Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 166: Memories of Xinghai

Xinghai wiped Xiaoren's body, and suddenly felt that this scene was a bit familiar. After thinking about it carefully, Xinghai remembered that the first time he met Lafite was like this.

As mentioned before, Xinghai placed her soul in an artificial **** in order to resurrect Lafite, in an attempt to continue Lafite's life.

At the very beginning, he felt he had succeeded.

Because this artificial **** has the same appearance and personality as Lafite, and the handling of things is the same as she used to be, Xinghai thought that he had actually succeeded.

Although this artificial **** occasionally showed some strange reactions, he was just a normal reaction after Rafite's resurrection, such as the loss of most of his memory.

Because of Rafi's special physique, when Xinghai extracted Rafi's soul, Rafi only had one remnant soul left. And he is not an expert in the soul. He has average skills in the soul, so he can only follow the book and waste a lot of effort to successfully put Rafi's soul into the artificial god.

It was for this reason that when the artificial **** Rafi woke up and said that he had lost most of his memory, Xinghai easily believed it.

After that, Xinghai used the best to treat the artificial **** Lafite, wanting to make up for the previous debts, and the artificial **** Rafite gradually became more and more similar to the former Lafite, which made Xinghai even more excited because of his Lafite, back.

If that accident was useless, they might just go on like this forever.

In a time-space traveler's transaction, Xinghai purchased more detailed information on the production and post-processing of artificial gods from others in order to continue to perfect Lafite.

Then Xinghai saw this passage in it:

Putting the soul into an artificial **** can make the artificial **** become the carrier of this soul, and let the soul stay in the artificial god.

But it should be noted that if the soul placed in it is not complete, then the powerful power of the artificial **** will reproduce a new soul based on this soul, and this soul is a soul that has nothing to do with the previous soul. , Can even produce independent character and characteristics.

Therefore, when choosing souls, you must choose the souls of powerful creatures. If you are worried that the soul will eat yourself back, you can use spells to eliminate the original soul and clean the existing soul.

Here is the spell part...

When I saw this, Xinghai was immediately shocked. Is Rafite who has been with him a fake?

Obviously, this Lafite is exactly the same as the previous Lafite, and there is no difference at all. Although there may be some abnormalities occasionally, but...but are not all the normal reactions that an artificial **** as a body should have, shouldn't it be possible?

Xinghai didn't want to think about it, nor dared to think about it.

But as the time spent with each other got longer, Xinghai felt a pain in his heart when he thought that Rafi was a fake in front of him.

And the artificial **** Rafi also seemed to have discovered his abnormality, probably because he was flustered, and began to have some problems that could be regarded as revealing his identity.

So Xinghai didn't hold back in the end. He used the spell in the data to quietly probe the artificial **** Rafi many times. As a result, he was desperate.

No matter how you detect it, the spell will show that this is a brand new soul, but now the various manifestations of the artificial **** Rafi are affirming this result step by step.

Finally one day, Xinghai asked questions like Rafi

"Are you Rafite?"

When Xinghai asked this question, his heart was uneasy. As long as the artificial **** Rafi said that she was Rafi, then Xinghai would treat her as Rafi in the future, and go with all the information and truth. , He only wants Rafite now.

But the result is quite different from what he imagined, because in general, a person pretends to be someone else for a long time, so when someone asks him if he is someone else, then this person will probably not admit it.

But the artificial **** Lafite was different. She was silent for a long time, and then said in a liberating tone

"You found it."

At that moment, everything that Xinghai had conceived collapsed, and everything returned to show, and he could no longer see the girl in front of him as Rafi.

So he was discouraged, and his attitude towards the artificial **** Lafite was not as good as day after day, until one day, because of his performance, the artificial **** Rafie accidentally poured coffee on his clothes.

Inexplicably, at that moment he was furious, and an inexplicable disgust emerged in his heart.

But soon, he discovered that there was something wrong with him again. He didn't know what to do with Rafite now, and he fled from that place, and after giving random orders, he went to the next world by himself.

When he came back, the artificial **** Rafi was gone, and there was only a note left at home.

Master, thank you for your company. I am very lucky. I am lucky enough to meet such a good host like you. But I am guilty. My name is stolen, and the happiness I enjoy is also stolen, or, Everything about me is stolen.

I think it's time for me to go back. Even though I said so, but... But... I still hope I can leave any impression in the master's heart. Goodbye, my dearest and beloved master...

There were a few water marks on the paper, which looked like tears, but...obviously artificial gods would not shed tears.

This is the content on the note. Although there is no signature, there is only one person who can write this note. After reading the content on the note, I feel a little flustered, as if something bad is about to happen. Up.

"That girl, don't do stupid things."

Xinghai prayed in his heart.

In fact, he went to the world alone, not just to escape, but to see his heart clearly.

After thinking about it for a long time in that world, he finally understood one thing. In fact, he was in the horns.

However, the artificial gods Lafite and Lafite are two different existences, but how was the artificial **** Lafite born? She was born based on Lafite, so it is not an exaggeration to say that she is another Lafite .

And more importantly, he and Lafite now live together very happily and warmly. Every time I think of those days, Xinghai's heart is warmed.

Xinghai felt that perhaps the current Rafite was actually an opportunity for compensation given him by the heavens. In that case, why would he not be better to the artificial **** Rafite? .

After making this decision, Hui Xinghai came back directly, wanting to tell Rafi what he wanted.

But all he saw was this empty house with this note. And the information written on this note gave Xinghai a rather unclear feeling.

"You must be fine, Lafite!"

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