Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 151: consternation

The javelin that was evading by the enemy ship's mother suddenly felt something was wrong. The enemy ship's mother who was a little cowering at this moment all aimed the javelin with her own ship and opened fire, even though she was standing next to her. An enemy ship mother.

The Javelin could only evade immediately in a crisis, but the ship's wife who stood with the Javelin just now was miserable. She was directly destroyed by the fire and fell onto the water.

"How can it be……"

Javelin was deeply shocked by this scene, but how could they be their own partners.

Although it was indeed shameless to say that she just used the enemy ship's mother as her own shield, but that was the enemy after all, but the opposite.

The one who was clearly their own companion just now fired without hesitation, and seeing their expressions, they didn't feel any guilt about it, and seemed to be used to it.

This kind of phenomenon is something Javelin can't even think about. Whether it is aiming the muzzle at one's own partner, or turning a blind eye to hurting a partner, Javelin cannot understand and does not want to understand.

But the Javelin will be stunned, the enemy won't. During the time she was stunned, the enemy launched another attack.

Because of the stunned reason, it was too late to wait for the javelin to react. Even though she tried to avoid it, she was still hit many times, and even the main gun on her body was destroyed.

Only then did Javelin realize that he had committed a taboo on the battlefield, and immediately began to fight back, but the commander on the opposite side was shocked after seeing the results of this battle.

"How is this possible, obviously she is just an expulsion!" The commander on the opposite side was surprised.

Although because he gave the order to capture them alive, none of his naval guns used large-caliber guns, but that was also a volley of dozens of naval guns.

Even if he didn't get all shots, he saw at least a lot of shells falling on the ship's lady.

As a result, the most serious damage of the ship's mother was only the damage to a main gun, and there was almost no damage in other places. This is no longer an armor that should be expelled.

This level of armor should be thickened medium armor or heavy armor.

But he clearly remembered that the ship's mother was called the Javelin. Although she was the strongest ship's mother in this port area, she was only a destroyer, a destroyer, how could it have such a thick armor at such a fast speed? This is totally unreasonable.

If this is also the work of the technicians in this port area, it is impossible to imagine how superb the skills of the technicians are.

However, looking at the other side only sent one of this kind of navy, he estimated that there is only one of this kind of navy on the opposite side, but think about it, in such a remote area, it is very rare for a navy of this level to be built. Now, it is impossible to create a second or even a third.

But the more amazing the javelin was, the more the man wanted to control the javelin and the technician behind her in his own hands.

So this time he issued a new order, although he still catches the javelin alive, he has allowed his ships to use their main guns.

Because according to his speculation, the ship maiden on the opposite side, as long as it is not continuously attacked, will probably not sink.

With the maneuverability of the ship's lady on the opposite side, I am afraid that it is difficult for this situation to occur. The focused fire attack just now can hit a large number of hits, also because she didn't know why she was stunned, and there would be no such opportunity next time.

And as long as she is solved, then the other ship's mother is not a problem, he has even begun to enjoy his bright future.

"You seem to be very happy."

Suddenly, a voice rang from behind the man.

"That is……"

Halfway through the man's words, he suddenly felt something wrong. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a smiling star sea.

"who are you."

The man took two steps back suspiciously.

As we all know, there is no way to hide people in the ship's hull, because the ship's mother is sensitive to things inside the ship's hull.

Although it will not be said that you will have a very special reaction when you touch the ship's mother, but as long as there is something that does not belong to the ship's mother hiding in the ship's hull, the ship's mother will feel it.

Someone has done experiments before. If you put a few animals in the ship's hull, let the ship's mother turn the ship into a ship's outfit to see what happens, but unexpected things happen.

The animals did not disappear with the hull, but stayed in place at the moment the hull disappeared. This surprised the experimenters.

Later, many experiments were carried out. The experimenters found that anything that did not belong to the ship mother would stay in place at the moment the ship mother took the hull back.

And the hull that the man was riding on was that he was a ship maiden just released, and the ship maiden had not reported to him before.

So, this smiling man appeared on his boat just now.

Thinking of this, the commander broke out in a cold sweat. How could this be possible? This is not a science fiction blockbuster. How could there be such an outrageous thing.

"I advise you not to struggle anymore, because the ship's lady nearby has been knocked out by Xiao Ren, so it is impossible for you to get rescued." Xinghai continued.

As soon as Xinghai's voice fell, the cold sweat on the man's head increased.

In fact, he started asking for help with a special device just now, but he hasn't even reacted at all until now, and with the words of the man in front of him, he can already guess what.

Beside the man who appeared suddenly, there was a little girl in a black dress, but he didn't think it was an ordinary little girl.

Although the appearance of this girl did not appear on the ship's mother's illustration book, we must know that there is still a mirror ship's mother.

Mirror ship maiden, uniformly refers to the ship maiden in the world outside the mirror sea area.

The biggest difference between this kind of ship maiden and this world ship maiden is that they didn't have ship equipment at the beginning, and their ship equipment was made later.

For this reason, there is no way for the mirror ship maiden to summon her own hull. Of course, if someone helps them make it, that's another matter.

But generally no commander would do this kind of thing, because to shape the hull of the ship, the ship can only find chuchu, and chuchu only accepts diamonds, and the diamonds needed are an astronomical number.

So until now, I haven't heard of any commander who has built a hull for his mirror ship.

However, there is also a flaw in the mirror ship girl, that is, because they are outsiders after all, they can't adapt well to the ship equipment, so it is generally difficult to exert all the strength of the ship equipment.

But precisely because they are outsiders, they often have some very special skills that do not belong to this world.

Just like now, the commander suspected that the ship mother next to the man in front of him had used some special means to control his ship mother.

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