Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 150: Deep into the enemy line

The javelin held the spear in both hands, looking solemnly at the enemy ship's mother who was about to engage in a confrontation.

At this time, if someone observes the javelin closely, they will find that the hand holding the javelin is trembling. Of course, this is not because the javelin is afraid of it, it will cause this situation because of the extremely powerful blow before the javelin.

She doesn’t know the attacking principle of this gun, but she knows that the longer the gun’s energy storage time, the greater the power of the blow just now. Similarly, the longer the energy storage time, the more damage it will cause her. Big.

According to Lafite, this gun is limited by materials and Lafite's current technical reasons. It can only be said to be a semi-finished product. For example, the user will also be injured. Therefore, Rafi urged the javelin not to exceed her limit energy storage time, otherwise she would lose the ability to fight and even be seriously injured after a single blow.

But although the Javelin didn't exceed its limit of energy storage time, it was extremely close to that value.

Because the Javelin's idea was that if her blow could scare the local commander, it would be nice to let him retreat on his own, but she failed.

If Javelin knew that he had not scared off the opposing commander, but had aroused the interest of the opposing commander, I am afraid that Javelin would regret his previous decision.

And because of her wrong decision, her current combat power is less than half of what she was in her heyday, and the other ship maidens who unfortunately stood on her attack path were destroyed, and her ship maidens are almost intact. .

She had promised Rafite before and would fight as hard as she could. She also knew that this was Lafite collecting experimental data. After all, the previous battle strength gap was too wide, and it did not help experimental research at all.

The purpose of Lafite's collection of experimental data is to make a stronger ship outfit. Once it is completely successful, then the contribution to the entire port area will be huge. Maybe then, she can also get a compliment from the commander.

The Javelin thinking about this, his eyes became firm, for Rafite, for her, and even more for the commander, she must continue to fight no matter what.

"Gun Mode"

"Battle Mode"

As the Javelin issued two orders, the outfit on her body began to change again.

The first is the gun in her hand. The four corners that were still some distance away from the center of the gun were turned a bit and then tightly attached to the center of the gun to form a whole.

Now the gun in the javelin hand looks closer to a real spear, and it is more suitable for swinging than before.

The ship's outfit on the Javelin just had brilliance flowing in those lines, and it didn't produce a greater change, but a lens protruded from the earphone in the left ear of the Javelin and covered the left eye of the Javelin.

In an instant the time before Javelin's eyes changed a little.

A piece of data appeared on those ship maidens, and there were even red crosses marking the location where the javelin was suitable for attack.

Looking at the beating data in front of him, Javelin took a deep breath and then rushed out directly.

The ship's lady on the opposite side saw the javelin rushed over by herself, and immediately encircled and suppressed. Because the command issued by their commander was to capture the ship's mother alive, and the capture itself was much more difficult than killing, plus the previous performance of the javelin. So these ship ladies didn't dare to be careless at all and just swarmed up.

In particular, the opposite side actually sent only this navy lady over, and the navy lady behind were all watching the show. It was really stupid. With such a powerful navy lady, we should send another navy lady to **** her, so let her Isn't it just to die if someone rushes over?

Naturally, she didn't know the disdain for the javelin in the enemy ship's heart, but even if she knew it, she wouldn't care too much.

Because after starting the battle mode, the whole body of Javelin has been put into the next battle.

Seeing the javelin approaching quickly, the ship's lady on the opposite side quickly discovered something was wrong.

Because it was too fast, the ship's lady was too fast. It was clear that there was still a long distance from their firing range before, but now, the ship's lady has entered their range.

Although these ship women were a little surprised, they had experienced a lot of battles after all. Although they were only exercise stations, they still had relatively rich combat experience.

I saw these ship maidens directly fired at the javelin, and the Lei Patrol’s torpedoes were also directly thrown out. It can be said that all the forward paths of the javelin were blocked in an instant, and if the javelin stopped, it would inevitably be attacked by fierce fire. .

It can be said that the Javelin is now in a mortal situation, at least in their opinion.

But the javelin's eyes did not show any panic.

Because in front of her eyes, although the front is covered with dense red lines, there are still several green lines interspersed among them, and these green lines are the safe routes calculated by the brain of Rafi.

Although I don't know what Rafi's intellectual brain is, the green line is indeed a safe route, although every step must be followed strictly according to its requirements.

In order to be able to keep up with the best route and best attack time analyzed by the brain, Javelin has exercised for a long time. After all, the brain can only give opinions and cannot be directly responsible for fighting, so Javelin still needs to judge by himself.

Although blindly fighting in accordance with the analysis given by the brain will affect his own judgment ability, Rafi has mentioned this before, but Javelin has not exercised his analytical ability.

Instead, try to cooperate with the analysis given by the brain as much as possible, because this is the fastest and easiest way to become stronger. The commander is not there now, and Rafite has been busy, so she must become as strong as possible. The fastest speed, so as to better protect the port area.

Then, the Javelin dodged most of the attacks under the stunned gaze of the opposite. Even if it was attacked, it did not suffer too much damage because of the special armor after Rafite's modification.

The javelin attacked first before the ship's mother on the other side recovered.

The main guns on the javelin fired at the same time, and they attacked the ship outfits of several different ship maidens.

Obviously the small-caliber main gun cannot cause excessive damage to the cruiser’s armor, but the javelin is different. The javelin’s main gun directly destroyed the target’s armor, and a bad luck ship’s mother was shot by the javelin. After being hit by a torpedo, the torpedo directly paralyzed her turbine and made her unable to move.

It wasn't until this time that the enemy ship's mother reacted and tried to disperse and attack the javelin.

But at this time, the enemy's huge number of ship mothers has become a burden instead. Because of the astonishing speed of the javelin, she kept close to the enemy ship's mother so that the enemy ship's mother would throw a rat-trap and dare not attack.

The performance of the javelin was naturally seen by the enemy commander.

He glanced at his ship's mother who dared not attack, and indifferently ordered: "A direct attack, even if you sink the friendly army, it doesn't matter, as long as you can catch her."

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