Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 172: Routine

"Hey, hey, don't be so stingy."

Seeing Xiao Ren aiming all his muzzles at him, the Purifier shouted in panic immediately.

Although she was really quick to talk just now, she didn't need to be like that. She had already seen the power of these things just now. If it hit her, it would definitely hurt, absolutely.

Because she doesn’t have a single ship outfit now, and there will be no way to defend her. These attacks will definitely fall on her. Although she should not die, she will still hurt if she is dead, and she will be resurrected after death. It is also very troublesome.

Xiao Ren also recovered from the purifier's yelling. Seeing herself who had pointed the muzzle at the purifier, a cold sweat broke out behind her.

How could she do such an impulsive action, it was obvious that the person the Purifier said was not her, it was really dangerous, and it would be terrible to fight.

Suddenly, the two people had different minds, and neither dared to act rashly.

After a long silence, the purifier first opened his mouth and cautiously said: "Speaking of the observer, are you angry?"

Xiao Ren didn't speak. She felt that she should put some words in the purifier's mouth. It happened that her brother was worried about the crimson thing. If she could get some useful information, her brother would definitely praise her.

Xiao Ren, who was thinking like this, asked the Purifier with a serious face, "Then how is the situation with Hongwu now."

The Purifier didn't seem to notice Xiao Ren's problem. After hearing Xiao Ren's question, he said with a black face: "Why do I keep doing these dangerous jobs? I want to play with you everywhere."

Hearing what the Purifier said, Xiao Ren frowned and said unhappy: "I was asking you about Hongwu, I didn't ask you about the mess."

For some reason, Xiaoren seemed to see the Purifier breathe a sigh of relief after saying this.

In fact, there was some doubt in the purifier's heart. Although the siren in front of her had been exuding the observer's breath, she had thought that this was an observer before, but after actual contact, she discovered that the observer had many doubts.

The ship's outfit on the observer's body is completely different from the one she used to wear, and it's not the style of their siren, although this may also be the disguise of the observer.

But the attack just now didn't look like a disguise. Those things must be real weapons, and they weren't what the siren should have.

And more importantly, the tone of speech, the tone of the observer in front of him is a bit wrong, and the personality seems to be somewhat different, but as the communication deepens, the purifier feels that the observer in front of him is more and more like the one in her memory. Observer.

It was really just that the observer imitated those ship maidens for too long, and the imitation of the brain was broken, the Purifier thought in his heart.

Xiao Ren naturally didn't know the thoughts in the purifier's heart, and she hadn't noticed, in fact, some changes had taken place in her own personality now.

But what the Purifier didn’t expect was that the observer in front of him was a new individual remade using the body left by the observer. It also retained some of the original observer’s personality to a certain extent, although there were also some. Flaws, but the more familiar people are, the easier it is to be fooled in this situation. This is the case with the purifiers now.

If Xiao Ren is really a fake observer this time, then Xiao Ren must have been discovered, but unfortunately, from another angle, Xiao Ren is a real observer.

Now that the observer's suspicion of impersonation has been ruled out, there is nothing to hide, so the Purifier speaks out all the intelligence he has explored.

While talking, it was mixed with her complaints, but these complaints were automatically ignored by Xiao Ren.

After listening to the detailed information of the Purifier, Crimson's danger level in Xiao Ren's heart rose by another level.

Because according to the purifier, red mist and deep red are not exactly the same.

Crimson only refers to those infected ship maidens or siren, but unlike the red mist, the red mist also refers to a very special strange weather.

It was a kind of red mist floating above the sea, obscuring the sky. As long as a little bit of this red mist was applied, it would be completely assimilated without any hope of salvation.

And some Crimson will use this red mist to attack. The Purifier was too careless before, and was caught off guard by the red mist attack that Crimson suddenly used.

Under the crisis, the Purifier used his ship equipment to resist the red mist, and then left the ship equipment and ran away. After all, there must be a dead end to stay there.

And Xiao Ren also got a shocking news from the Purifier that these high-level sirens are likely to be resurrected.

Although the Purifier didn't say it clearly, the Purifier kept saying, "That kind of thing is really terrible.", "I would rather go to a happy battle and die than die in the hands of that kind of thing.", "I will never take these ghost missions again" or something.

Xiaoren didn’t ask where the red mist was, because it was likely to cause her to be exposed. After all, it seemed that the observer sent the purifier out of the mission, and she is now the observer. If she asks again, then Don't you just expose yourself?

However, she still remembers the direction from which the Purifiers fled before, and it is estimated that there may be some gains by following that direction.

But now there is a more important thing before Xiao Ren, and that is how to escape from this somewhat off-line purifier.

And I don't know why, as soon as she sees the Purifier, her anger rises. It is obvious that she generally doesn't have much emotions with outsiders.

Just as Xiaoren was thinking about what to do, a voice suddenly appeared in her mind.

"I'll pick you up now, so be careful."

This is the voice of the older sister, she will never hear it wrong, the older sister has come to rescue her.

For a while, Xiaoren felt that she had never been so grateful to Rafi, and she had treated her sister like that before, but now her sister still came to rescue her regardless of the previous suspicion, which made her feel a little mixed.

Seeing Xiao Ren's sudden crazy change of expression, the Purifier asked with some doubts: "Observer, what's wrong with you, shouldn't it really..."

The Purifier originally wanted to say that he was stupid, but considering the previous events, the Purifier still closed his mouth. The observer was so angry before. Now if he was saying it again, he might be miserable. In the end, she is not the type who likes to find abuse.

Xiao Ren suddenly looked at the Purifier, and then said in a strange tone: "Purifier, we are colleagues."


I don't know why, the Purifier is a little panic now, she always feels that something bad is about to happen next.

"Then please make a small sacrifice for me."

As Xiao Ren was talking, she pointed her muzzle at the Purifier.

"Anyway, you won't die, so how about please die for me once."

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