Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 141: Shiitono's method of strengthening

Xiaoren sat on Xinghai's lap and stared at Xinghai, making Xinghai feel like she was sweating.

This feeling is as if I had been affair with others and was discovered by my wife.

Although their identities were completely unmatched, Xinghai felt this way somehow for some reason.

And Shishino, who had been shrunk in the quilt, shrank even more viciously when she heard Xiao Ren's words. From the outside, it turned into a mass of unknown objects.

However, Xinghai naturally didn't notice Shishino's small movements at this time, and his attention was now focused on Xiaoren.

And these things Xiaoren said are obviously what he said when he flirted with Shishino before. At that time, he just said it in a straightforward manner. I don’t remember what he said. Now he is asked to say it again in this state. Just feel very embarrassed.

But there is no way. If this can solve Xiaoren's current temper, then everything is worth it.

So Xinghai had no choice but to bite the bullet and said a lot of those things to Xiao Ren, and his facial expression and tone of voice shouldn’t be too rigid, otherwise Xiao Ren’s words "not good, come again" would be another one. The field was tortured.

Fortunately, Xiao Ren seemed to be particularly satisfied. Xinghai just said it again, and Xiao Ren broke into a smile, which also made Xinghai relieved.

Now that Xiaoren's matter is resolved, it's time to eat too. I'm afraid the food will get cold while I wait.

However, when Xinghai opened the quilt that hid Shitono, what he saw was Shitono with tears.

After some inquiries, it turned out that Shishina was missing. After many searches, I saw Shishino's clothes piled outside and the most important Shishina.

Judging from the scene, it is likely that when Koren moved Shiitono at that time, he only transferred Shiitono, and then threw Shiitono’s clothes on the spot, and Shiina was unfortunately regarded as The clothes.

However, Shitona's tragic experience made Xinghai happy for a while. Shitona's character is sometimes really uncomfortable. This time it happened to be absent, and Xinghai will have less trouble since then.

After all these things were resolved, the three of them finally had dinner, but because Xiaoren and Shishito were physical reasons, both of them were fed by Xinghai.

This is not very troublesome for Xinghai, on the contrary, he still enjoys the process.

Because this warm feeling can make him feel the peace of mind, and can make him temporarily forget those annoying things.

Therefore, Xinghai cherishes these times now.


Just as Xinghai judged before.

After Xiaoren's incident happened, wave after wave of people came to Tiangong City.

The purpose of these people coming to Tiangong City is the same, that is, to observe the new elves that have fully confirmed their existence-"Sea King" and "Empress".

Of course, because Xinghai and the others had already left, everyone rushed for nothing. Although there are also houses left by Xinghai, except for a few people who are unwilling to give up, everyone else has given up on those things.

The level of those things is too high. Although it seems that they are just left by the "Sea Emperor", they are like the most difficult words for people in this world, and there is no way to start.

So most people give up after studying for a while, no one wants to do this thankless thing.

However, the strength displayed by Xinghai cast a haze on these people.

If Xinghai's attack methods could reach that level, then he would be basically invincible in this world. If he were to become an enemy of humans, they couldn't even think of a way to eliminate this disaster.

Suddenly, many policies against Xinghai were born.

Some people remain neutral, some hope to kill Xinghai first when Xinghai is not paying attention, and some want to have a good relationship with Xinghai.

In short, it can be said that all kinds of people have jumped out.

At the center of all this, Xinghai was guiding Shishino to train.


Xinghai looked at Shitonoichi sitting in the middle of a bunch of strange objects

"Yes, that's it. You have to learn to control magic power instead of letting them run around, because then you can perform the magic you want."

Yes, that's right, Professor Hoshimi Shiito is magic.

The reason why Xinghai chose magic one is because Shishi is impossible to go to melee combat, and her original power is not melee type.

The second is that Xinghai's magic array skills need to be familiar with a large number of array patterns in the early stage, which is naturally not feasible for Shiitono who needs to be quick.

Secondly, the world itself has certain magical elements in it, so Shishino must be the easiest to learn magic.

As for technology, this didn't appear in Xinghai's plan from the beginning. There was no other reason. The technology department burned too much money.

The way for the science and technology department to become stronger is mostly to collect some extremely precious materials, and the prices of these materials are all very high.

Taking into account the situation of Shiiono, this was not a candidate plan from the beginning.

Of course, some problems also appeared in the teaching process.

For example, for some reason, Shishino can't resonate with the magical elements of this world, and naturally there is no way to release magic. Xinghai suspects that this may be a restriction of the world on the elves.

Because elves are inherently blessed, they have powerful and incomparable strength from the very beginning, and it can be said that they have few rivals.

Although there are also a few humans that can fight with elves, those humans only reach this level after arduous training, and the elves reach this level when they are born, so that they are completely incomparable.

However, from the information currently available, although the starting point of the wizard is very high, the wizard seems to have lost the possibility of growth.

It seems that they can become stronger only with their own fighting skills and fighting awareness, but there is no way to increase their total energy, which also means that they will never reach another new height.

What Xinghai had to do was to help Shishina break this bottleneck so that she could continue to climb.

And Xinghai's small world happened to have a lot of things that could be used, so Xinghai made a transformation on Shishinono.

It's easy to say, but Xinghai encountered many problems during the actual operation, the most difficult of which was to completely change the entire energy system of Shiiono.

Because Shishino was born in this world, Shishino’s energy system will be inextricably linked to this world, and what Xinghai has to do is to take Shishino’s point from this world. You can imagine the difficulty of getting out of it.

Xinghai also took a lot of effort to semi-independent Shishina from this world.

Although Xinghai didn't know if it was right to do this, or if it would have any impact on Shishino's future, it was already like this, so there was no hesitation.

Along this road, go forward indefinitely.

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