Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 165: Memories of Lafite

When Xiao Ren looked at Lafite jealously, Lafite's eyes suddenly opened, looking directly at Xiao Ren in the jar.

And because Xiao Ren was jealous and affected his reason, Xiao Ren didn't have time to close his eyes, and directly met Rafite.

Seeing Rafi's gaze that seemed to penetrate his soul, Xiao Ren felt a guilty conscience inexplicably, and subconsciously staggered Rafi's gaze.

Seeing Rafi suddenly opened his eyes, Xinghai was also a little surprised. According to the usual practice, Rafi shouldn't have to sleep for a long time. Why did he wake up so soon?

Xinghai noticed that Rafi's eyes were motionless, as if he was looking at something. Xinghai followed Rafi's gaze and saw Xiaoren with his head aside from the culture tank.

"Xiaoren, why are you awake?" Xinghai asked suspiciously.

However, Xinghai didn't get Xiao Ren's response after questioning. Xinghai reacted. It is very likely that Xiao Ren inside could not hear him. He was really stupid.

In fact, Xiaoren heard Xinghai's question, but she didn't want to answer it now, because Rafi's gaze made her a little guilty, and if she didn't answer now, she probably won't have to answer it later.

So she pretended not to hear, wanting to be confused like this.

Fortunately, Rafi didn't break through her either, just got up from Xinghai's arms after watching her for a while and came to the console.

I saw Lafite operating a few times on the console, and the tank containing Xiao Ren began to make some sound of instrument activation, the liquid in the tank also began to drop, and the instruments on Xiao Ren began to detach. It was all taken back in a while.

After all the liquid disappeared, the glass cover of the tank also began to rise.

Xiaoren looked at Xinghai. She wanted to rush into Xinghai's arms, but she was scrupulous about Rafite next to her, so she froze there all of a sudden.

Xinghai naturally saw Xiao Ren's fear, so he smiled and walked over and hugged Xiao Ren who was still standing on it.

"Lafite, do you have a towel?" Xinghai turned his head and asked Rafite.

"There is no such thing here." Rafi said.

Listening to Lafite’s answer, Xinghai has a headache, but think about it, why are there towels here?

The reason Xinghai wanted a towel was that Xiao Ren came out of the jar just now, and his body was covered with nutrient solution. It felt a little slippery to the touch. By the way, Xiao Ren had no clothes now.

Although it feels good to the touch, the nutrition will not be very comfortable on the body, so Xinghai still wants to wipe Xiaoren, so he asked Rafi if he has a towel.

It is a pity that Lafite does not have that kind of thing.

Although they are not here, they must be in the dormitory outside the laboratory, but most of the nutrient solution on Xiao Ren's body will be dried out when they go out, and it will still be uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, Xinghai took out a softer magic cloth from the space ring and wiped Xiao Ren's body.

If someone on the magic side sees Xinghai's behavior, I am afraid that he will yell at him and accuse him of the prodigal.

After all, these materials that can be put in the ring by Xinghai are generally not very inferior goods, and such materials are actually used by Xinghai to wipe the body of others. If you think about it, you may understand those people. In the mood.

Lafite watched the interaction between Xinghai and Xiaoren quietly, and gradually began to remember.

Many years ago, Xinghai lifted her out of the culture tank in this way, and wiped her body gently in this way.

In fact, at that time, Rafi was still a little scared of Xinghai.

After all, at that time, she only had some conventional knowledge and loyalty to the man in front of her.

It can be said that after she came into this world, everything was ignorant and ignorant, and the man in front of her was also her master, who would be the one she would serve in her life.

But in addition to the fear of the unknown in her heart, there was a voice calling, to get closer to him, and to get closer. This paradoxical feeling made her a little confused.

This situation continued until the man spoke


He called himself so softly, and the tenderness in that voice kept touching her heart.

But I don't know why, after hearing this call, her nose was sore and she almost cried.

Although the man in front of her was yelling to herself, she felt that he was not yelling, but that it was another person. There is no reason, she just feels this way.

That kind of tenderness, that kind of care, that kind of admiration does not belong to her, but to another person.

And the other person is probably the one who has been shouting from the bottom of her heart.

She couldn't even imagine what the man would do to her once the man in front of her found out that he was not the one he wanted.

So, for her own sake, she spared no room to imitate the person in his heart, to match the image of the person in his memory.

As time passed, the voice in my heart became weaker and weaker, and she became more and more like another person.

She succeeded, very successful, so successful that she herself can't recognize who she is, so successful that she no longer remembers what she was like.

But all the hard work is worthwhile. The more she performed in line with men's expectations, the better men would treat her. Gradually, she became a little addicted to these things.

Although she knew that these things were not hers, she was just a false substitute, and even though she knew that this kind of thing would be tragic next time once it was discovered, she still couldn’t help but craved for more, just like a Moths fighting the fire.

But since she has done this kind of thing, there must be one day she will be exposed, so the man who pretended to be another person was discovered.

She would never forget the expression of the man at that time, it was a kind of anger, a kind of regret, and the expression of inexplicable emotion mixed in it.

After that, she thought that she would no longer exist, because she still remembered the disgust that flashed on the man's face.

But this time, the object of this feeling is no longer the person, but her, and at the same time, this is the real man, the first expression shown to her.

Although she had already prepared her heart, when it happened, the man's expression of disgust made her chest hurt and the pain was piercing. It turned out that she still couldn't bear it.

But she stole another girl's things from this man for so many years, it was time to return it to her.

So she used her own secret technique to awaken and restore the last trace of consciousness that she deliberately retained in her body.

Everything should come to an end. The fake will always be fake, no matter how similar the imitation, the fake will never become real.

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