Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 155: Ren's new anomaly

The enemy ship's mother retreated, although I don't know why.

The reason was that they were too far away. They only saw the gunfire from the enemy flagship, but they couldn't see what happened.

Coupled with Xinghai's command that it is strictly forbidden to go and see, what happened to the enemy has become a suspenseful question.

After that, Xinghai also agreed with the ship ladies to hold a celebration party after the matter was over to celebrate that they had overcome this difficulty.

This is exactly in line with Xinghai's heart. Even if the ship ladies did not raise it, Xinghai would take the initiative to raise this matter. There is nothing better than a celebration party to eliminate the psychological pressure caused by the war.

You must know that the ship maidens are not tools. Strictly speaking, they should be soldiers. Paying attention to the physical and mental health of soldiers is always a very important topic.

This has long been proved in human history, and this is why Xinghai will agree without hesitation.


After simply dealing with the ship's wife, Xinghai rushed to Li Hua's flagship.

Xiaoren faced so many ship ladies alone, Xinghai was still a little worried.

But when Xinghai arrived, the scene before him made Xinghai frowned.

I saw the ship's mother...the dead bodies floating everywhere around the flagship. Yes, you heard it right, it is the corpse, because Xinghai no longer feels the breath of any living thing in them.


Suddenly, the flagship heard Xiao Ren's low voice, but this laughter was completely different from any Xiao Ren's laugh that Xinghai had heard before.

It was a sick, crazy laugh, but Xiao Ren's laughter was usually very cheerful, the same laugh as a child.

So, is there something unusual about Xiaoren?

Xinghai, who was thinking this way, came to the deck of Li Hua's flagship, and then his brows tightened.

I saw that the deck was covered with blood, and there was a broken limb under Xinghai's feet, so I don't have to think about who these things belonged to.

The ship’s mother cannot harm the ship’s mother. Similarly, the siren and humans are also, and although the ship’s mothers seen by Xinghai have become corpses, they can still be said to be intact, so it is impossible for the ship’s mother to shed so much blood. .

And Li Hua, who Xinghai stayed here before, was no longer seen, and the place where Li Hua was before also had the most blood stains, so it is not difficult to guess that someone used a very brutal method against Li Hua.

And Li Hua's ship mother would definitely not attack him, so the only possible murderer was Xiao Ren.

But why does Xiao Ren do such a thing? Or does Xiaoren always hide the other side that he can't see?

With such a question, Xinghai came to the birthplace of laughter.

When Xinghai arrived here, he happened to see Xiao Ren laughing again and again, while tearing off a ship’s attire and throwing it aside. It looked like a perverted murderer.

Seeing this, Xinghai immediately said: "Xiaoren, what are you doing?"

Hearing Xinghai's voice, Xiao Ren was stunned for a moment, and then she wiped her face indiscriminately, as if she wanted to wipe the blood off her face.

But what she didn't know was that the more she was like this, the more obvious the blood stains would be. What's more, there were a lot of blood stains on her clothes, especially her hands, which had not yet been dried, so she couldn't hide herself anyway. Image.

"Ah, the concubine didn't do anything."

Xiao Ren turned around, with a pure smile on her face, but the blood on her face made her look a little hideous.

"Why would you do this?" Xinghai asked again.

"What do you do?" Xiaoren seemed to want to pretend to be foolish, but her appearance was not convincing.

"I'm asking why you want to do this, don't expect to play stupid to get past." This time Xinghai increased his tone and became more severe than before.

But Xiao Ren was twitching there, still not wanting to explain to Xinghai.

Although Xinghai wanted to talk to Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren's appearance made it clear that he did not want to talk to him.

So Xinghai directly grabbed Xiaoren and rushed to Lafite's experimental island.

At the same time, he also dropped the scroll to seal off the sea, so that people inside could not get out and people outside could not get in, and people outside saw that it was an ordinary sea, and there was nothing unusual.

The reason Xinghai would do this is also to prevent some mischievous guys in the port area from sneaking here because of curiosity and violating his orders.

He saw a lot of this kind of scenes so he didn't think anything, but if he let those little girls in the port area see it, it would be great.

Not to mention that they may leave a shadow of their souls from now on. If they tell other ship maidens about this, I am afraid that there will be more ship maidens interested in this place.

And this matter was basically accepted by Xinghai, maybe some ship ladies would suspect Xinghai. Although he wouldn't stop obeying Xinghai animation commands, there is always a gap, which is not what Xinghai wants to see.

So sealing this place is the best choice.


Xinghai also sent a message to Rafi on the way to the experimental island, and by the way, he asked Rafi about Xiaoren's situation.

After hearing Xinghai's narration, Lafite was also silent, leaving only one sentence, I came over immediately, and there was no more text. But Xinghai heard from Lafite's tone that she was also a little surprised and anxious. It seemed that Xiao Ren's current situation had exceeded her expectations.

Xiao Ren, who was caught by Xinghai, didn't say a word, just pretending to be dead there, and Xinghai was also thinking about what happened to Xiao Ren, so he didn't have a conversation with Xiao Ren.


Soon after Xinghai arrived at the experimental island, Lafite rushed over.

After Lafite came over, he didn't say anything, and directly shot Xiao Ren on his body, and Xiao Ren fainted.

At the same time, Lafite took Xiaoren from Xinghai and took her to the center of the experimental island.

There was a hidden door in Lafite's bedroom. Behind the hidden door was a long tunnel slanting downwards. Rafie walked in directly with Xiao Ren, and Xinghai followed in because he was worried about Xiao Ren.

After walking for a long distance, he finally saw Lafite Lab. Rafie put Xiao Ren into a jar-like thing and went to the side to manipulate various instruments.

I saw a light green liquid suddenly appeared in the empty jar, and it didn't take long for Xiao Ren to be completely immersed in this liquid.

After that, various instruments came down from the top of the jar and connected to Xiao Ren's body.

After that, Lafite operated for a while, and a string of data jumped out on the huge screen in front of Lafite.

Then Lafite began to browse the data.

Xinghai was on the side, looking at Rafi quietly.

This belongs to the realm of Rafite. Xinghai would not do anything before Rafite spoke. He just needs and can only wait on the sidelines.

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