Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 154: The end of the storm in the port area

Xinghai looked at Li Hua, thinking about how to destroy the corpse. Suddenly, he looked in a certain direction as if he felt something.

That direction is the battlefield where the Javelin and the Li Hua ship wives are engaged.

And now, the battle is over, and those ship ladies are coming here frantically.

"Did the news go out in the end?" Xinghai whispered.

"Xiaoren." Xinghai suddenly shouted.

"Yes, my concubine promises to complete the task." Xiaoren learned to salute others.

Upon seeing this, Xinghai smiled, and then hurried to the port area in hiding.

Because it is very close to the port area, it didn't take a minute to return to the port area. As soon as he returned to the port area, Xinghai came directly to the office, then manipulated it and turned on a microphone on the office desk.

"Are you okay? I'm back!"

At the same time, Xinghai's voice appeared in the loudspeakers everywhere in the port area, and the ship's mother who stayed in the port area heard the voice.

"Is it the commander, is it really the commander?"

"No one can pretend to be a commander."


Not long after Xinghai issued the announcement, there was a knock on the door outside the door.

"come in."

As Xinghai's voice fell, a petite figure rushed in, and then slapped it heavily on the table in front of Xinghai with both hands.

"Asshole Commander, where did you go? Everyone in the port area is worried to death, okay!"

Xinghai looked at z23 with tears in the corner of his eyes, and there was nothing to say for a while. After a long time, he apologized and said: "Sorry, it was my fault this time. I was blamed for carelessness, otherwise this kind of thing won't happen. ."

Xinghai is also telling the truth.

Space shuttle has always been a very dangerous thing, and Xinghai originally had injuries on his body, so it was not suitable for space shuttle, but the last space shuttle gave Xinghai a very safe illusion, so this time he even brought a small Ren.

But fortunately, I brought Xiao Ren, otherwise, if he sinks to the bottom of the sea, I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up for 30 years.

But Xinghai was always careless. In the world that had only stayed in the first world for a few months, it was only a few days in the current world. Xinghai didn't expect to stay in that world for that long.

After all, it was because of Xinghai's injury and coma. Otherwise, according to the later progress, I'm afraid that he would have returned long ago.

Because Xinghai discovered that the energy recovery speed of the Dimensional Illustrated Book began to accelerate after Xinghai had contacted Shitono or the elves, and the speed was more than a hundred times faster.

Didn't you see that the Dimensional Illustrated Book, which had only accumulated a small amount of energy in the past 30 years, accumulated energy in the next few months?

If he could come back earlier, these things wouldn't happen.

But fortunately, it’s not too late for him to come back. If he comes back a little bit late, the Minato might just...

No, Rafi will not allow this to happen, but Rafi has not taken any action until now, because she thinks there is still room for salvation? Or do you want to exercise the navy in the port area?

Xinghai was thinking about other issues, but z23 looked down at Xinghai in thought, his expression gloomy, and he didn't know why a wave of anger surged up.

"Does everyone need your apology!"

z23 yelled: "Do you know how hard everyone was during your absence!"

"Because of your absence, we are thinking about how to conceal and cover it every day."

"It is because you are not here that this kind of thing happened in the port area, so that everyone is worried every day. I see many sisters secretly wiping their tears every night, and some of the sisters who train to stand can't stand up. do you know!"

"But now, do you want to erase everything with an apology? Is it possible!"

Halfway through, the tears in z23's eyes couldn't stop flowing down.

Xinghai was also stunned by the series of roars from z23. You must know that the z23 in his memory is the kind of well-organized, very capable look, and meticulous in everything, like this completely outburst situation, he has never After seeing it, it seems that she has been depressed for too long.

"Sorry, I do not know a lot of things, but you can rest assured, since I am back this time, then I will atone for the mistakes I made before, after all, the mistakes this time are all on me." Xinghai touched The head of z23.

"Eh, commander, no."

Hearing Xinghai’s words, z23 said in a panic: "We can’t blame the commander. In fact, we also have problems. We are too weak to be at a loss for this kind of thing. Speaking of which, these things are a little bit different from the commander. There is no relationship, it is our problem, but I was tantrum at the commander just now, I..."

Halfway through, z23 didn't know what to say, turned around and ran outside, but Xinghai grabbed her.


The dragged z23 looked at Xinghai with a puzzled look, and then said a little scared: "Commander, I'm sorry."

Xinghai looked at z23, touched her head and said, "What's so sorry."


z23 wanted to say something, but Xinghai pressed his mouth with an index finger.

"We may all be wrong. No one is right, and no one is wrong. Once certain problems arise, no one is innocent associated with that, and it is impossible to throw all the blame on someone or a certain type of person. Body, so you don’t want to say that anymore."

"Since we are all wrong, then we might as well reflect on our own mistakes and make sure that this will not happen again next time, okay?"


z23 nodded with a flushed face.

"Well, you should have something else, you can leave first." Xinghai released his hand.

"Okay, Commander." z23 bowed.

"and many more."

Just as z23 was about to leave, Xinghai suddenly stopped z23 again. Z23 looked at it with a puzzled look, and then saw Xinghai pointing at the microphone.

"I didn't turn off the microphone just now, so what you said just now is likely to be heard by other ship maidens."

The reason Xinghai reminded z23 is to make her mentally prepared first, so as not to find out when she is mentioned by other shipmates, z23 must be embarrassing, although it will be embarrassing now.

After hearing Xinghai's words, z23 looked at the red light on the microphone, his face flushed. Then she wanted to scream, but saw the microphone again, quickly covered her mouth, and fled in a panic.

Xinghai looked at z23 who fled in a panic, showing a hint of knowing and smiling, still so comfortable, in this port area, in this big family, there are so many ship ladies accompanying him, if there are no accidents, Xinghai felt that he could live forever like this.


Li Hua fleet flagship.

Xiao Ren looked at the swarming ship women, her pupils suddenly turned red, and then she gave a cruel smile.

"My brother is not here, I can finally make a fuss about it, you know, what I was holding back was really uncomfortable."

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