Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 149: Stunning blow

And the ship maiden on the opposite side also found the javelin coming out alone and the ship maiden following the javelin.

The man also quickly received news from the ship's wife in front.

"Pushing a ship girl out, do you want to negotiate with me? Or for the dead ghost?"

A scornful smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth

"In either case, I have already given you time anyway. Since you are unwilling to obey obediently, then you can only be destroyed. Send my order and kill with all your strength, and you are not allowed to keep your hands."


Javelin looked at the ship maidens in front, took a deep breath, and began to recall his previous training and the effect of this new ship outfit.

Because of the previous experience of being under siege, the Javelin has exercised his skills in relief very carefully.

However, because of the limitation of the ship type of the Javelin, she would not be afraid if it was a destroyer, and she would be a little strenuous if it was a cruiser. If it was a battleliner or an aircraft carrier, I was afraid she had no choice.

So in addition to training her own confrontation skills, Javelin is more training her sense of smell on the battlefield.

Because the torpedo she carried is capable of causing a lot of damage to ships other than the expulsion, but she needs to grasp the timing of the release very well, because although her torpedoes are high in damage, they carry not much. Once the release is wrong, said Uncertainty will miss a huge fighter.

However, after Rafite modified the Javelin, Javelin felt that she was different in many places, the most obvious being her ship outfit.

All the main guns on the Javelin’s current ship have been replaced, and all have been changed to a main gun with a purple luminous pattern, which is the same color as the hair of the Javelin.

And the style does not seem to be the same as any of the previous main guns, or there is a feeling that the previous main guns are combined.

In addition, the torpedo has also been changed. Although there is no special change in appearance, Lafite said that this torpedo has been modified very carefully by her.

But when asked about the power of the javelin, Lafite was silent for a long time and only said a very powerful one, and because Rafie said that this torpedo was difficult to make, she never used the javelin once, which made her feel a little drummed.

And the long spear that had been with her was also changed a lot by Rafite, perhaps it was a complete change to the javelin.

The new gun that Rafi gave to the Javelin is about the same length as the previous one, but the appearance is much worse.

The tip of the gun has changed from the original flat triangle to the current four-sided pyramid. The tip of the gun gradually presents a crystal texture from the rod to the tip, and the more you lean towards the tip of the gun, the stronger the crystal.

There is no contact between the tip of the pyramid and the corners of the four pyramids, or it is not a whole.

Between the tip of the gun and the four pyramid angles, many blue electric lights can be seen jumping in it, and similarly, this gun is covered with purple luminous lines.

Javelin did not understand the meaning of these lines, but every time the javelin used this weapon, she would be shocked by the power of this weapon, and now she would use it again.

"Sniper Mode"

With the order of the javelin, the head of the javelin in the hand immediately changed.

The four pyramid angles on the gun head began to rotate, and a trace of electric light began to jump on the gun head.

The Javelin exhaled, holding the gun in both hands and pointed the tip of the gun at the local flagship.

With the increase of time, the electric light jumping on the gun head became more and more fierce, and even part of it spread along the barrel of the gun to the hand of the javelin holding the gun.

And judging from the painful look on the javelin's face from time to time, it can be seen that these electric lights are not harmless to the javelin.

Finally, the Javelin seemed unbearable, her lips slightly opened


A blue laser with a diameter of about half a meter instantly shot from the spear head of the javelin, melting all the things blocking the road.

Of course, due to the rules of attack between ship maidens, those ship maidens hit by the javelin did not have multiple big holes or anything. At the moment they were attacked by lasers, they were attacked by an inexplicable force. The two sides pushed apart, and did not continue to bear the attack.

However, even though they were pushed away, in just an instant, the armor on their bodies attacked by the javelin laser directly melted away, and similarly, the clothes on their bodies were melted.

The laser light emitted by the javelin disappeared only after an instant. Everything on the path that the laser passed through no longer exists, and the flagship targeted by the javelin also has a large hole in the hole. The molten iron that has not cooled down can also be seen around.

However, the Javelin deliberately avoided the bridge. Although the opposite person is now in a hostile relationship with them, she is still that lively and kind girl, allowing her to easily take the lives of others. She can't do such a thing.

But although the Javelin deliberately avoided the enemy's bridge, the commander on the opposite side thought otherwise.

The man looked at the big hole on the ship with molten iron still flowing, and he was a little bit afraid.

If it wasn't for the opposite shot, maybe he has a big hole in his body now.

However, after being afraid, he began to think of the javelin attack just now.

That weapon must be a new-style ship outfit. I didn't expect that the guys in the Inland Sea had never had a clue about it, and the guys here were actually tinkering out.

And it can also make the ship's mother holding this ship's outfit exert such a great power, if all ship's mothers can hold a copy, then he will not be invincible.

Thinking of this, the man's heart heated up, so he immediately issued a new order.

"That ship maiden caught alive, and all the technical ship maidens in the port area remained."

He was one of the losers of the combined fleet last time, but he can't be blamed for that time, because the monsters were terrible.

Mentioned the group of monsters, the man couldn't help shivering.

It is a group of monsters braving red light, just like the zombies in those movies, they will be contagious if they are touched, and if they are not completely destroyed, they will not die. They are simply monsters among monsters.

For this reason, he was sent to this place. He thought it was a mortal ending, but he didn't expect to find this kind of thing here. This is totally unexpected.

As for the question of whether he could not be fought, the man had never considered it. Although his ship's mother died in the previous extermination.

However, he still has close to two hundred ship maidens left, and there are even 8 ship maidens of level 120. He also knew the port area opposite, the level was generally low and the equipment was very poor.

Their strongest ship mother is not only level 115, but also an expulsion. Under his combination of all cruisers and battles, there is absolutely no resistance on the opposite side.

As for why there is no aircraft carrier, it is because all of his aircraft carriers were sacrificed in the last encirclement and suppression. Now these are all his ship maidens.


Javelin looked at the enemy ship's mother who struck again for a while, and clenched the gun in his hand.

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