Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 157: Javelin disease

As soon as Xinghai returned to the port area, he was arrested by z23 and went to work.

Although Xinghai doesn't hate office work, what he doesn't understand is why there are always unfinished jobs in his port area, which is simply confusing.

However, Xinghai came back to deal with these matters, he was ready to clean up all kinds of mess.

But when Xinghai really got the current information of the port area, he was surprised to find that all matters in the port area were handled in an orderly manner during his absence, except for some things that required his signature, basically nothing. Other things.

This made Xinghai look at z23 in surprise.

"Do you usually handle these things?" Xinghai asked.


z23 nodded, and said with some worry: "Commander, is there any problem?"

"Do not"

Xinghai shook his head and said, "Not only is there no problem, but it can be said that you did a very good job. Did you do this alone?"

"Eh, no."

Hearing Xinghai's words, z23 quickly said: "Sometimes I also ask other sisters in the port area to help, so this is not my credit alone."

"But z23 must be the one responsible for the most work, isn't it?" Xinghai smiled.

"Well, let's not talk about this for now. You can find a few ship ladies to make a celebration party three days later. You still have to leave it to you to do that."


Z23 nodded, and then left, Xinghai also started his own work.

In fact, he didn't have much to do. After all, most of them were done by z23, and Xinghai felt that he would be able to finish the rest of the things this evening.


Before Xinghai worked, there was a knock on the door. Xinghai said please come in, and then a girl with purple hair walked in cautiously.

The person who came was the Javelin that Xinghai hadn't seen for a long time. Since Javelin said that he would give up the position of the Xinghai Secretary ship and go to concentrate on training, Xinghai hasn't seen the Javelin much.

Speaking of which, if you count the time in the date war, Xinghai hasn't seen the javelin for many years. Seeing the javelin now, a sense of memory spontaneously arises.

"Why, do I scare you?" Xinghai smiled as he looked at the javelin cautiously.

The javelin came slowly, looking at Xinghai, facing Xinghai Dao with an unspeakable feeling

"No, I just haven't seen the commander for a long time, it feels a bit unreal."

Looking at the look of Javelin, if Xinghai hadn't known the time flow ratio of the two worlds, he might have thought that Javelin had been separated from him for thirty years.

Looking at such a javelin, Xinghai didn't know what to say. He was stunned for a while, then touched the head of the javelin and said, "Aren't I here now, and I miss you, Commander."

"Are we..." Javelin said in his heart.

However, being touched by the commander's head, this long-lost feeling of warmth made the Javelin want to stop.

Until the Javelin's chest suddenly came a painful feeling.

Javelin realized that something was wrong at this time, so she immediately wanted to leave the place, but it was too late. The heart-piercing feeling spread directly to Javelin's brain, causing the Javelin to fall to the ground.

Xinghai was shocked by the sudden series of javelin movements.

It was clear that Javelin was still enjoying his head-touching service before, but just now, Javelin's face suddenly showed a trace of pain, and then Javelin seemed to want to leave, but fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the javelin covered his chest and twitched, and there were some faint hoarse noises in his mouth, as if it had been poisoned.

The look of Javelin frightened Xinghai. Although the reaction of Javelin is indeed the same as that of poisoning, how could Jianniang be poisoned?

So Xinghai suspects that there is something wrong with the Javelin, and looking at the javelin's sudden desire to leave just now, it can be inferred that the Javelin has been in this situation for a while, and the reason she wants to leave is probably that she does not want Xinghai to find her abnormal .

But fortunately, Javelin is different from Xiao Ren. Javelin will not react strangely to Xinghai's detection array, and will not reject it. So Xinghai used the detection array for Javelin for the first time.

As for why the javelin that fell on the ground and twitched was not lifted first, it was because it was actually a very dangerous thing to swing the patient rashly without knowing the cause of the patient.

Because rashly swinging the patient may cause the patient's condition to worsen, resulting in more serious consequences.

Although Xinghai looked at the javelin falling to the ground and twitching, he was very distressed, and wanted to lift the javelin up and put it on the soft bed, but for this reason, Xinghai never dared to do it.

The effect of Xinghai's detection array is very good, just a few seconds, and the situation in the body of the javelin is passed into Xinghai's mind.

At that moment, Xinghai's complexion became very ugly. If Rafite was nearby, he might find that Xinghai's expression was seldom exposed, only when something important happened.



Javelin opened his eyes slowly, and then looked around in a daze.

Ah, did you get the disease in bed this time? It's so lucky, you don't need to sleep on the cold floor. Javelin thought so.

But after the Javelin became more sober, it suddenly occurred to him that he had become ill in front of the commander. Then the commander must have seen his appearance before.

Thinking of this, Javelin suddenly sat up from the bed.

"you're awake"

The commander's gentle voice came from the side, and the Javelin turned his head and saw Xinghai was sitting at a table on one side, and there was a paper with a strange pattern on the table.

"Commander, the one before..."

"Stop talking, I saw it all." Xinghai interrupted Javelin.

"How long have you been in this situation? Have you been hiding the truth from the other navy girls? I hope you can tell me the truth, because this is likely to affect many people."

Hearing Xinghai’s questioning, Javelin was silent, and after a long time, Javelin slowly said, “That’s about half a year ago. One day six months ago, I suddenly had this symptom.”

The words of the javelin made Xinghai's pupils shrink, did it start so early?

Then I saw the javelin and continued

"It was okay in the early stage. My chest was only a little bit painful, and it happened only once for a long time. I thought I was too tired from training, so I didn't care too much."

"Until later, the episodes became more frequent and the pain in the chest became more and more intense, but at that time I could still bear it."

"But until recently, the pain almost made me unable to breathe, and I would also lose consciousness, as the commander had seen before."

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