Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 146: Xinghai Leaving

The clothing store Xinghai chose is the best clothing store in the neighborhood, but there is still a big gap from the one Xinghai saw in Tiangong City.

But this is also normal. It would be a problem if there are shops of that level everywhere.

However, Shishino was still very happy. Although these were just a few ordinary clothes, Xinghai personally selected them for her, which was different from the clothes she bought.

As night fell, Xinghai's appointment schedule gradually came to an end.

"Shiitono, are you happy today?" Xinghai asked Shiitono's head.


Shishino nodded vigorously, and said with a smile on his face: "Shishino likes being with brother the most."

"That's it, that's it."

Speaking of this, Xinghai suddenly squatted down, raised Shiitono's left hand, took the Shiina, and put a rose-patterned ring on Shitono's ring finger.

"Brother... Brother?"

She was startled by Xinghai's sudden movements, and when she raised her head shyly, she found Xinghai's helpless smile.

Seeing Xinghai's helpless smile, the shyness in Shishinao's heart disappeared without a trace, and a thick sense of uncertainty enveloped her.

"I...I'm leaving now..."

Xinghai looked at Shiiono and said, "That ring is a spatial ring with things I left behind. You must use them to protect yourself in the future."

Hearing this, Shishino was almost certain of the bad feeling in his heart.

"Brother...don't...don't leave Shitono!"

Xinghai gently touched Shinono’s head, and said softly: “In fact, as early as last night, we should have left, but I suppressed the Dimensional Illustrated Book with some methods. I thought I could suppress it for a long time, but it didn’t. I thought that the resistance of the Dimensional Illustrated Book would increase over time, and now it has reached my limit."

In an instant, Shishino understood a lot of things, why did his brother suddenly want to date her, why Xiao Ren clearly wanted to come but still refused her, why today's brother always shows a trace of pain.

All of this is a parting signal from Xinghai, just because she was too indulged in the joy of dating before not paying attention to these things. So that by now, she actually didn't even have time to talk to Xinghai.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Nai."

I don't know when, Xiaoren appeared behind Shitono and gave Shitono a hug.

"I hope we will meet bye."

After speaking, Xiao Ren walked towards Xinghai.

Hoshimi looked at Shitono who hadn't recovered yet. He wanted to show a comforting smile in front of Shitono, but he couldn't laugh at all. Finally, his lips moved a few times.

"Goodbye, my..."

Before the Xinghai dialect was finished, he disappeared in place, and Xiao Ren disappeared with him.

At this moment, Shitono saw the empty front and finally reacted.


Shitono asked, but he didn't get any response, and there was silence around him, as if the two people hadn't appeared in this world.

At this time, Shishina was sure that Xinghai had really left him and left this world.

The only thing that proved the existence of this Xinghai was the ring on her hand.

"Woo... brother... liar... big bad guy... woo..."

Shitono knelt and sat on the ground, crying and shouting Hoshikai.

But Xinghai did not appear, instead, what appeared was the little gangsters who had been wandering around the park.

"Oh, where is this little beauty, crying so miserably, do you want my brothers to comfort you, hahaha."

The little **** who took the lead laughed when he finished speaking, and the little **** beside him also laughed together.

It's a pity that Shitono didn't understand them, so he didn't care about them.

"Boss, this is a very eastern girl, she doesn't understand our words." A little gangster came up.

Hearing the little brother's explanation, the lead **** suddenly showed a lewd smile on his face, and walked towards Shinono.

But within two steps, he stepped on a soft thing, which shocked him.

After a closer look, he discovered that it was a large plush rabbit, because it was so dark that he didn't notice it.

"Grass, it scares me to death."

The humiliated **** leader kicked the fluffy rabbit away.

The plush rabbit rolled on the ground several times, and it was suddenly covered with dust, and at the same time, Shiiono's attention was also attracted.

"That's...the doll that my brother bought for Shitono."

Shitono glanced at the doll, and then at the bully leader who kicked the doll away.



Before the **** had finished speaking, a few ice cones penetrated him, and the powerful impact even set him on a tree behind.

Suddenly, all the arrogant punks were stunned. After a while, they screamed incongruously and fled in all directions.

Because of the screams of the gangsters, Shitono also recovered from his anger.

"Shishino... murdered."

Shishino looked at the corpse in the distance tremblingly, and his pupils shrank violently.

"Shishina... Shishina..."

Shioneo just wanted to leave, but found that Shionea was missing. After looking for a while, she saw Shionea thrown on the ground next to her, so she quickly picked Shionea up.

"Haha, brother really is, he just throws me around..."

Shiina was talking, but suddenly he didn't go on, because it found something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

Shiina looked around for a while, and found that there was no shadow of the star sea in the surroundings, and suddenly, it seemed to understand something.

"Shishina...what to do, Shishina killed someone."

Hearing Shitono's words, Shishina only noticed the corpse of a man in the distance.

"Why did Shishina kill him?" Shishina asked.

"Because...because he soiled the doll that my brother bought for Shiito." Shiito sobbed.

"Isn't that a bad person? What guilt is there for Shishino." Shishina said.

"Eh, is that so?" Shishino said weakly, "but he didn't do anything bad."

"Then why would he kick Shishino's doll?" Shishina asked again.

Shitono thought for a while, and said, "He seems to want to come over."

Shitona said, "Look, someone wanted to come but kicked Shitono's doll, and Shitono was crying before."


Shitono nodded.

So Shishina analyzed again: "If someone who wants to comfort Shishino comes over and kicks Shishino's doll, so the result is obvious, it must be a bad person!"

"Is that so?" Shishino said in a daze.

"Yes, it must be true." Shishino is a decisive way. No matter what, you should flicker Shishino first. As for that person, it's nothing to do.


Although Shishino was still a little worried, the only credible person around her was Shishina, so she chose to believe Shishina's words.

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