Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 147: Crisis in Minato

Space was distorted, and Xinghai and Xiaoren returned to the place where they left last time, which is the bedroom on the island where the Lafite Institute is located.

The first thing Xinghai did when he came back was to observe the surroundings. After all, he had been in that world for too long, for more than 30 years. Even if there may be a world current gap with this world, it may have passed for a long time.

And Xinghai still remembers the previous Crimson incident. The strength of the port area alone cannot fight those crimson. Once three or five years have passed, the Crimson disaster must have erupted long ago. By then, the port area Are they really still there?

Xinghai had been worried about this issue before, so he came back and began to look around. Fortunately, there was not much change here and when he left.

Xinghai glanced at the wall clock on the wall again. He remembered that when he left, it was October 6, 420 of the Bilan Calendar, and now the time displayed on the watch was October 6, 421 of the Bilan Calendar.

"In other words, the world that has passed for a whole year? Counting the days in that world before, the flow of time is about 1:30."

Although the imagination with Xinghai is better, one year is enough to discover a lot of things, and I don't know what happened to the Javelins in the port area.

But the time flow is so high, what should Shiiono in another world do? And as far as he knew, the lifespan of the elf seemed to be limited. What if he could not go back after many years, and Shishino was no longer there?

No, you can't think about these bad things, he will definitely find a way to get back as soon as possible.

However, he has been back for so long now, but Lafite hasn't appeared yet. Normally, as long as he appears, Lafite will feel it right away. With Lafite's character, she should run over immediately. Why now After a long time, there was no reaction, so nothing really happened.

Xinghai who thought this way immediately walked outside.

Xiao Ren who followed Xinghai always wanted to say something, but Xinghai was always so anxious that Xiao Ren could not speak. Until Xinghai walked out, Xiaoren's question, "Brother, what did you want to say to Xiao Nai?" was not uttered...

Xinghai came outside and found that earth-shaking changes had taken place outside.

It used to be a small island overgrown with trees, but now, besides these trees, there are many more devices that are incompatible with this world, which makes people feel like they are in the world of science fiction.

"Tweet! Tweet!"

Suddenly, a chirp spotted Xinghai, and then it immediately yelled twice, and suddenly a bunch of chirps rushed out and screamed in front of Xinghai.

"Choo Choo Choo……"


"Tweet, twee, twee..."

Unfortunately, Xinghai couldn't understand what they were saying, so he looked at Xiao Ren on the side and found that Xiao Ren was also embarrassed, and most of them couldn't understand.

It seemed that they realized that Xinghai couldn't understand them, a group of tweeted people suddenly became anxious, and suddenly, one tweeted handed a note to Xinghai.

Xinghai took the note in confusion, and when he saw the words on it, his pupils suddenly shrank sharply.

The words on the note are very brief, just one sentence:

The port area is in trouble, and sea is needed now.

This style of speaking is like Lafite's handwriting, and from the perspective of Lafite, it is definitely not a small problem to be called trouble by Lafite.

And this note did not indicate the time, so I don't know how long this incident took place, and the reason why Rafite was not on this island was probably due to the so-called trouble.

Hurry up.

Xinghai put away the note and said to Xiao Ren, "Xiao Ren, let's go."

Seeing Xinghai's never-before-seen serious expression, Xiao Ren couldn't help tensing up.

After Xinghai finished speaking, he flew in the direction of the port area. Now is not the time to dabble in preparing the ship, anyway, he can pass this distance.

Seeing Xinghai left, Xiao Ren immediately followed. Although she can't fly in the sky, but the sea is her home field, the speed will naturally not be slower, but it is still much slower than Xinghai.

Although Xinghai was very anxious, he slowed down when he found that Xiao Ren could not keep up with his own speed.

But despite saying that, at this rate, they will be able to see the port area in about tens of minutes.


The port area of ​​Xinghai.

"What to do, the time limit is approaching." Javelin said anxiously at Rafi on the side.

"Yeah, yeah..." The other ship women also agreed.

Javelin and others would be so anxious, things have to start with the defeat against Crimson.

Because of that big defeat, although most people were ridiculing many people about the combined fleet, those with a little ability began to be wary of Crimson's combat power.

In the second month after Xinghai's departure, Azur Lane issued a new policy on combating Crimson to all the ports that could be contacted.

What's bad is that this conference requires all commanders to live and connect, and Xinghai happened to be absent at that time. Although z23 used the reason that the commander was not in the port area for some time, it was delayed by the Azur Lane two months later. People discovered that there was no commander in this port area.

Although there are still a group of ship girls in z23 who have been saying that they have a commander, but the commander has not come back, but because Xinghai has not appeared for a long time, Azur Lane believes that Xinghai has been sacrificed for some reason.

It's not that there has been a similar situation before.

Obviously the commander of the port area had been sacrificed, but the ship's wife of that port area was determined that he would still be there.

Because when the commander of a port area is sacrificed, the Azur Lane will take back the place where the port area is located after a period of time, even if it was independently discovered and developed by the former commander, and it is still beautiful use.

But in fact, the locations of these port areas were all destructively exploited by people sent by Azur Lane and then drifted away.

As for the ship ladies on that island, heh, who cares about them?

If it were in the port area of ​​Xinghai in normal times, this might be the end, but because now is a very time, every bit of power that can fight against Crimson cannot be given up.

Therefore, Azur Lane’s current approach to this kind of port area without a commander is to send another commander in the past, and it is mandatory to accept, and no resistance is allowed.

But for creatures like Jianniang, once their commander is identified, they will not change. No matter how good that person is later, they will always have only one commander in their hearts.

And speaking of it, Xinghai is also very good to them. Although most of the ship maidens have relatively little contact with Xinghai, they all have a very good impression of Xinghai.

Because Xinghai is neither the kind of extremely strict person, nor the kind of incompetent person, and he is also willing to talk to the ship ladies.

In addition, Xinghai sometimes makes dinner for them by himself. Although there are usually only one or two dishes, this has greatly drawn into the relationship between Xinghai and the ship ladies.

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