Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 162: Talk heart

Bei Jiang sat in a chair and rested for a while before he managed to return to a level where he could move normally.

"This sequelae is as serious as ever."

Bei Jiang pulled up his sleeves, looked at the rice-sized crystals on his arms for a while, and then put the sleeves back.

I just hope that this disease will not let him die too early. If he is not there before everything is completed, then everything he has done will be in vain, so he now faces a choice.

Do you continue to grow stronger, or stop and think of ways to extend your life...


Xinghai Port District.

The port area, which was still a tense atmosphere a few days ago, can now be said to be singing and dancing, and the faces of each ship’s lady are filled with happiness and joy.

Perhaps for them, this is probably the best.

Xinghai sat in the corner quietly watching them, enjoying the tranquility of this moment, until a ship lady stood in front of him.

Xinghai looked up and found that the person who came was actually a business.

"Commander, can you go out with me?" The company looked at Xinghai Road.


Xinghai was a little surprised by the company's words. After all, after arriving at his port area, a pragmatic ship girl like a company rarely talked to him when she reported on the work situation, and now she would actually invite him.


Xinghai agreed without hesitation, anyway, he is also idle now.

Seeing Xinghai nodded in agreement, the company took the lead to go out, and Xinghai followed.

The party was still held in the navy cafeteria, but unlike the previous navy cafeteria, after many renovations, the current navy cafeteria is divided into three floors.

Both the first and second floors provide dining services for the ship ladies, while the third floor is the venue for the banquet. It is built very magnificently, and it can also allow the tweeted to change different styles.

This is from the after-sales service of tweeted. After all, the diamonds are produced. How can I do without some after-sales service?

The company still did not stop after leaving the navy cafeteria, while Xinghai has been following the company, and the two of them walked quietly without saying a word.

Finally, the company stopped on a beach near the port area.

"Why would a commander want to be a commander?" the company suddenly asked.

Xinghai was stunned by the company's problems, and then he said: "Maybe it's new, maybe it's interesting, or maybe I want some family members."

"Family?" the company murmured.

"Commander, don't you lie? You said that." Enterprise said.

Xinghai shrugged helplessly and said, "This kind of thing is meaningless to lie. The fake is always fake. You can feel it too."

"Yeah" The company nodded.

As soon as the topic ended, the two fell into silence again. After a long time, Xinghai still asked first: "Then you...what is the meaning of your ship's existence?"

"Don’t you know this commander best? From the day of birth, the meaning of our existence has been fixed. We will fight for you, commander, follow your orders, and bring you victory after victory. "The company said without looking back.

Hearing what the company said, Xinghai was silent for a while, and then said: "Well, let me put it another way, do you have your own wishes and ideals."

Hearing Xinghai's words, the company turned around to look at Xinghai, and said in confusion: "Commander...why would you ask this?"

"how to say."

After taking a look at the company, Xinghai looked at the rippling sea again, and slowly said: "Because I think you should have something of your own, and you can't always live in the world of others. After all, you can also be said to be human. Isn't it?"

"This is really a novel statement, in my understanding there is no such statement." The company smiled.

"But we are lucky to be here now, because many sisters have their own long-cherished dreams. That was a goal that they had never achieved, but here, this goal has changed from completely impossible to may."

"But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that we can have the chance to meet again with the sisters we lost. Maybe these are enough."

After the company finished speaking, he was silent, and Xinghai didn't continue. Both seemed to be thinking about their own affairs.

After a long time, Xinghai suddenly said: "Enterprise, if, I mean if one day I leave this port area and not come back, what will happen to you...?"

"Why does the commander have this idea?" The company looked at Xinghai with a torch.

"Because of me, it is very likely to bring you a disaster, and if I leave, you will not be involved in this disaster, so for you, maybe..."


A loud shout from the enterprise directly interrupted Xinghai's words.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" The company stared at Xinghaidao.

Hearing what the company said, Xinghai frowned and said, "I know."

"Then why do you still say such things."

"Because I don't want to watch you die innocently because of me." Xinghai's tone increased a bit.


The company looked at Xinghai and said as if it was self-deprecating: "I really didn't expect our commander to say the word innocence to us."

The company's words made Xinghai's brows frown even more tightly. He asked, "Is there something wrong with what I said? If you die because of my personal reasons, aren't you innocent?"

"Ha ha"

The company shook his head and said, "Commander, you still don't understand our ship mother."

"We were born because of the commander, and from the day we were born, everything about me has been tightly tied to the commander. No matter how difficult and dangerous there are, even if the front is an absolute dead end, We will all accompany the commander down."

"Besides, we are not ordinary girls, we are soldiers, soldiers who have experienced countless wars, do you think such a person is innocent?"

"Oh, right"

The company seemed to have thought of something, and then continued: "The ideal thing the commander asked just now is not to want us to chase our own ideals, and then the commander will leave alone. Do you think this is possible?"

"Look at when the commander is away, every ship's lady is giving his own strength to protect this port area."

"In fact, you have never come back, Commander. Most of the sisters think that you have suffered an accident. It can be said that everyone knows this, but none of the ship's mothers have said it. Why? It is because this is the commander. , What you left behind."

"Even if you are gone, and you leave, we will stay here, guarding everything about you, guarding your past, guarding those... days."

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