Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 171: Purifier

Soon after the white-haired girl dived, Xiao Ren's attack broke out.

The power of Xiaoren's all muzzles fired at once was simply amazing, especially the five main guns, forcibly evaporating the sea level into a deep trench two to three meters deep.

Naturally, no one can survive this level of attack, whether it is a siren or a crimson.

However, based on that special rule, the siren was only melted into the sea and sank to the bottom of the sea. There was at least one corpse left, but the crimson was different.

Without that kind of special rules, they didn't even leave their bodies under such a terrifying attack, all turned into fly ash.

However, Xiaoren also leaned on the ship's outfit after performing this wave of explosions, panting heavily. It seems that the volley just now was a lot of consumption for her.

With the maintenance of the lost energy, the surrounding sea water rushed towards those empty spaces on the sea level, splashing huge waves.

After a long time, the sea was calm again, but Xiao Ren still did not get over.

Just now, because she was too angry, she just opened all her guns for a salvo. She even launched the torpedoes loaded on her ship, even though the torpedo was detonated by her own attack.

But this still shows Xiao Ren's determination just now, and although it is not said that there is no shortage of ammunition and food, the stock of ammunition is running out.

After all, she just came out to play this time, she was not fully equipped, and probably only brought about 20% of the ammunition. The wave just now was almost empty.

But the effect is also significant. Both the Siren and Crimson disappeared in the attack just now, and there should be no danger now.

Just as Xiao Ren was thinking about it, a head came out from under the surface of the sea with a loud sound.

"Wow, it was really dangerous just now, observer, I remember I didn't offend you."

Because she had soaked under the water just now, the girl now looked a little embarrassed, but her self-care words made Xiao Ren froze there.

She remembered her brother saying that among the sirens, there is a high-level siren. This type of high-level siren is different from the sirens she usually sees. They have their own wisdom. The most remarkable feature is that they can interact with others. Same normal communication, but the one in front of Xiao is obviously a senior siren.

The senior siren represented an extremely powerful combat power. Although the sisters in the Xinghai Port District hadn't seen it, there were siren videos from the Azur Lane.

That was a team of six 120-level navy girls, but even though they were victorious against the senior siren, they all suffered serious injuries, which was enough to show the strength of the siren.

And if Xiaoren remembered correctly, the siren in that video was exactly the same as the siren in front of her, but now she couldn't think about why the dead siren came back to life.

What is more important now is how she can escape the clutches of this siren.

In fact, before, Xinghai had doubted whether Xiaoren would have a special reaction to Siren, such as being unable to start with Siren, and being awakened by the dusty memories in front of Siren.

But after Xinghai conducted several tests on Xiaoren, Xinghai found that he was completely thinking too much. Not only did Xiaoren not show the reactions he wanted to Siren, but instead showed a keen interest in fighting for Siren.

Of course, because of Xiaoren's past lessons, Xinghai specifically asked Lafite if there would be any problems, and Lafite's answer was "no".

According to Rafi, this is not only harmless, it can also properly vent Xiao Ren's negative emotions, which is not a bad thing.

But Rafi also let Xinghai pay attention to the fight, but Xiao Ren can't use those cruel methods to fight, because that would once again arouse the abnormal desire in her heart.

Because Rafi only used some means to suppress Xiao Ren's personality. To put it bluntly, it is very similar to the method of the psychologist, but the effect will be better than that of pure language.

So Xinghai didn't let Xiaoren conduct a battle against the siren except for several tests. After all, the less the number of battles, the lower the probability of his personality breaking out.

Speaking of it, this was Xiaoren's first real battle after coming to the port area.


"Hey, observer, why don't you speak anymore, why would you usually reply me two sentences."

The girl floated from under the sea and stood on the sea again, dripping with water on her body.

Xiao Ren looked at the siren, and the siren's name came to mind.

"Purifier, what do you want to do."

"Hey, what can I do? Of course I ask you for help." The Purifier said while twisting his wet hair.

"Seek help?" Xiao Ren asked in confusion.

"It's okay if you don't say this. I get angry when you say this."

The Purifier looked upset and said, "Obviously I sent you a distress signal before, but why have you been ignoring me and running away from me? Are you deliberately trying to fix me?"

Hearing what the Purifier said, Xiaoren immediately understood the current situation. Although she was indeed like a child, she was not stupid, and the Purifier in front of her said so clearly. That's stupid.

First of all, the Purifier in front of her is very likely to treat her as another ship's mother... No, it should be the siren. According to her, this siren is called the observer, but the observer, the name is so familiar. .

Xiao Ren always felt as if he had heard the name somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a while.

But this is a good opportunity. If you use that observer's identity, you might get rid of the Purifier.

"Why are you here?" Xiaoren asked again.

"Ha, didn’t you want me to go there as a coolie? As a result, the place was occupied by the red fog. My ship was accidentally infected. For my life, I just lost the ship. I can escape."

Red mist?

Hearing the new words that came out of the purifier’s mouth, Xiaoren thought for a moment and realized that this is what the Sirens call Crimson, but this is normal. After all, humans and sirens are completely incompatible and have different names It also appears normally.

And as my brother guessed, Siren and Crimson really had a hostile relationship. My brother was really amazing.

After figuring it out, Xiao Ren asked again: "Then what do you plan to do next."

After asking Xiao Ren's words, he didn't get a response from the Purifier, but the Purifier read it suspiciously.

"Observer, you didn't have so many words before, is it possible..."

Hearing the words of the Purifier, Xiao Ren's heart raised his throat, and at the same time, she secretly began to charge the secondary artillery. Although she can't kill this siren now, it should be nothing to delay her escape. questionable.

"Could it be that you imitated those ship ladies every day and finally imitated you stupid."

Hearing the words of the Purifier, Xiao Ren's hanging heart was finally let go. What? He turned out to be a fool.

But why, after hearing this, I felt a little angry in my heart?

Thinking about it, Xiao Ren subconsciously pointed the muzzle of the ship's equipment at the Purifier.

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