Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 160: Changes in Beijiang

Xinghai stood in front of the window and sighed as he watched the ship's mother going back and forth in the port area. Now he realized that he did not actually have the consciousness of becoming a leader.

At first he came to be the commander only because of a whim, but after he became a real man, he discovered that this position was far more complicated than he thought. There were always endless work and many issues that he needed to decide. .

And any one of his decisions is related to the entire port area. Once an extremely serious error occurs in his decision, then the error will no longer affect him alone, but will affect everyone living in this port area. .

Xinghai has forgotten that once he accepts this port area, he will no longer be alone. Now he is no longer the one who used to do whatever he wanted. Now he has a family of people who need to take care of. He will be careful with every step, otherwise it will affect many people.

"Huh, it seems that I have a lot to learn." Xinghai muttered to himself, looking at the ship ladies in the port area.


Beijiang Port District.

"How are those people now." Beijiang sat at his desk, quietly waiting for Z23's report.

"Most of the ordinary residents obeyed our dispatch. It would be better to say that they were very happy, but there are still many murderous elements who have clashed with our people. Now those people have all been arrested and they are locked up in cells."


Bei Jiang nodded and said, "If this continues, it is estimated that this place will be rebuilt soon."

"Any more news?"

After turning over a page of the information in his hand, z23 said: "Because Brother Jiang has shown high expectations for the heroic performance of Crimson during this time."

"Heh, is this the reason why I have been so smooth recently?" Bei Jiang said mockingly.

When he first came here, because he was a loser, other commanders sent assassins to him and killed his sister. He would never forget this enmity.

Although he didn't make any movements on the surface, secretly he was still asking about the master behind the scenes. The effort paid off, and finally, he inquired about the chief agent behind the scenes, but the chief agent was not a single person, but a group of people.

A group of guys who had been suppressed by him and had no merit united in the plan of attack on him, the purpose is to make him sink completely.

In fact, their initial goal was z23, because they all knew that z23 is now the most important person to Beijiang, but the only thing that didn't make them think about it was the occurrence of the small spirit variable, which made their mission failed.

This is also the reason why Xiaoling will be so miserably tortured.

After that, Beijiang never allowed Z23 to leave the port area anymore, and even the ship’s mother was protecting Z23 all the time, just to prevent another attack.

Just as Beijiang guessed, after that, z23 encountered several attacks one after another, but because Beijiang had been prepared, all these attackers were arrested.

And these captured attackers were taken away by Beijiang, and there was no news of these attackers later. As for what happened to these attackers, only Beijiang knew.

Later, because of the crimson, the Azur Lane recruited troops everywhere, and Beijiang naturally could not fall behind.

But the biggest difference between Beijiang and those commanders is that Beijiang has a wealth of experience against Crimson, so when other commanders are losing, only Beijiang has achieved a huge number of combat exploits, relying on his former ship mother to use his life to pile it up. experience of.

Bei Jiang's conspicuous performance was naturally squeezed out by other commanders, but these Bei Jiang didn't care at all. All he needed was the attention of the people above.

And he was not a very weak commander before. On the contrary, he had won many medals, although he didn't know where he threw them.

Therefore, he should get attention more easily than other commanders.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the people above paid attention to him one after another, and they all said they wanted to protect Beijiang. After all, Beijiang was the only person who could cause huge casualties to Crimson, even if others knew It can't be done without tactics, which makes Beijiang more precious.

In this way, the people who made small actions to Beijiang overnight either disappeared from the world or died.

And those who had sent assassins to attack Beijiang also introduced a few dead ghosts.

Although Beijiang knew that those people were dead ghosts, they still had to accept this apology. After all, it was because of the great power of others here, and he was not dominant, so he could only endure it now.

But of course he won't just give up revenge like this. Enduring it is only a temporary thing. As long as he catches the opportunity, he will definitely get a piece of flesh on those people. Of course, it would be better if he could kill him.

"Is there anything else?" Beijiang said.

z23 shook his head and said: "No more, but..."

"But what?"

"Brother Jiang, don't be too tired. Although I know you always want to give them revenge, you should also pay attention to your own body, because you can only do those things when you are healthy, right?" z23 looked at Beijiang with a face Caring way.

Hearing the words of z23, Beijiang's heart burst into an inexplicable rage, but this rage was quickly suppressed by him.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a kid anymore, I will take care of myself."


z23 nodded worriedly, and walked out of the office.

Watching z23 walk out of the office, after a while, Beijiang got up and walked to the office door and locked the door.

After confirming that the door was really locked, Bei Jiang returned to the desk and took out a long knife from a hidden compartment of the desk.

This knife is the long knife named Avengers that Beijiang used before.

Bei Jiang took a deep breath, pressed the timer on the table, and let the suppressed anger in his heart gush out again, and then, a shocking scene happened.

I saw a raging fire on this knife, and it was beating constantly, just like magic.

But Beijiang just kept this action and did nothing. As time passed by, Beijiang's eyes appeared to see a red light, and as time passed, this red light became more and more red. Big, almost full of Beijiang’s pupils, until Beijiang threw the knife in his hand.

Strangely speaking, the flame on the knife disappeared immediately after leaving Beijiang's hand. The red light in Beijiang's eyes quickly dissipated, and Beijiang was panting heavily.

After breathing for a long time, Bei Jiang looked at the timer on the table, and he roughly estimated the time.

"Is it two to three minutes longer than yesterday?"

Yes, Beijiang is training, training a technique that is completely unreasonable and does not belong to this world.

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