Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 159: Changes in girls

Xinghai sealed the inscription obtained from the Javelin Mind Cube in his laboratory by special means to prevent this inscription from transmitting information to other inscriptions.

But this is only a follow-up insurance. If this inscription has already sent a message to other inscriptions, all this Xinghai has done is useless.

No, maybe it can’t be considered useless. If the time to send the signal is not long, maybe only a small part of it will be drawn to this world. Xinghai only needs to find a way to intercept these inscriptions at that time, so that it can still work. Delayed for a while.

Yes, procrastinate. Once the inscription sends a message, all Xinghai can do is procrastinate, and that person will definitely come to this world.

And now Xinghai is facing a very serious problem. He and Rafite were not only injured because of the previous siege, but their weapons were basically damaged. Rafite’s hull was even more bruised. One hundred holes can be said to be completely scrapped.

These things need to be supplemented. Xinghai has never been the kind of person who can hit the world without the help of anything. As long as it is useful to him and will not affect him, Xinghai will use it without hesitation.

Even if this thing is evil and shameless, as long as it doesn't touch the location of Xinghai, then it is within Xinghai's use range.

But now Xinghai is no longer able to travel in time and space, so the only way out is the Dimensional Illustrated Book.

"I really hope I can go to a high demon world next time, otherwise it will be useless at all." Xinghai said helplessly while looking at the floating dimensional picture book.

These are still relatively far away, a little closer, the cracks in Rafi's Mind Cube, and Xiao Ren's second personality. These are all things Xinghai needs to deal with.

Xiao Ren is fortunate to say that Xiao Ren came from Lafite after all. Although Rafie feels a bit tricky about Xiao Ren's current situation, he can probably solve it in the end, but the Javelin side is different.

The main problem with Javelin now is that the Mind Cube has suffered extensive damage and needs to be repaired. Lafite must have known this before, but he still has not directly repaired it.

And Lafite is not the kind of person who likes to give up halfway, and the person who has the accident is still a javelin who has a very good relationship with her, so Lafie has no reason to keep his hand. In this case, there is only one result, and that is that Rafi can't completely repair the damage on the Javelin Mind Cube.

The source of these damages should be that special inscriptions, something called parasitic inscriptions by Xinghai absorbs energy for a long time, which causes the overall structure of the Javelin's mental cube to become loose. In addition, the javelin often overtrains and consumes its own energy. As a result, the overall structure of the Mind Rubik's Cube was unbearable and collapsed.

This may also be the reason why the Javelin reaction is so intense, because Javelin has only been half a year, and her symptoms are similar to those of others in two or three years. Of course, this may also be due to the structural characteristics of the Mind Cube itself.

But anyway, the Javelin has entered the final stage. If Xinghai hadn't discovered it in time, maybe the Javelin was really...really needed...

Xinghai didn't even dare to think about the ending. Only then did he realize that he didn't know when the javelin became so important in his heart.

Perhaps, I was already moved by the shy girl who worked very hard.

Actually, I really want to say that Javelin may not be the same as the shy girl at the beginning. In order to take on the task of defending the port area, she worked too hard, too hard, maybe she used to never think she would change Let it be like this.

And it was Xinghai himself that gave birth to all this.

In fact, it wasn't just the javelin, Xinghai felt that many of the ship maidens who had walked with him in the first place had changed their appearances, or in other words, became a little strange.

For example, when Xinghai saw Hatsune before, he asked: "Do you have any new songs recently?"

Originally, this was just a very casual sentence, because the previous Hatsune was very fond of composing and singing. Although she became a ship girl, her dream of becoming a world-class singer has not changed.

But Hatsune's reaction completely exceeded Xinghai's expectations...

After hearing Xinghai’s words, Hatsune was stunned for a while, and then touched his head and said, "Hahaha, commander, if you don’t tell me, I have forgotten it. I haven’t touched the lyrics book for a long time. The recent incident in the port area It’s really too busy. What’s wrong, Commander, do you want to hear it? I’ll go and find out if my previous lyrics book is still there."

"But even if you find you, don't hope too much. I haven't sung for a long time, and my level may have dropped a lot."

Xinghai felt very shocked after listening to it. Such a girl who aims to be a world idol could not even find her own lyrics. Is this possible? Of course it is possible, as long as that person gives up his dream.

I don’t know if Hatsune gave up Xinghai completely, but he knows that Hatsune has completely let go of his dreams because of the affairs in Minato. It seems that during his absence, things happened in the port area more than he wanted, and more complicated than he wanted.

Originally, when Xinghai left, he thought that he had arranged enough, but he did not expect that his arrangement was of little use, because his arrangement was prepared for his short-term absence. Once this time is exceeded, many things will become very difficult. Trouble, but these troubles have now been solved by the ship ladies in his port area, Xinghai can't imagine how much effort they have put in.

Xinghai originally hoped that in his port area, as long as he survived the initial stage, then each ship's mother could do what he liked, and each ship's mother could live comfortably and happily in the port area.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, because he was stuck in other worlds for too long, so that many things had faults, and these faults brought Xinghai's unpredictable ending.

From Xinghai's point of view, the ship maidens in the port area have grown up more or less, growing up, a little less naive and a little more realistic than before.

But this kind of growth is not what Xinghai wants. He still prefers the previous naive girls who have their own ideals and ambitions. Rather than the realistic girls who are tired of life.

But it's okay now, not long, Xinghai may have a way to change them back to the original, but is that really good?

Although these girls do not fit the image in Xinghai's heart, they are more suitable for survival in this cruel world and more in line with the way of survival in this world.

It is impossible for Xinghai to protect them for a lifetime, or how can Xinghai protect these children when it is difficult for Xinghai to protect themselves?

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