Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 168: Crimson data

Although Xinghai said that it is now starting to formulate a combat plan for Crimson, in fact, the ship ladies in the port area have already done some training on Crimson.

And the start time was after the rescue of Beijiang.

Beijiang may be thanking Xinghai. He explained to Xinghai all the things he knew about Crimson, especially emphasizing the danger of Crimson, and also specially guided Xinghai’s ship mother to face Crimson. do.

After that, Xinghai’s ship ladies have been doing similar training.

Now because of need, Xinghai took out the transcript again and began to study it carefully.

According to Beijiang, Crimson has the following characteristics:

One, has the spirit of being bold and not afraid of death.

As long as the Mind Rubik’s Cube is not destroyed, Crimson will not die. Because of Crimson, Crimson no longer has the invulnerable physique of the ship mother, so the scene will be very **** when the fight comes. Pay attention to the ship mother’s ability .

Second, Crimson may have a mastermind with high IQ.

Although most of Crimson has low intelligence, like a group of walking corpses, Crimson has quite a high level of organization and discipline. This should not be something an irrational walking corpse can do.

Therefore, behind a large group of crimsons, there must be a subject with high IQ.

Third, Crimson has distinct grades. The most obvious feature is the red lines on Crimson's body and the concentration of red mist surrounding it.

The higher the level of crimson, the more lines and darker the color, and the same is true for red mist.

It is worth noting that in addition to hand-to-hand combat, high-level crimson may also derive some very special abilities. This requires extreme care.

Fourth, this is also the most important point. Crimson has a very strange infection physique. This infection ability is very powerful. As long as the ship mother is too close to Crimson, he will be infected by Crimson.

The infected ship mother will not show any reaction in the early stage, but as time goes by or the contact with crimson increases, red lines will gradually appear on her body.

Once these lines become bright red, the ship’s mother will become crimson and cannot be reversed. The only known solution is to retire the ship’s mother, so that the infection symptoms of the ship’s mother can be removed, because deep red cannot Infect humans.

In addition, Crimson does not have the characteristics of a ship mother and a siren, so it is recommended to organize a human navy to attack.

The above is all Beijiang knows. Although there may be some omissions, it is better than black eyes. At least Xinghai can avoid a lot of losses.

However, Xinghai is very concerned about one thing mentioned in Beijiang's materials, that is, Crimson does not have the characteristics of a ship mother and a siren. In other words, Crimson is very likely an alien species.

"Is it something from that world?" Xinghai muttered.

At the very beginning, he suspected that this world merged with another world, but the merged world should have creatures from another world appear.

But obviously it has been so many years, but nothing happened at all, and there is no evidence of any abnormal creatures with authenticity. This is too incredible.

So Xinghai wondered if his guess was wrong.

But now it seems that Xinghai's guess is not wrong, but the crimson is hidden at first. Maybe they couldn't break the special rules that belonged to the ship mother and the siren at first, but now they have a way to deal with the ship mother and the siren, so they attacked like this.

But this may explain another point, that is, in the other world, apart from the crimson, there is probably nothing else there. No, there should be, but there are no other higher creatures.

Gradually, Xinghai sketched a model of another world in his mind.

This is a world that is almost entirely shrouded by the sea, scattered with small islands on the sea, deriving a biosphere unique to this world.

Over time, intelligent creatures that belonged exclusively to this world gradually emerged. They came from the sea and had the ability to infect other species. In addition, they had almost no natural enemies, so their tribes developed rapidly and soon occupied the entire world.

Because of the lack of relevant information, Xinghai could not construct a specific crimson appearance in the brain, but Xinghai is certain that they must have their own shapes, because creatures with this ability and wisdom must have their own shapes.

However, Xinghai did not completely rule out the possibility that crimson is an energy creature. After all, no one has ever witnessed any real crimson.

Xinghai was thinking about the scarlet thing, while writing on the paper, revising his plan.


On the other side, a special encounter is about to unfold.

After Xiaoren arrived in the port area, just as Xinghai guessed, he soon established a relationship with the other ship ladies in the port area.

As for the differences between Xiaoren and them, Xinghai has explained it with the mirror girl as a reason. In addition, there is already a mirror girl like Hatsune in the port area, so the ship girl is not too much with the mirror girl. Surprised.

After all, it is hard to say that although these ship wives were born for combat, in fact, many of them are still children, and it is not surprising that they like to play around.

And this time, Xiao Ren brought Song, Zhang and the others to play together.

As for why it is Pine and Zhang, it is because only Pine and Zhang are younger than her in the port area, so that she can be a leader. Perhaps it is more accurate to use Kid King.

Of course, there is nothing to play in the sea, if it is within the range of the star sea.

Xinghai has drawn a safety line near the port area. Within this safety line, the ship’s mother will be responsible for patrols every day, and any abnormality will be reported to Xinghai.

And in this range, there is a drone monitor under the Rafibu that will automatically cruise. It can be said to be extremely tight. Even if there is any sudden danger, there will be other ship's mothers to rescue.

However, these monitors are still available. Although most people may not know it, Xiao Ren naturally knows it all.

If it was in the past, after Xiaoren knew that this was something Rafib had placed, she would definitely not dare to pass it.

But since Xiao Ren went through that change, Xiao Ren's rebelliousness has become more and more serious. The more things she is not allowed to do, the more she wants to do. Just like this time, she took them out of the safety line without telling Song and Zhang.

Of course, Xiao Ren is just a bit rebellious. She still knows some big things and wrongs very clearly, so she will never make fun of her companions.

Why did she dare to bring pine and camphor with him? That is because she is confident of her own strength. She is sure that no matter what kind of danger she encounters, Xiao Ren is sure to bring pine and camphor back safely. .

This is her confidence.

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