Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 152: Forcing

After confirming that it is really impossible for a ship’s mother to rescue him, he pretended to be calm and said: "Your Excellency, we don’t seem to have any grievances. I think I also have some strength. If you have any needs, I can try my best to satisfy you. you."

After speaking, the commander looked at Xinghai without a trace. If this person really has any needs, then his face will definitely change. At that time, he can hold the initiative in him. On the hand.

"What is your name and what are you doing here?"

But what puzzled him, Xinghai not only showed no expression after hearing his words, but instead asked him such a completely unrelated question.

The commander glanced at Xiao Ren next to Xinghai, and then bit his head and said: "My name is Li Hua, and I am sent by the top to replace this port area."

After hearing Li Hua's words, Xinghai raised his eyebrows. What does it mean? Why did he suddenly change people? He didn't seem to have committed anything.

Xinghai thought this in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, so he continued to ask: "Why is there such a decision above."

After Xinghai asked this question, Li Hua was silent. What should he say, should he tell the man in front of him-oh, we think you are dead, so I will replace you?

How could this be possible, if it was really like that, what if this man was so angry that he killed himself? Although Jianniang can't kill people, what if this man tells his Jianniang to hold him down, and then the man does it himself? It's not that this kind of thing hasn't happened before, even he did it.

Seeing Li Hua's delay in answering his own question, Xinghai frowned slightly invisibly, and then he looked at the sea on the side and said, "Do you know what the characteristics of this neighborhood are?"

"What is it?" Li Hua asked subconsciously.

Xinghai glanced at him, and then smiled: "It's a shark. There are many sharks here. You said that if I break your legs and hang you in the sea, guess what will happen?"

"Let me tell you." Xinghai glanced at him and continued: "First of all, the sea water will keep washing your wounds. You will experience pain that is dozens of times stronger than that of short legs. Not finished."

"Because of the many sharks nearby, these sharks will smell your blood, and because you are half hung on the surface of the sea, the sharks may jump up and bite you."

"If you are lucky enough, you will die at this time. If you are not lucky and only have your leg torn off, it must be very exciting, do you want to experience it?"

Hearing Xinghai's words, Li Hua's body began to tremble. Devil, the person in front of him was a devil.

He trembled and said: "Your Excellency, we have nothing to grudge, you don't have to be so cruel."

"No, yes."

Xinghai squinted and smiled, "Do you remember that you said you wanted to be the commander of this port area."


Li Hua nodded blankly, but he understood something in the next second.

"Could it be... you are..."

"Yes, you didn't guess wrong."

Xinghai said kindly: "I am the commander of this port area. I remember just now, did you say that you would destroy those lovely children in my port area?"

"That's because ah ah ah—"

Before Li Hua had finished speaking, he screamed in pain, because Xinghai broke his left arm just now and his entire arm was turned over.

Xiaoren had already turned around at Xinghai's request, so she didn't see this scene, only heard Li Hua's screams.

Although she wanted to turn her head to take a look, Xinghai's command was obviously more important. Although she couldn't read it, she still listened carefully with her ears up.

Seeing Xiao Ren's reaction, Xinghai frowned, and then ordered: "Xiao Ren go inside."

"Yes, brother"

Although Xiao Ren was extremely reluctant, she still walked into the cabin, while Xinghai and Li Hua stayed outside.

Li Hua fell to the ground, holding his left arm in his right hand, wailing in pain.

The extreme pain that the flesh and blood had been rotated 180 degrees almost made him faint. He, who has always been pampered, has ever suffered this kind of injury. He felt that the man in front of him was even more terrifying than the crimson he had met before.

Seeing Li Hua wailing on the ground, Xinghai squatted down with one foot on Li Hua's arm, and then said, "Okay, can you answer my previous question now?"

The moment Xinghai stepped on, Li Hua suddenly realized that he could not move, and his brain became abnormally clear, but the suffocating pain was still coming from his arm, reminding of what happened just now. It happened.

As for Xinghai’s question, he didn’t want to answer. Anyway, he treated himself this way. He would definitely not be able to escape. Once the Azur Lane people found themselves dead here, even if it was to appease his family, Azur Lane. He would send people to clean up, he didn't believe it, and with the strength of this port area, he could fight the Azur Lane.

The man thinking this way was shocked to find that his mouth could not help but move.

"Because the Azur Lane has reworked its plan for Crimson, all the commanders need to be contacted, but they found that the commander of this port area is not there, so they let me take over this port area."

Hearing the man's words, Xinghai nodded. If it was during the war, it would be understandable to make such a decision, but...

"Since you were sent to take over this port area, why would you want to eliminate those children in my port area? Are you afraid of any punishments on it?" Xinghai asked again.

This time, even with Xinghai's magic blessing, Li Hua still struggled for a while before speaking.

"Because the guys in the port area refused to obey me, they kept saying that they had a commander, so I would destroy them, because those who don't obey me can only die."

"As for the next thing, I am a child of a big family in the Inland Sea, and have a certain influence on the Azur Lane, so there is no problem."

When Li Hua said that the ship's lady in the port area always said that she had a commander, Xinghai showed a warm smile. Those guys are as simple as they are now.

As for Li Hua's subsequent explanation, Xinghai didn't listen much anymore. Soldiers came to cover the water and earth, and naturally there would be a way.

And with the current speed of message transmission, I'm afraid that when Azur Lane gets the news, Xinghai has already turned the Koror Islands into an impenetrable fortress when it sends troops.

At that time, I'm afraid anyone on the Azur Lane will have to consider three points.

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