Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 169: The lost three ship mothers

"Xiao Ren, have we left the safe zone."

Song, who was moving fast on the sea, suddenly stopped and said.

"Eh, really?" Zhang Ye stopped and asked in surprise.

The three of them were originally playing the game of ghost and man, but because they were too excited before, they didn't realize that there were no islands around.

And they couldn't see any islands, which meant that they had already left the scope of the Koror Islands. Of course, Xiaoren had deliberately guided them.

"Let's go back, the commander said, it's dangerous outside." Said timidly.

"Hmm" Zhang nodded desperately from the side, as if she was also a little scared.

"All right," Xiaoren replied.

In fact, Xiaoren is also a little scared now. When she first came out, she didn't feel much. But gradually she became a little scared. Moreover, she hasn't been so far away from her brother. The endless sea around her makes her feel a little guilty. .

Xiao Ren was just about to leave, but suddenly thought of something, she turned stiffly and said: "Where did we come from just now."

"Eh eh eh!!!"

Song and Zhang exclaimed together.


Xinghai was thinking about measures to deal with Crimson in his office, and suddenly the Javelin slammed open the door and ran to Xinghai panicked.

"Commander, it's okay, Xiao Ren and Pine and Zhang are gone."

Hearing what the Javelin said, Xinghai was stunned for a moment, and then said to the Javelin: "Don't worry, first make things clear. If you don't make it clear, I can't deal with it."


Javelin stroked his chest, calmed his mood, and said: "In the morning, Xiao Ren took Song and Zhang out to play. I thought they were just going out to play for a while and they would be back soon. "

"But until noon, I didn't see them coming back. I didn't care at the time because they were still children, and it was normal for them to forget the time. But the result has not come back until now. I also asked the patrol to come back. My sisters, they all said they didn’t see the shadow of the three of them."

When Javelin said this, he didn't notice that he and Xiao Ren were actually about the same size, but that was not too strange.

Because Javelin always regards himself as the strongest person in the port area for training, and has worked hard as Xinghai’s secretary ship before, although now it is assisting z23 to handle affairs in the port area due to the inability to fight. There is a natural difference in xinxing from Xiaoren, and it is normal to be like this.

But now is not the time to pay attention to this, now the more important thing is Xiaoren and the three things.

Although Xinghai didn't think there was anything that could threaten Xiao Ren, she couldn't rule out this suspicion. In fact, she might get lost in the sea.

Although this statement is a bit weird, it is the truth.

Because of the great changes in the world, the air routes of the old era are no longer usable, so the newly developed air routes are used now.

And because the world has become bigger, and if you don't have any preparatory measures, then there is a great possibility of getting lost at sea.

Now it’s not what it used to be. You can go back to land in any direction. Now if you are unlucky, you may not see land until you die.

And once Xiaoren and the others get lost, it’s also very troublesome to find them, because the lost people usually don’t stay where they are, and they can also move, which brings great rescue resistance to rescue organizations. Coupled with the fact that this world is so big, finding someone is even more difficult.

"By the way, Lafite should have a way."

Xinghai suddenly remembered that at Xinghai's request last time, Rafi set up a positioning system on Xiao Ren's body to prevent Xiao Ren from losing again.

The only thing I have to worry about now is whether Xiao Ren has already run out of Lafite's detection range. If that's the case, it would be really bad.


"It looks like it's getting dark..." said timidly.

"Xiaoren, what should we do?" Zhang also followed.

Song and Zhang's words made Xiao Ren a bit big head, after all, she is the biggest here now, who can Song and Zhang ask her without asking.

So now Xiaoren regrets it, very regretful. You have to know that her brother made these decisions before, but now that her brother is not around, she has no idea what to do.

What's more important is that she is a specialized combat ship, and all her ship suits are prepared for battle, and there is no such ability as path finding.

So now I can only go one step at a time.


"It's dark, you all be careful."

Xinghai looked at the crowd of ship women who were about to leave the port area to find Xiaoren, and said so.

Just now, Xinghai approached Rafi, and Rafi clearly told Xinghai that she had a way.

But it seemed that Xiao Ren was too far away from Lafite. It took a long time for Lafite to vaguely sense Xiao Ren's position, and Xiao Ren's position was still moving.

But now that the approximate range has been determined, things are much simpler, just send someone to pick up the three of them.

At first, Rafi immediately wanted to set off on his own after detecting Xiaoren, but was stopped by Xinghai.

Xinghai asked Rafi to bring her other ship maidens. After all, one more person would have an extra ability to detect danger, and in the port area now, most ship maidens are not vases.

Thanks to the hard training before Xinghai was absent, the average level of the ship maidens in the port area has now exceeded 100. Although they still can't keep up with Lafite, they are already quite powerful.

Lafite originally disagreed, because she seemed to be worried about Xiao Ren, and she wanted to bring Xiao Ren back right away.

But Rafite is not the only one who is worried about the three children. The other girls in the port area are also very worried about the three children, and the girls in the port area also need a chance to prove themselves, so only Rafia is People are not so good.

Because this was a search mission, Xinghai chose a few fast-moving ship maidens to let them go with Lafite. With Lafite there, they would not encounter any danger.

However, to be on the safe side this time Xinghai left a little trick on Rafi. If Rafi is in danger, he can rush to it immediately, so as to avoid the situation in the mirrored sea last time.

However, it is worth mentioning that Javelin also strongly requested to go with him before, but Xinghai rejected the request of Javelin.

Although this time is only a tracing mission, there should be no fighting in theory, but it is hard to guarantee that you will not encounter the Siren's team on the road.

By that time, the Javelin will definitely not sit back and watch, she will definitely rush to the forefront.

However, the Javelin problem has been mentioned before, so Xinghai must avoid all factors that may aggravate the Javelin's condition, so Xinghai strongly rejected the Javelin request.

Now I just hope that Xiaoren and the others will never run into crimson.

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