Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 143: aware

"What's the matter, Shiitono, do you have something on your mind?"

Xinghai looked at the sullen Shiono at the table, and asked suspiciously.

Shishino glanced at Xinghai and then at Xiaoren, a little hesitant to speak.

Seeing Shiiono's appearance, Xinghai smiled, and said, "Is there anything else I need to worry about in front of me and Xiaoren, just say what I need."


Xiao Ren on the side was enjoying the meal made by Xinghai, with a lot of stuff in his mouth, making a vague sound.

Shishino was silent for a while, and finally lowered his head and slowly said, "Brother, are you leaving?"

As soon as Shitono's words came out, the air in the restaurant seemed to freeze in an instant. After a long time, Hoshimi said indifferently, "Why does Shitono have such thoughts."

"Because...because brother and Xiao Ren are very strange."

Shitono raised her head and said with an expression that Xinghai couldn't understand: "My brother and Xiaoren have been teaching me hard these days, but, Shitona always feels strange..."

Having said that, Shishino hesitated for a moment, and then said, "It's like, it's like my brother and Xiaoren are leaving me."

Xinghai was silent when he heard Shitono's explanation. He didn't expect Shitono to be so keen. He originally planned to leave a message at that time and leave directly.

Because the moment of separation is missing, the pain of separation may be reduced a lot.

But now this situation is obviously impossible to hide. He is not a person who is good at lying, neither is Xiao Ren, and Shishino is not that good at lying, so lying is mostly useless.

Seeing Xinghai's silence, Shishino was a little panicked, and the bad premonition in her heart became stronger, she said a little anxiously.

"Now, brother, answer me."

Xinghai looked at Shitono with a panic expression, put down his chopsticks and said, "Yes, although I don't know when we will leave, I feel that that day is coming soon."


Shishino looked pale as if he had received a huge blow.

Suddenly, Shiiono asked with a hint of expectation as if he had thought of something.

"Brother... can you leave with Shitono?"

Looking at Shishinono’s hopeful gaze, Xinghai shook his head and said in a low tone.

"No, at least there is no way now."

"Is that so."

Shitono stood up and left unsteadily. Xinghai quickly stood up, trying to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Now, let's let Shitono be quiet.

Xiaoren came over and gently held Xinghai's hand.

Feeling the softness and warmth from the palm of his hand, Xinghai's original irritability suddenly calmed down. At this time, the feeling very similar to Lafite appeared again.

For a moment, Xinghai thought that the person holding his palm was not Xiao Ren but Rafi.

This feeling would certainly not happen for no reason, so it must be what Rafi did to Xiao Ren, and suddenly Xinghai thought of a possibility.

But that may seem a bit too outrageous. Even Xinghai himself felt that the possibility of such a situation was too low, so he simply didn't want to. With this time, he might as well think about how he would console Shishino after waiting.


"Little Four, are you there."

Xinghai knocked on the bedroom door, but did not get a response. Xinghai opened the door with some doubts, but did not see the shadow of Shiiono.

If it is from the outside world, maybe Xinghai will start to panic now, but this is his small world after all. To put it bluntly, the whole small world is actually under his supervision, because this is also a necessity. Preventive measures.

After a little bit of Shiitono's magical fluctuations, Xinghai quickly determined the location of Shiitono.

What surprised him was that Shitono was no longer in the mansion now, and Shitono, who barely stepped out of the mansion, appeared instead in the garden outside the mansion.

But just find the location of Shiiono. After Xinghai determined the location of Shitono, he walked directly there. At the same time, he also brought the cake he made before, Shishino's favorite flavor.

After all, sweets is one of the tricks to coax girls.

Shishina was in a bad mood because of the previous events, so that Xinghai didn't notice when she walked up to her, and she was still fighting with the grass in front of her.

Seeing Shitono's appearance, Xinghai couldn't help being a little funny, so he walked over and gently touched Shitono's shoulder.


Shitono was taken aback, and after seeing that the person was Hoshikai, his face became gloomy.

Seeing the change in Shitono's complexion, Hoshino didn't know what to say, so he sat next to Shitono and handed the cake to Shitono.

"Thank you brother"

Shitono took the cake from Xinghai and said thank you, but he didn't even have the desire to eat it.

But think about it, if one day the person closest to you suddenly says to leave you, I am afraid that most people will not have any appetite at this time.

"Brother... can't you not leave..."

The two were silent for a long time before Shishino spoke first.

Xinghai shook his head and said, "I can't control this thing. It was the one that brought us here at the beginning. Now it wants to take us away. We can't resist at all, so..."

"So brother, you are going to abandon Shishinona, right?"

Shitono's sudden roar made Xinghai stunned directly, and Shitono, who had always been weak, suddenly yelled at Xinghai. Such a huge contrast made Xinghai unable to adapt for a while.

However, Xinghai quickly recovered. He looked at Shitono who was in tears, and said in a low voice, "Let's do it. If you have any dissatisfaction, vent any grievances."

Hearing Xinghai's words, Shishino was stunned for a moment, then fell into Xinghai's arms and burst into tears.

"Wow wow wow wow wow..."

"Brother is a big badass... It's all like that, but now I'm going to abandon Shiiono... My big bastard..."

Xinghai silently endured Shishino's complaints. After all, this matter was indeed his fault, but he was not someone who could endure this separation casually.

Shitono vented in Xinghai's arms for a long time before slowly calming down. When Xinghai wanted to say more, she found that Shitono had fallen asleep in her arms.

In this case, Xinghai couldn't say anything, and the training these days might be too heavy for Shitono.

In addition, Shishino was aware of Xinghai's departure, and I am afraid that if she worked harder, her brother might have kept this mentality in her heart, and that's why she has been strong until now.

But just adjusting Shitono's mentality is not enough, he still has to leave some back-hands for Shitono to ensure her safety.

After all, he didn't know when he would come back after he left, and the longer the time, the higher the chance of mutation, so Xinghai must first make complete preparations.

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