Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 139: Shiitono's accident

"Here, where is it?"

Shishino got up from the bed in a daze, glanced around, suddenly startled.

Because she found that it was a scene she had never seen before, whether it was the decoration in the room or the scenery outside the window, they were different from anything she had seen before.

She clearly remembered that she was sleeping at home. Although she didn't fall asleep, a strange noise suddenly came from the small Ren's room next door. Just when she wanted to take a look, she suddenly lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she appeared here.

"This is really a special place," Shishina said with a low voice.

"It's no way to stay like this, so why don't you go out and explore it." Shishina suggested.


Shishino nodded, and then walked out cautiously. At the same time, she also pinched the jade pendant Xinghai gave her, ready for emergency.

Although it looks very beautiful here, there is not even one person here, and it's empty and scary.

Shitono walked in it, and she felt as if she had entered a maze. If it weren't for Shitona's reminder, she might have been lost now.

As for why she appeared here, Shishino speculated that it might have something to do with Xinghai, but she couldn't be sure whether it was specific or not, so she was careful with every step.

Finally, after much searching, Shitono felt a faint energy fluctuation in a room. Based on the feeling that the energy fluctuation gave Shitono, Shitono immediately inferred that it was the energy fluctuation of Hoshikai and Xiaoren. So she ran over excitedly.

But when she was halfway there, she suddenly stopped because she heard a strange noise coming from the house.

It sounded like a heavy gasp from a man and a low sob from a girl.

Obviously it was a voice that I had never heard before, but Shitono felt a shyness inexplicably, and his face blushed.

At this moment, Shiina suddenly spoke.

"I think Shitono should not go there for now."

"Why?" Shishino asked suspiciously.

"Well, although I'm not sure what the younger brother is doing inside, but I might have guessed a little bit when I heard this voice, so I think it's better not to go by Shiito." Shiina said.

"Brother...what are you doing?" Shitono asked.

"Ah, uh... this..."

It seems that even if he concealed it, Shishino would continue to ask questions, and if Shishino went to see what happened by himself, wouldn't it be worse?

So Shishina leaned to Shishino's ear and whispered, "Maybe they are doing things between adults."

"The matter between adults?" After listening to Shishina's explanation, Shishino not only failed to understand what Xinghai was doing, but was even more confused about what Xinghai was doing.


Shishina shook, as if looking for a suitable explanation for Shishino.

After thinking about it for a long time, Shishina tentatively said, "It's the last time Shishino... saw those things?"

"Last time I saw... those things?"

Shitono just wanted to ask something, but she suddenly understood something in the next second, and a small face instantly turned red.

"You, you, you... are you talking about... that?"


Shiina nodded, and said, "Looking at Shitono's expression, I know that you probably guessed it right. That's the kind of thing."

"Yes, but, Xiao Ren and I are obviously not very old, brother... why would brother..."

"do not know"

Shiina opened her hands and said helplessly: "I don't know, maybe my brother likes this type."

"I like this type!"

Hearing these words, Shiiono's face suddenly became redder, as if he could drip blood.

She wanted to escape from this place, but her feet were unable to move as if they had taken root, and those Ruowuruwu voices seemed to have been seduce Shiitono to go in that direction.

Not only did Shishino not escape from this place, but he was getting closer and closer to that house.

In the room, Xinghai and Xiaoren were doing something that was not enough to tell outsiders.

Because of the change in Xinghai's previous thoughts, in order to treat Xiao Ren's abnormality, he took Xiao Ren here, and he later discovered that when he was with Xiao Ren, his headache symptoms could be greatly reduced.

In addition, the feeling that Xiao Ren brought to him was completely different from that of Rafie, which made him a little addicted to him, so that he didn't notice when Shishino came over.

But Xinghai didn't find it, which doesn't mean that Xiaoren didn't find it either.

In fact, Xiaoren noticed it just before Shiiono approached him.

However, although Xiao Ren found out, she did not remind Xinghai, because now Xiao Ren no longer has that energy.

Xiao Ren will find Sishi because in this state Xiao Ren's perception ability will be greatly improved.

This was originally equipped by Rafi for Xiaoren in combat, because the stronger his perception ability during combat, the easier it is to see the opponent's moves.

But now there is no need to fight, so this perception ability is used elsewhere.

It was also because of this strong perception ability and Xinghai's excessive indulgence that Xiao Ren was now more in a trance, and his head seemed to be fragmented.

At this time, Xiaoren just felt the arrival of Shishino, and the trance-stricken Xiaoren only thought that someone could take her place and let herself take a break.

So Shiito was a tragedy.

Shishino was stripped naked by Xiaoren and threw directly to her previous position, and she put herself aside in order to give Shishino a place.

But Xinghai who felt the sudden change and Shiiono who was suddenly pressed down by his brother, both of them were stunned.


There is no day and night in the small world. Day and night are controlled by Xinghai, so I can't tell how many days have passed. Anyway, when Xinghai wakes up, he sees Xiaoren and Shitono sleeping on both sides of him. .

He rubbed his head, and now he can no longer feel the sensation that made him split, but he can't remember what he thought of before now.

He obviously remembered what he thought of before, but he had no impression of what he thought of, as if someone had erased this memory from his mind.

However, forget the things that can't be remembered. If he really seals any memory in his mind, and he can't remember it now, it proves that it is not the time to remember it.

When the critical moment came, he would naturally remember it, and now it was useless to force it, so Xinghai left it alone.

Of course, you can't forget about it all, you still have to keep your eyes on it.

"Now, brother..."

Suddenly, Xinghai felt a soft hand touch his chest.

"Is my concubine the same as my sister now?"

"Why do you suddenly think of your elder sister?" Xinghai said, touching her face.

"Because, doesn't my brother often do this kind of thing with my sister?" Xiao Ren pouted and said.

Xinghai was taken aback by Xiao Ren's words, and then he asked a little embarrassingly: "Did you see Xiao Ren?"

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