Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 148: Discussion and approach

They watched this port area grow step by step to this day, and each ship's mother has contributed his own strength to the port area now.

They also often see their commanders staying up all night for this port area, often worrying about the complete shortage of supplies.

But even so, their commanders never looked sad or frustrated in front of them.

No matter when, Xinghai was always smiling and gentle in front of them, which made them feel very lucky.

Of course, if they made a mistake, the punishment would of course not be less. Although there is no such physical torture, Xinghai's punishment can make them deeply realize that they were wrong.

However, this did not arouse the navy's disgust, after all, they were originally wrong, and there is nothing to complain about.

So now, not only for them, but also for the commander's port area. Before the commander returns, we must protect the commander's port area, of course.


"How about it, did they agree?" a man in a white commander's costume asked the ship's lady on the side.

"No, they still refuse you to be their commander. They still say that they have a commander." said a ship's lady next to her.

"If this is the case, then destroy them." The man gave the order without hesitation and mercilessly.

"Equipment combat!"

Following the order from the ship's mother next to the man, the ship's mothers around the flagship where the man was located moved one after another and began to move towards the port area of ​​Xinghai.


"Lafite sauce, don't sleep, the other side seems to have really hit him, what should I do?" The javelin shook Lafite desperately.

Being shaken like this, no matter how sleepy he is, he must wake up.

Lafite moved his javelin away, yawned, and said weakly, "Raffi felt it, and the sea is back."

"Eh, really?" Javelin said excitedly.

"But it will take some time, someone needs to stop the group of people." Rafi said.

"That's it."

Rafite and the commander do have a special way of sensing. This is known to the javelin, but Rafie only now says that it will take a while for the commander to come back. After all, the speed of the ship is only that fast. .

"Well, I'll tell the sisters, we will definitely be able to hold on until the commander comes back." Javelin said firmly.

But Rafi's next sentence completely panicked Javelin.

Rafi looked at the javelin with a firm face, shook his head, and said, "Rafi didn't let them go. Rafi wants you to stop the group of people with Javelin alone."

"Eh eh eh!"

The javelin made a louder panic sound than before, attracting the eyes of the other ship's mothers, and sensing that the wrong javelin immediately covered his mouth, and then whispered to Rafi: "Rafi Sauce, I can't do it."

Lafite rubbed his eyes that were almost unable to open, and said in a daze, "Raffi thinks that the javelin is okay." After that, Lafite fell asleep again

Rafi said, and gave the javelin a thumbs up.

Looking at Lafite who was sleeping again, Javelin didn't know what to say, although she is now the strongest shipmate in this port area, with a level of 115, and has undergone special transformation by Lafite, so she should be strong. Will be strong.

But most of her opponents are very low-level sirens, especially after receiving special transformation from Rafie, those sirens can't even bear her shot.

Because the previous opponent was too weak, Javelin didn't know what his current strength was. There seemed to be a 120-level ship **** the opposite side, and there was more than one, which made Javelin feel a little drummed.

"The opposite has already come, let's prepare to fight." Rafie, who was already asleep, suddenly said.

Although Rafie has been asleep and awakened many times, the Javelin was taken aback.

"Well, I'm going to tell the other ship's mother." Javelin said.

"and many more"

Rafi grabbed the javelin who was going to tell her about the ship's wife, and said, "I'll go this time."


Javelin thought for a while, and said, "Also, what you said, Rafi, may be more convincing."

Rafi didn't answer the javelin, she seemed to have acquiesced in the javelin statement, and then she walked to the ship maids who were still outside the office.

Because of the absence of Xinghai, the ship maidens recommended several ship maidens to discuss, and the other ship maidens are working hard to exercise themselves.

After all, if the commander hasn't come back at the time, and they won't succumb to the opposing commander, what if the opposing commander will call him like he said.

So now every time they strengthen a little, they may be able to make a bigger contribution at that time.

However, the ship ladies have not exercised in the past few days. After all, the time limit given by that person is about to come. Now the atmosphere in the port area is very serious every day.

Moreover, the ship's mother has been monitoring the movements of the group of people. Once they have any changes, they can immediately report to the port area and prepare for battle.

But now, the opposite party has already begun to take action, and the already prepared ship ladies have come to the port area, summoned their own ship equipment, and started to sail outside the port area.


Rafi walked out of the office and said to the ship's mother outside: "Rafi successfully contacted the commander just now. The commander will be back in the near future, so we only need to support it for a while."

"Really, great."

A group of ship wives immediately began to discuss with joy, but a few ship wives, such as the ship wives such as enterprises, did not speak.

Because they knew that the commander was coming back at this time, and this was probably just a boost from Rafie.

But they didn't go to show through. After all, they went to the battlefield with hope, and they can often exert incredible power.


Javelin looked at the ship's mother army in the distance, his palms were a little sweaty.

When Rafi asked the other ship's wife to fight by herself, many people opposed it.

But in the end, the ship ladies agreed under the persuasion of Rafi for various reasons.

Now, Javelin needs to face all the ship's mothers on the opposite side. Although she said that if the situation is wrong, the sisters behind her will immediately come up to help, but she will inevitably feel a little nervous.

Speaking of this, we must mention Lafite's transformation.

After Lafite learned how to make a ship outfit from Tweets, he began to try to make the ship outfit of the ship girl, and after hearing that the ship girl could be modified, Lafite learned this technique again.

Then the highest-ranking javelin in the port area became Lafite's experiment. Of course, it was agreed by Javelin.

What Rafi asked about the Javelin was that the Javelin agreed without hesitation, which surprised Rafi a little.

And now, it's time to show Lafite's experimental results and Javelin's hard work.

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