Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 158: Xinghai's worries

"You take a good rest first, I will figure out a solution for this matter." Xinghai said at the javelin.

"Hey, don't bother the commander anymore. This matter has little impact, except when it is sick, it is fine in normal times, so there is no problem." Javelin hurriedly said.

"From today, you are not allowed to participate in any training and battles. I will leave the task of protecting the port area to other ship's mothers." Xinghai said.


"No, but, there is no second choice. I am the commander and you must listen to me." Xinghai said in a strong tone.

Javelin looked at such a tough Xinghai, knowing that he couldn't change Xinghai's mind. You must know that she has also been with Xinghai for a long time. She knows that once Xinghai decides something, it will be difficult for others to change Xinghai's mind.

And even though she said nothing, Javelin clearly felt that the attack was getting more and more frequent.

It's okay now, because she has a better hidden reason, so only she and the commander know that even if the other ship's wife found something abnormal in her, she was confused by her. If any time she suddenly became ill in the public, then it is not just the commander who is worried.

At that time, I am afraid that many ship maidens in the port area will be worried about the javelin. This will also affect their lives. What the commander said may affect many people.

Of course Javelin didn't know that what Xinghai pointed out would affect many people referring to another thing, something that does not belong to this world, and it is likely to be related to him.

When exploring the body of the javelin before, Xinghai found that the other parts of the javelin were very healthy, but...

Javelin is the most important thing for a ship's mother, and it can be said that a mental cube that is the source of life for the ship's mother has a great problem.

The Javelin’s Mind Cube was covered with cracks, and some of the cracks were even shocking. It can be said that it is a miracle that the Javelin can live up to now.

However, after in-depth inspection, Xinghai saw a large number of repair marks on the Javelin's Mind Cube. Without these repairs, I am afraid that the Javelin has now passed away because the Mind Cube is completely shattered.

The traces of repair are obviously Lafite's handwriting. It seems that Lafite accidentally discovered the strangeness of Javelin's Mind Cube, and then repaired the Javelin's Mind Cube in the name of transformation.

As for why it is not suspected that the Javelin’s Mind Cube was broken due to an abnormality in Lafite’s experiment, it was because Xinghai found something in the Javelin’s Mind Cube.

It was an extremely tiny inscription, so tiny that Xinghai checked the Javelin's Mind Cube dozens of times before discovering this inscription, and this inscription happened to be the special ability of Xinghai's former enemy.

He can make this kind of floating inscriptions, let them wander in the universe, and lodge down when they encounter suitable things and absorb the power of the host to increase the power of the inscription users.

This sounds almost an invincible ability, but in the same way, behind this powerful ability are many extremely harsh conditions.

First of all, this ability is completely uncontrollable. If the floating direction and host selection are random, the second is that the inscription grows slowly, and the farther the distance is, the greater the energy loss. The third is that this inscription is extremely difficult. It was discovered, but the symptoms were obvious, and once it was discovered, it would be extremely easy to get rid of it. It only needs to be guided with a little magic power to remove this inscription from the host.

Although there is no way to destroy this inscription before it grows completely, you only need to find something as its host, and as long as there is a weak supply of energy every day, you can prevent the inscription from floating immediately, but also Will not let it grow.

Therefore, the effective target of that person's inscription is generally the host of the low or middle demon world, and if the distance is too far, it can only recover weak energy, and it is not as good as the energy consumed by releasing an ultra-small spell.

But because of this ability with many disadvantages, that person used this ability to become a person who made many people very jealous and frightened one side.

As Xinghai's former enemy, this ability has naturally been thoroughly studied by Xinghai. How to find out how to deal with Xinghai has a perfect response method.

The reason why I didn't find it in the first time this time was because Xinghai didn't even think of this thing.

Now I found it and took out the inscription on the Javelin Mind Cube, but Xinghai was not very happy. Because this inscription has another characteristic, that is, once a certain inscription finds that the world is very suitable for boarding, the inscription will send a signal to other inscriptions floating in the universe, and then those inscriptions will swarm into the world, and then That person will be attracted.

Although this process is extremely slow, it is already a certainty that the world is being watched.

"Really, troubles one after another." Xinghai sighed as he walked out of the room.

He had no doubt about the attraction of Mind Cube to this ghost, and once that person came into this world, he was afraid that all the ship maidens would not be spared.

Xinghai once saw a world that was kept in captivity by that person. Everyone in that world will be implanted with this inscription when they grow up to a certain age, and then those who are implanted with this inscription will eventually be absorbed in strength Died in pain on the way.

What Xinghai saw at that time was thousands of people falling to the ground and wailing. The scene was almost like purgatory on earth.

Xinghai felt a burst of colic in his heart when he thought that all the ship women would die in that kind of pain.

Xinghai has a strong affection for the special life of Jianniang, especially his Jianniang, so Xinghai does not want this world to turn into that kind of hell, and if Xinghai wants to achieve this goal, he can only rely on him as a port. Zone is not acceptable.

In other words, does he have to unite with other port areas? It is really not an easy task.

But now is not the time to think about this. Now it is time to think about whether there are other ship maidens with similar problems. If there are more, then the situation is very dangerous.

And Xinghai also needs to revisit all the events that occurred in the port area during his absence, so as not to have any hidden unknown problems in the port area.


In the room, Javelin was lying on the bed. After looking around for a while, she realized that this was Xinghai's bedroom. All of a sudden, Javelin's face turned red.

She hesitated, then grabbed the quilt and sniffed it lightly.

"It smells like... a commander."

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