Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 170: Siren Chased by Crimson

"Xiaoren, is there another ship in front of me?" The three of them walked carefully, and Song suddenly said.

Because of the reason of getting lost and the fact that it was already dark, the three girls were very scared, so they put forward this opinion, and the three of them walked together hand in hand, so as to prevent someone from suddenly getting lost.

The three people walked like this for a long time, and time seemed to be extended indefinitely on this endless sea. They felt that they had been walking on the sea for a long time, but at first glance, the time was only after 7 o'clock.

But now Song's discovery also made the three people's attention turned there. If they were to find their shipmates or other shipmates, they would be saved.

"Let me see."

Xiao Ren looked over there as soon as she heard Song's words. There was a night vision device on her ship. Once it was put on, it was almost the same as during the day, so she could look more carefully.

But when Xiao Ren saw the figures clearly, a feeling of disappointment emerged in his heart.

Because those figures are not the ship's mother at all, but a few sirens, because they are all humanoids, and it is not clear now that it is dark, they will mistake them for the ship's mother.

Now that it is confirmed that it is the Siren, then they can only fight. Because according to the experience taught by the sisters in the port area, the Sirens have no possibility of talking, they can only fight, especially after seeing the ship's mother.

Just when Xiao Ren was about to turn his gaze back and tell Song and Zhang to fight, Xiao Ren suddenly discovered that the group of siren didn't seem to be rushing towards them, but running away?

Feeling that something was wrong, Xiao Ren quickly moved his eyes to behind the group of siren, and sure enough, another group of siren was chasing these siren.

The Siren is in strife?

Just as Xiao Ren had this thought in his heart, Xiao Ren suddenly saw the dense red mist on the siren.

In an instant, Xiao Ren suddenly understood what was chasing the group of people, not siren, but crimson.

She has heard her brother tell her about the scarlet thing many times, and told her about the danger of scarlet more than once, so when she saw scarlet, Xiao Ren was like a big enemy, after all, even her brother paid so much attention to things. , Surely it won't be a simple thing, it must have terrible fighting power, she may not be able to protect the pine and the camphor.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ren hurriedly said to Song He Zhang, "Let’s go, it’s not the ship’s mother, but the siren and crimson!"

"Deep... crimson!"

The two little loli exclaimed.

If it is a siren, they are not afraid, but if it is crimson, they are still very afraid. After all, they are afraid of the unknown. This is the nature of creatures.

So after Xiao Ren finished speaking, they no longer hesitate, and Xiao Ren guided them to run away from the siren and crimson.

But I don't know if the group of sirens found them. No matter how they acted, the group of sirens always followed them. Even though Xiaoren used various routes, the group of sirens still hung behind them.

"No, it won't work."

Xiaoren suddenly stopped and said, "Songzhang, you go first, I'll come back."

"But such Xiao Ren would be very dangerous, and we can also fight..." Zhang asked.

"And if we leave, Xiao Ren can't find us after a while." Song also continued.

"It's okay. My radar is farther than you. You can definitely be found. As for the battle, I will be enough." Xiao Ren said.

"But..." Zhang wanted to say something else.

"Hurry up, they are coming. It's crimson, it's not something you can touch. Once you come out, I won't be able to explain to my brother." Xiao Ren shouted loudly.

After listening to Xiao Ren’s words, the two ship ladies were silent. What Xiao Ren said is also true. After all, Xiao Ren’s combat effectiveness is obvious to everyone, and they are just two white-quality expulsions. It may really drag Xiao Ren if left. Back.

Although reason tells them that they should leave now, their sensibility makes it difficult for them to leave Xiaoren and the two of them running away.

Seeing that Song and Zhang hadn't left yet, Xiao Ren was also a little anxious, so she yelled: "Hurry up, useless people here will only drag me down. Your leaving is the biggest help to me."

As soon as Xiaoren finished speaking, she regretted it herself, she shouldn't have said so heavy.

Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Ren's words, Song He Zhang burst into tears.

""Xiao Ren is the worst! ""

After the two little loli uttered these words, they ran away, leaving Xiao Ren alone.


Xiaoren originally wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

She couldn't help but feel a little more angry at these siren and crimson. They were all of them. If they weren't talking about them, she wouldn't be in conflict with Song and Zhang.

She must, must show these guys a little color.

With her thoughts moving, a large ship outfit with a half-king crown appeared at Xiao Ren's feet and lifted Xiao Ren Tuo.

Then Xiao Ren waved his hand, and the half crown immediately began to change. One muzzle came out of it, and many drone-like things flew out of the crown and floated around the crown. , And the horns of the five crowns turned into huge barrels.

In an instant, this decoration was like a ship's outfit, and instantly became a fortress with powerful firepower.


On the other side, a human-shaped siren evaded the occasional attack from the crimson behind, and complained: "Why do I have to do these exhausting siren things every time? I don’t want to be killed by this thing again. Now, that feeling is really uncomfortable."

This girl is wearing a white sailor suit and black shorts. She has a pair of amber pupils that are the same color as Xiao Ren, and her long, almost floor-length white hair is tied into a ponytail.

However, from the way she complained, we could see the difference between her and the silent human siren around her.

"And why do the observers keep avoiding me, can you come and help? If I don't care about the naval outfit being infected for a while, I will definitely screw off their heads."

The girl who said this suddenly noticed that the observer who had been running in front suddenly stopped moving.

There was a hint of joy on the girl's face.

"Ah, have the observers finally discovered me? This time I finally don't need to change my body. It feels uncomfortable."

When she got closer, the girl finally saw the ship suit floating on the sea and the little Lolita on the ship suit.

"Ah, observer, when do you change..."

Before the girl had finished speaking, she saw a large amount of blue light rising from the ship in front, which seemed to be launching an attack, but looking at the range of the attack, it seemed that she was also enveloped.

"No way."

The girl made a decisive decision, sank to the bottom of the sea without hesitation and quickly swam to a deeper bottom.

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