Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 167: Li Hua and his ship ladies

Where, where, where is it!

Xinghai felt that he was going crazy at the time. He searched all the locations and found no trace of Rafite.

And the longer the time delay, the deeper the sense of uncertainty in Xinghai's heart.

That kind of feeling is like a poisonous insect gnawing on his chest, making people extremely painful.

Finally, when it was about to get dark, Xinghai found Lafite in his abandoned laboratory. The laboratory was buried in the ground due to an accident, and Lafite did not know what method he used to affect the others. Go in under the circumstances of the place.

And that laboratory is also the laboratory created by Xinghai Lafite.

Although Xinghai found Lafite, when Xinghai found Lafite, everything was too late.

The artificial **** Rafi tried to reconstruct the former Rafi with his own soul. This idea is very beautiful. The artificial **** Rafi even made many preparations for this.

Because when Xinghai came to the bottom of the earth, he saw countless machines in motion and a laboratory almost exactly the same as before.

And Lafite was in the original culture tank.

She had her eyes open, her eyes blank.

On the side of the screen, error reminders kept popping up, and the whole laboratory was shrouded in red lights, revealing a strange feeling.

When Xinghai took Lafite out of the culture tank, she had already lost her vitality.

The vitality of the artificial **** is very tenacious, but it does not mean that she will not die. Once the soul is gone, the artificial **** will also die.

And Xinghai only understood the plan of the artificial **** Rafi after reading the materials that Rafi had placed everywhere.

I have to say that the plan is perfect, and even Xinghai feels that this plan might fail.

But the fact is right in front of her. The artificial **** Rafi failed. Not only did she fail to awaken the soul of the former Rafi, she even took herself in.

After Xinghai learned of this fact, he couldn’t breathe in pain. If he could arrive a few minutes earlier, he might be able to save her back, because when he rushed to the laboratory, it happened to be the last of the artificial **** Rafi. When a little sign of life disappeared.

Xinghai felt immense regret, why... why couldn't he be faster, why did he show such an expression to Lafite, why...

If he can do it again, he must...definitely...


Rafi looked at Xinghai gently wiping Xiao Ren's body, and the doubt in his heart appeared again.

That is, her experiment clearly failed at the time, but she later came back to life, but when she asked Xinghai, Xinghai refused to say how he used to resurrect her. As time passed, Rafi didn't ask anymore.

After all, as long as you are with the sea, you are satisfied.



Xiaoren's cry made Xinghai come back to his senses, so he quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The reason for this gaffe was that he had thought of his own regret and despair just now, so the strength in his hand became a little heavier unconsciously, and it hurt Xiao Ren.

However, Xinghai was not thinking about the past, that memory was the pain in his heart, it was the black time he didn't want to think of anyway.


After the matter was settled, Xinghai returned to the port area with Rafi and Xiaoren.

Xiaoren was Xinghai wanted to bring back to the port area from the beginning, but because of that kind of thing happened, this plan was delayed.

Xinghai finally disposed of Li Hua's ship maidens.

He took out the Mind Cubes of all the ship girls, and then recovered Li Hua's body as much as possible.

Of course Xinghai didn't have a bad taste, and he didn't want to do anything. Similarly, she didn't put the mental cubes of these ship ladies in the warehouse in the port area.

Instead, he chose a deep sea and buried Li Hua's body fragments with these Mind Cubes.

Although Xinghai’s actions may be contrived by others, this is Xinghai’s own creed. No matter whether the opponent is his own enemy or not, as long as he is not the kind of evil person, Xinghai will deal with the bones of the other party. Of course it is true. When time and conditions permit.

Li Hua said that this person and: He only had a conflict of positions. Although he once said that he wanted to destroy all the ship maidens of Xinghai, Xinghai was very angry, but after that, there was nothing else.

Of course, if this reason alone was not enough to allow Xinghai to deal with the aftermath to this degree.

A large part of the reason for making Xinghai so vigorous is due to Li Hua's wife.

If they can be with their commander even if they die, then they might be happy too.



Rafi yelled, and Xinghai immediately understood what Rafi meant. This was to hold her by himself, but Xinghai had no way to start now, because Xiao Ren was still nearby.

Lafite might not care about Xiao Ren's mood, but Xinghai wants it, so he was a little bit dilemma for the time being.

"Or, next time." Xinghai cautiously probed.


Raffi puffed up his face, as if very angry, turned his head and walked directly into the bedroom.

Seeing Lafite leaving with an angry look, Xinghai had a headache. He suddenly found that he had overestimated Rafie's acceptance of Xiao Ren.

Because Xiao Ren was created by Lafite at his sole discretion, and adding some of the previous things, Xinghai thought that Rafite had completely accepted Xiao Ren.

But judging from the current situation, Lafite will not hesitate when it is time to be jealous, and she is especially prone to eat Xiao Ren's jealousy, so I don't know why.

The reason why Lafite will be here is because everything on the experimental island is basically over, and the rest can be done by tweeting, so Lafite will stay in the port area for a while.

Of course, because of Xinghai's busy schedule and the Javelin problem, it is estimated that Rafi and Javelin will spend more time together in the future.

When Lafite has a place to go, Xiao Ren also needs to deal with it. You can't let Xiao Ren sit in the office like yourself, because Xiao Ren's character is mostly unbearable.

But this doesn't seem to be a problem. There are many children in Minato City who are about the same age as Xiao Ren, and Xiao Ren has a history of getting along with Shishino before, so you shouldn't worry too much.

And Xinghai might start to be busy again during this period of time.

There have been more and more crimson incidents in various places, and the constantly insufficient port area has fallen. Although it has not fully erupted, it is estimated that it is not far away.

Although I haven’t seen any crimson in the waters near the Koror Islands, a lot of this kind of things may suddenly pop up someday. Therefore, Xinghai should mention the battle plan against crimson as soon as possible. The schedule is up.

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