". "

"These energy residues are exactly the same as the energy fluctuations of the huge circle in the sky before, so it can be concluded that the "Sea King" did it. "

"Because it cannot be dismantled, it cannot be fully studied, and because this is an energy system that we have never touched before, our progress in research on these energy residues is very slow.

Wuheqin thought for a while and said: "Forget it, tell them to give up their research. I think we can't find anything out of that man's style."

With that, Wuhe Qinli turned around and left.

Mura Yu Lingyin ordered the others, and then walked out of the Wuhe Qin.

After the two walked in such silence for a while, Wuhe Qinli suddenly stopped and said, "Lingyin, if you have any questions, just ask."

Mura Yu Lingyin was silent for a while, and then said, "Qinli...do you know "Sea Emperor" and "Emperor" well? "

Wuheqin was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Actually speaking, I don't know much about Xiaoren and Xinghai brother." Without outsiders, Wuheqin changed its name to Xinghai. .

As he said, Wuhe Qinli seemed to be recalling the past, and slowly said: "In the beginning, Brother Xinghai and the others moved here. At that time, whether it was him or Xiao Ren, he felt that kind of gentleness to others. , Generous and decent image, the first impression is very good."

"Later, for some reason, Xiao Ren and I became very good friends. At that time, the elf events were not so frequent, so I still have a lot of time to play with her, although it is not ruled out that it is because of Xiao Ren's special physique. , But that period was indeed a very happy time."

"But because of the elf incident, I didn't know her identity at that time, so I didn't want her to get involved, so I slowly stopped interacting with her."

Speaking of this, there is a trace of sentimentality in the Wuhe Qin.

"But fate is really a weird thing. At first I just didn't want to pull her into this circle, but I didn't expect that she would be in this circle. It seems that we are hiding things from each other."

After speaking, Wuhe Qinli was silent, and after a long time, he whispered: "You said it would be great if she and I were ordinary people from the beginning."

Mura Yu Lingyin did not speak, but silently took the Wuhe Qin into his arms, seeming to comfort her.

After a long time, Wuhe Qinli broke free from the embrace of Cun Yu Lingyin, and continued like an okay person: "Okay, let's talk about Xinghai brother."

Lingyin Cun Yu looked at the Wuhe Qin. Although she seemed to be fine now, the redness in the corners of her eyes betrayed her, but Lingyin Cun Yu would not deliberately expose anything, just quietly listening to Wuhe. Explanation in the piano.

"Actually, I don't know much about this person. I know a little bit about him because I often go to play with Xiaoren."

"But speaking of it, I actually feel this person is very strange. He seems to be struggling."

"Huh?" Murray Lingyin made a puzzled voice.

"I don't know exactly how to explain it."

Wuhe Qinli frowned and said, "How can I say, I feel that Brother Xinghai seems to be deliberately alienating us, but he seems to want to approach us again... No, it should be close to Xiao Ren."

"Then can you guess his general thoughts?" Murray Lingyin said.

"Do not"

Wuheqin shook his head, and said, "That man is always covered by a mist. The closer you get to him, the deeper this mist will become. Even I feel that even Xiaoren doesn't really understand. That man."


Mura Yu Lingyin stood by, not knowing what she was thinking.

Wuheqin sighed for a while, and then said: "Anyway, someone else will take over their affairs, and we don't need to worry about it in the future."

"I just hope that group of people don't annoy the man and then throw this mess on us after they are destroyed."

"Yes, the "Sea Emperor" may have surpassed the realm of humans, and he may have reached the realm of gods. "Cun Yu Lingyin said.


Wuhe Qinli smiled and said: "He can do that kind of thing, maybe he is really a god."


"Can't find... Can't find... Why can't you find it?"

Tokisaki Kakusan stood on a roof, watching the crowd coming and going below.

In order to find Xinghai, she said that all her clones were sent out, but Xinghai seemed to have evaporated, and she did not find any clues.

"Could it be that he has left this city?" Tokisaki murmured

"But this is fine, it's good to have an appetizer before the main course comes..."

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