Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 161: Beijiang's training

A long time ago, Beijiang discovered that his anger and feelings of revenge could trigger some changes in the Avengers.

So Beijiang secretly started testing. After many experiments, Beijiang found that once his anger reached a certain threshold, that anger could be materialized on the knife, which was the flame on the knife he had seen before.

Bei Jiang also tried it. This kind of flame is not just good-looking. If the flame is attached to the knife, the lethality of this knife will also be greatly increased. It can even cut a one-centimeter steel plate like tofu, which is terrifying.

But the same, because this ability is triggered by anger, and the knife itself can arouse people's anger, so once that state lasts for a long time, he will become a monster who only knows to kill.

This is why Beijiang locked the door to prevent him from hurting other people.

When this ability was triggered for the first time because he had no experience, Bei Jiang was directly in that crazy state, but fortunately no one came into his office that time, so there were no casualties.

After entering that crazy state, Bei Jiang kept slashing until he was exhausted and passed out before stopping.

When he woke up, he saw a messy office.

Almost everything has been chopped down by him, coupled with the terrifying destructive power of the Avengers, the entire office can be said to be riddled with holes.

Although there were no casualties, many documents were destroyed by Beijiang. In the end, Beijiang had been attacked as a reason to hide it.

But this incident also reminded Beijiang.

So after that, Beijiang asked people to remodel his office and reinstalled better protective materials. Everyone thought he was external, but no one wanted to get these protections to be internal.

Moreover, the door lock of this room is also specially made. Once the door is locked, two different keys are needed to open it. Beijiang only gave one, and that one can only be used when the door is not locked. Yes, so Beijiang doesn't worry that someone will break in.

After that, he tried many times again, and then he was surprised to find that the maintenance time of the ability would increase the next time after the use of the ability reached the limit.

Although the increase was minimal, Beijiang also saw hope of becoming stronger.

Therefore, he now exercises like this every day to improve his abilities.

But exercising like this every day has side effects soon.

One of the obvious is that Beijiang has become more irritable than before. As long as a small matter can make him angry, he has even been inexplicably angry with his navy girls several times, scaring many naval girls.

Although Beijiang apologized one by one after that, the wound healed and the scar left by the wound was still there.

Therefore, many ship women in the old port area are very afraid of Beijiang, not to mention the new ones.

So Beijiang's training has one more thing besides maintaining the special abilities of the Avengers, which is to learn to suppress his emotions, rather than let it burst out casually.

After so long of training, Beijiang finally has some results. Isn't the previous one a good example?

But to be honest, Beijiang doesn’t know what he is doing so desperately for. If it’s just to resist the attackers, he doesn’t need to exercise like this. With his current strength, he can easily deal with any kind of attack. The author.

But now he is still exercising like this, completely unaware of the consequences.

And this is not without sequelae. He secretly went inland for an examination, and the results showed that there were traces of stones on his right chest. Originally this should be a very common disease, even doctors think so.

Originally, it could be taken out with an operation, but because Beijiang considered the port area and the hospitalization took a long time, he refused the doctor's proposal.

Until the number of Beijiang exercises increased, a small crystal appeared on the back of Beijiang.

Beijiang didn't feel much when this crystal appeared. The reason it was discovered was because after Beijiang finished the reconciliation, z23 suddenly told him that there was a strange lump behind him.

The hard lump felt like a crystal to the touch, but the thing was not a pendant or something, but a bit like growing out of Beijiang's body, so this shocked z23.

Z23 has repeatedly proposed to take Beijiang to see a doctor, but it has never been able to achieve it, because Beijiang always uses this as a family genetic disease as a reason to hide from z23 and dispel z23's request to take him to the doctor.

And maybe he knows a little about what is on him.

To this day, he still does that weird dream from time to time, it is still a bit of nowhere, it is still a weirdly dressed human, it is still a noisy voice.

And every time Beijiang reaches a certain stage, Beijiang will definitely wake up, and the next time he will have the last dream, it is like watching a story.

As the story progresses step by step, Beijiang has learned more and more about the story of that world.

Why is it another world? Because Beijiang heard a lot of things that are incompatible with this world, such as natural disasters, moving cities, and mineral diseases.

For these things, Beijiang also deliberately checked the information. Although some have the same name, they are indeed completely different things. The biggest difference is the source stone.

People with mineral disease will grow something called source stone in their body. This kind of thing is extremely infectious and seems to have some other characteristics.

Because the sound is very noisy, Beijiang can hear very little every time, and most of the information can only be guessed by himself.

And more importantly, mineral disease is contagious, so after that, Beijiang never slept with z23 again.

Because he has contracted this disease, and people with this disease have only one dead end, at least he did not see any solution in his dream.

And z23 is no longer a ship mother, it is a human being, so it is possible that z23 will be infected by Beijiang, so in order to prevent z23 from being infected, Beijiang has been hiding from z23 for various reasons during this period.

But because he has been hiding from z23, z23 seems to be a little bit angry now, what kind of rhetoric should he think of then?

After thinking about it for a while, Beijiang felt that he was almost recovered now. He tremblingly got up from the ground and hid the Avenger who had been thrown on the ground back into the secret compartment of the desk.

As for why he needs it so much, it is because the Avengers' ability requires a lot of physical strength in addition to anger. Once the physical strength is gone, the special ability cannot be released.

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