Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 156: Lafite and Ren

Xinghai looked at Lafite who was constantly busy, and then at Xiao Ren who was soaked in the jar.

Seriously, what Xiao Ren did today has touched his bottom line. Although he is not opposed to killing, after all, if you do not kill others, others will come to kill you, but he is opposed to torture.

Because torture is not the same, although the same is killing, the torturer has no awe in his heart, and this tendency will make a person's reason more and more indifferent.

The kind of person Xinghai saw either became a public enemy of the whole people or was designed to be killed. Anyway, there was no good end.

And if Xiao Ren hadn't discovered Xinghai early this time, he might have something else to happen in the future, or maybe Xiao Ren could not get rid of this habit when it broke out.

Xinghai didn't want to watch Xiao Ren embark on such a path of no return, so Xiao Ren's habit must be changed.

But why did Xiaoren suddenly have such a habit? Seeing Lafite’s reaction, it seems that this was not set by her, and the specific result can only be known after Lafite’s test is completed and Lafite tells him.

And this detection time is much longer than Xinghai imagined, until midnight, there is no better trend.

"Hai, you can go back first." Rafi said suddenly.

Xinghai, who had been watching by the side, was dumbfounded, and then said: "Why?"

Lafite stopped his work and looked at Xinghaidao: "The detection of Xiaoren will take a long time, and the port area now needs the sea more, so the sea should not be spent here. I will call the sea again when the time comes. of."

Hearing Rafi's explanation, Xinghai thought about it and found that it was indeed the case.

He can’t help much here. It’s better to return to the port area to deal with the follow-up affairs of the port area. After all, he has been away from the port area for so long, and there must be a lot of work to do, and he is also needed for various adjustments and distributions after the war Do it.

According to Lafite's words, Xiao Ren's matter may not be solved in a few hours, so he will not do anything here except waste time.

In this way, Xinghai could only leave here first.

Xinghai thought about it this way and said to Rafi: "If this is the case, then I will leave first, and I must be called when the time comes."


Rafi nodded, and then started to get busy again.

Xinghai glanced at Xiao Ren, then turned and left. He was very relieved to hand Xiaoren to Lafite. After all, no one would be more worthy of his trust than Lafite.


Long after Xinghai left, Lafite, who had been busy, suddenly stopped.

I saw she walked to the huge pot soaked in Xiao Ren, touched the pot and watched Xiao Ren gently said: "In the last world, what have you experienced with Hai will make you the way you are now."

Xiao Ren opened his eyes when he had closed his eyes all the time. The yellow pupils of Xiao Ren and the observer have now become the same wine red as Lafite.

Xiao Ren looked at Rafi and didn't speak, but Xiao Ren's voice rang in Rafi's mind.

"Hmph, this is an exclusive memory of my concubine and my brother, how can I tell you."

Rafi heard what Xiao Ren said, because she had no expression, so she couldn't tell her feelings on her face, but Rafi spoke.

"It seems that you have received a lot of goods in this period of time. Many of the prohibitions I set for you have been lifted by you. You seem to want to get out of my control."

Lafite's cold tone now seemed to have completely changed a person, making people shudder.

Xiao Ren looked at the red light in Lafite's eyes even more.

"After all, I am you. You put me in this body, didn't you give me the opportunity to operate, and..."

"Doing it with my brother... It's really comfortable!"

When Rafi said these words in the bottom of his heart, Xiao Ren appeared on his face with an ironic expression, which seemed to be mocking Rafi.

But Rafi didn't care. Instead, she frowned and looked at Xiao Ren and said, "Is that the reason? Unexpectedly, Hai can revive your memory. This is something I didn't expect."

"Hahaha, now you want to monopolize your brother, you can't do it anymore. I have woken up. Even if you seal me now, I will only wake up faster, unless you destroy this body, but can you? No! Hahahaha..."

Listening to Xiao Ren's presumptuous laughter in her heart, Lafite had no expressions, and did not make any radical moves.

"This was originally set by me, but you still can't wake up. Now is not the time, and you know, Hai doesn't like that." Rafi said.

Rafi's words made Xiao Ren stiff, yes, it was because she knew that Xinghai didn't like that, so she would avoid Xinghai to do that kind of thing by herself.

She originally planned to deal with it after all that, but she didn't expect to forget her head after playing, so that Xinghai didn't find it after coming over, and she was caught by Xinghai directly.

Later, I saw that Xinghai didn't allow such things at all. Although she knew Xinghai was for her good, this was something carved in her bones and it was difficult to change it.

After a long silence, Xiao Ren's voice appeared in Rafi's heart.

"Can you solve this matter?"

"No" Lafite shook his head and said, "That's your own business. I can't help you."

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

After Rafie finished speaking, Xiaoren suddenly laughed, and then a resentful tone sounded in Rafie's heart.

"I understand, I understand..."

Xiao Ren in the jar suddenly raised her head, slumped on the glass jar, and looked at Rafi with a hateful look.

"I said how could you be so kind, it turned out to be so, turned out to be like this..."

"You did it on purpose. As long as you separate me from your body, then you won’t have that kind of personality, and your image in your brother’s mind will become better, but I’m different. I'll be disgusted by my brother gradually. Is this your plan? Okay, it's really ruthless."

"Whatever you say."

Rafia pressed a button expressionlessly, and as the instrument was running, the red in Xiao Ren's eyes gradually faded and turned into the previous yellow. There was no color in his pupils, as if he had lost consciousness.

Lafite looked at such Xiao Ren with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"It's not the time, it's not the time... and..."

"You are me too, we also love the sea, how can I let the sea hate you..."


Xinghai, who returned to the port area, suddenly throbbed in his heart, but the throbbing disappeared in an instant, as if it had had an illusion.

"Is it because I'm too worried about Xiao Ren?" Xinghai muttered to himself.

"Commander, there is still work for you to handle here."

While Xinghai was meditating, he seemed to hear the voice of z23.

Xinghai looked up and realized that he was not hearing voices, and that z23 was really standing there, holding a stack of documents in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Xinghai's mouth twitched.

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