Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 140: Little Ren


Xiao Ren pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, and said: "The voices of brother and sister are so loud, how can you not hear them."


Hearing what Xiao Ren said, Xinghai didn't know what to say in embarrassment.

After being silent for a while, Xinghai suddenly said: "It's dawn outside, we should get up."

Hearing Xinghai's words, Xiaoren looked out the window and found that it was indeed sunny outside, and it seemed that it was time to get up. But what she has a little doubt is that it seems that the day when she came in before, and the sky outside seems to have never been dark?


Xiao Ren shook her head and threw this thought out of her mind. How could this be possible? Where can there be no night, maybe it was just because I was too tired before and slept too hard, so I missed the night, right? .

Xinghai didn't know that Xiao Ren had automatically patched up the flaws in Xinghai's lies. As long as Xiao Ren didn't discover the secrets of the small world, there should be no problem.


It seemed that because Xinghai and Xiaoren's movements were too great, Shitono, who was sleeping on the other side of Xinghai, woke up leisurely after groaning.


As soon as Shitono opened his eyes, he moved closer to Xinghai after seeing Xinghai, and at the same time, her little hand was still stroking Xinghai lightly, seeming to confirm whether Xinghai was real.

Xiaoren on the side wanted to say something, but thought that he had brought Shitono yesterday, and Xinghai was still here, so he couldn’t speak any more, but looked at Shitono with a little dissatisfaction. .

But there is no way to be dissatisfied. It is obvious that she can enjoy her brother alone, but because of her own reasons, she can't enjoy her brother alone now, but...

Xiaoren shuddered when Xinghai was like yesterday, maybe... it might be better to have someone with me...


Xinghai stood in the kitchen, thinking about what to cook for Xiaoren and Shishino.

I was talking about getting up, but Xinghai was the only one who could get up, so the task of cooking was naturally handed over to Xinghai.

In fact, Xinghai's legs were almost as good as before. Although there are still some inconveniences, there is no problem walking around.

The reason why he didn't directly abandon the wheelchair was because he had shown people as a disabled person before. If he could stand up suddenly, it would be inexplicable, so he never stood up in front of outsiders.

But now not only there are no outsiders, but he also has to cook for Xiaoren and Shitono. Even if his legs can't move, he will find a way.


In the room, Ren and Shishino were both nestled in the quilt, looking at each other.

However, Xiao Ren stared at Shitono with a serious face, and Shitono avoided Xiao Ren's gaze with some fear.

"Obviously, my concubine can enjoy my brother's love alone, but why did you break in again?" Xiao Ren said dissatisfied.

"Shishino... also wants brother's love."

Although Shishino has always been worried and never fights with others, Shishino seems extremely hardened in this matter.

"Obviously Xiao Ren came first!" Xiao Ren said again.

Shishino was unwilling to show weakness and counterattacked: "But my brother likes me too, look at my previous brother...brother..."

At this point, Shiiono's face turned red immediately, and he didn't say anything else.

Hearing this, Xiao Ren felt like eating a box of lemons, and the sourness was about to overflow.

Although her consciousness was still very vague before, she still heard the flirtation between Xinghai and Shitono. Ming Ming and herself had never done this before.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ren pursed his mouth and said: "That's because... because the previous state of the concubine is wrong, otherwise my brother will treat the concubine like that!"

Seeing that Xiaoren was about to cry, Shiitono was also weakened a lot, but she still wanted to say something, so she said weakly: "But...but my brother said about Shitono's The body is charming."

Shino's words gave Xiao Ren the last arrow, and tears in Xiao Ren's eyes, who could not bear it, flowed out like a bank burst.

"Wow wow wow-"


When Xinghai returned to the room again, he saw Xiao Ren who was crying into tears and Xiao Ren who was shrunk in the quilt and dare not speak.

For a while, Xinghai felt that he seemed to have gone to the wrong room, or he had seen it wrong. Should he quit and reopen the door and try again?

In the end, he still didn't do this. He put the food in his hand aside and walked towards the bed.

Hearing the sound of Xinghai coming over, Xiao Ren turned around abruptly, trying to pounce on Xinghai, but she forgot her current physical condition, so she threw halfway and fell again, and fell on the bed twice. under.

Xiao Ren's action shocked Xinghai. Fortunately, the bed was big, otherwise Xiao Ren would probably fall and be injured.

However, it seemed that because he could not fall down on Xinghai, the tears in Xiao Ren's eyes seemed to be even scarier.

Upon seeing this, Xinghai had to pick up Xiaoren who was lying on the bed and let her sit on her lap.

Because it is in the small world of Xinghai, Xinghai does not have to worry about Xiaoren catching a cold.

Xinghai wiped away the tears from Xiao Ren's face, and then gently said: "Why is Xiao Ren crying?"

Xinghai asked why Xiaoren was crying, not if Shishiwa was bullying Xiaoren. From Xinghai's point of view, it was good for Xiaoren not to bully Shishi, and Shishiwa was the character. How could she bully Xiaoren.

However, Xiao Ren did not directly answer Xinghai's question, but sobbed: "Brother, do you look good?"

Xinghai was a little confused by the question that Xiaoren asked suddenly, but he immediately replied, "Of course, our Xiaoren is of course beautiful."

Xinghai played a trick here, because considering the reason Shitono was still around, Xinghai didn't say that Xiaoren was the best-looking, otherwise it would not be good to let Shitono hear it and make a noise together.

But I don’t know if Xiaoren heard the hidden meaning in Xinghai’s dialect or Xiaoren’s not satisfied with Xinghai’s answer. Xiaoren shook his head and said, “Not enough, not enough. Obviously Brother Ming can say that to Xiao Nai. Why can't I tell my concubine, my brother is partial."

Xinghai became more puzzled now, he had said something to Shitono, he didn't remember these things at all.

In desperation, Xinghai had to tentatively said to Xiaoren: "What did brother say to Shiiono before?"

"It's the kind...the kind"

With tears in the corners of Xiao Ren's eyes, she said as if she had suffered some great grievance.

"That kind of body is very charming, I can't put it down, I like you the most!"

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