Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 144: Shiitono and dating

"Umm... brother..."

Hearing that he was yelled for a while, Xinghai looked back, only to find that Shiiono was only talking in sleep.

Xinghai walked over to help Shiinao cover the quilt, and then sighed helplessly.

Why didn't he want to leave with Shitono? It's just that he is now completely led by the Dimensional Illustrated Book, and everything is not decided by him, so this feeling makes Xinghai feel very uncomfortable.

Moreover, for a young girl who has always been alone, and now finally tastes the beauty of her relatives, it is too cruel to let her leave her now relatives and let her lead the kind of lonely life again.

Although Xinghai has experienced too much of this feeling, it is precisely because of so much that he has a stronger experience of this kind of pain.

For the rest of the day, let's accompany Shitono. Anyway, everything that should be taught is almost the same, and the rest of Xinghai can't teach it, so we can only rely on Shitono's own efforts.


the next day.

As soon as Shitono opened his eyes, he saw that he was busy on the table by the window, and everything is star sea, subconsciously, Shitono shouted


Hearing Shitono's shout, Hoshikai immediately put down his work, turned around and looked at Shitono, and said softly, "How is it, how was the sleep last night?"

Xinghai felt a little guilty when he was speaking. Because of some preparation reasons, Xinghai didn't sleep all night.

And in the middle of the night, Shitono suddenly burst into tears, and the tears flowed unstoppable. Hoshikai thought it was Shitono who woke up, but when Xinghai walked over, she realized that Shitono was only dreaming, and the dream came true What Shishinono would be so sad, he knew what it was without thinking about it.

But now he is asking this question, with a kind of knowingly asking.

After hearing Xinghai's question, Shishino stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, Shishino slept well last night."

Of course Shitono also lied. She didn’t sleep well last night because she dreamed that Xinghai had left her and walked into the distance, but she couldn’t catch up, she could only watch Xinghai disappear in front of her step by step. .

Even so, she didn't say it, because she didn't want Xinghai to worry about her, and Shitono felt that she was too self-willed yesterday.

The elder brother did not deliberately want to leave her. In the eyes of her brother, she saw the nostalgia and reluctance of her elder brother, which shows that the elder brother actually wants to be with her.

But she capriciously threw all the guilt to her brother, leaving her to bear it all alone, she was simply too much.

So now, she wants to apologize to Xinghai.

"Let's go out and play together later."

Suddenly, Xinghai said so.

Hoshikai’s suddenly interrupted Shiiono’s apology plan, she was a little at a loss.

"Brother... Brother?"

"Why, don't you want it?" Xinghai looked at Shinono suspiciously.


Shishino shook his head desperately, as if he didn't want Xinghai to misunderstand.

"Shishino... just surprised..." Shishino said weakly.

Upon seeing this, Xinghai smiled and said: "This is a special gift specially prepared for you. This time even Xiao Ren will not be with us."

"Xiao Ren also..."

Shishinai looked at Xiaoren suspiciously, only to find that Xiaoren was hiding under the quilt and said nothing.

"If you agree, go get ready and get dressed up."

Shitono nodded shyly, and then thought of getting up, but she seemed to think of something again, so she retracted again, looking at Xinghai with a blushing face, and whispered: "Brother...may I go out first? ?"

Seeing Shishino's shy look, Xinghai immediately understood something, so he stood up and said, "I'll go outside and wait for you first." After that, Xinghai left the room.

Shishinono lay down on the bed for a while, and then carefully got up from the bed after confirming that Xinghai had left.

Although she had done something like that with her brother, she still felt very ashamed to ask her to watch her change clothes.

She just stood up, and she felt her face being pulled by someone.

Xinghai has confirmed that she has left, and this is Xinghai's small world, there will be no other people, then the criminal is very obvious.

"Laughing...you feel relaxed..." Shishiwa said vaguely.

Xiaoren kneaded Shiiono's face for a long time before letting go of his hand unhappy.

Shishino looked at Xiao Ren's gloomy look, and cautiously said, "Xiao Ren, do you want to go with us?"


Xiao Ren was very happy at first, and then as if thinking of something, like a frustrated ball, he said: "No, I won't go anymore, and there is nothing fun."

"Is Ren really not going?" Shishino asked tentatively.

"not going."

After Xiaoren finished speaking, she ran out of the room without changing her clothes.

But there will be no other people here, and it doesn't matter if Xinghai sees it, maybe brother will like her more after watching it?

Shishino looked at the door of the room where Xiao Ren left, a little dazed.

"Oh, this is really a real date." Shiina said suddenly.

"About... a date!?"


Shiina nodded and said, "Look, the boys and girls who love each other go to the street together without interference from other people. Isn't this a date? But speaking of it, my brother may not be considered a boy anymore."

The second half of Shiina's words were not heard by Shishino, because all her spirits were now restrained by those two words.

"Dating, dating... with brother..."

"So shy, what should I do, what should I wear, Shitona, what should I do."

"Ah, this"

Shiina shook, seemingly embarrassed.

"I can't help it. I don't know what the younger brother likes, otherwise you can wear it like you usually do."

"Is that not so good?" Shishino asked in confusion.

"The important thing about dating is the process, and you usually don't say anything when you dress like this," Shishina said, who couldn't think of any ideas.

"But... But, Shishino wants to make his brother's eyes shine, because... because this is the first date between Shishino and his brother." Shishino lowered his head and said.

"Well, this, I can only do my best to help you." Shishina said.


Hoshikai stood outside the house and waited for a long time without seeing Shitono coming out, but he didn't feel impatient either. After all, girls are like this, just get used to it.

But where should I go to play? Now the location of his small world exit seems to be a country called China. Xinghai feels very familiar with this name, and seems to have heard it from somewhere.

But think about it again, he has experienced so many worlds, it is normal to have one or two similar place names.

Although Xinghai can communicate smoothly with people in any country, Shishino does not have this ability, and he does not know whether there will be any surprises waiting for Flaxinas.

"Brother, Shishino is ready."

Just when Xinghai was thinking about what to do when he was waiting, he suddenly heard Shiiono's voice, so he looked up.

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