Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 173: Miserable purifier

"Hey, hey, you won't come for real."

The Purifier stepped back in a panic, looking at Xiao Ren from a distance.

However, Xiao Ren didn't answer the Purifier's words, instead attacked directly after being charged.

But because of the advance preparation of the Purifier, she escaped the blow dangerously and dangerously.

"Wow, observer, why are you crazy? It's real."

The Purifier lay on the surface of the water and cried out in alarm.

"What is the reason why I should die, you can make it clear..."

Before the Purifier's words were finished, she found that Xiao Ren was recharging again, and the muzzle of this charge was more than doubled. Coupled with Xiao Ren's firm eyes, the Purifier was really panicked. Up.

It's not that she doesn't want to fight back, but that she doesn't even have a ship outfit now how to counter it. In this case, she can only use that trick.

The Purifier did not hesitate to dive underwater, it seemed that it was not the first time she had done this kind of thing with her proficient appearance.

Xiao Ren was relieved after seeing the Purifier sneak away, and finally scared her away.

However, for safety's sake, Xiao Ren bombarded the sea a few times, exploding a lot of spray.

Yes, to scare the Purifier away, this is Xiao Ren's plan just now.

If she was a ship girl, there must be no way to scare the Purifier away just now. But now she is not a ship mother, but a siren of the same level as the Purifier-Observer.

In addition to the words that the Purifier has repeatedly stated that he does not want to die here, Xiao Ren judges that the Purifier will most likely run away under the threat of his own attack.

Sure enough, she succeeded, and the Purifier really escaped, which made her feel lucky. Because just now, she also thought about what to do if the Purifier didn't get scared away but fought her instead.

At first Xiao Ren was still a little panicked, but after hearing the tragic experience of the Purifier, Xiao Ren suddenly felt that he might have the power to fight the Purifier.

After all, the Purifier now has nothing, and he was still chased here. The state can be said to be how bad it is.

In contrast, Xiao Ren is much better, because she is just about to run out of ammunition and food, but in fact she has not run out of ammunition and food. So she can still fight. Looking at the Purifier, she really can't even fight, otherwise she won't be chased so embarrassed before.

Of course, if the Purifier’s combat power exceeds her imagination, even in this case, the Purifier has the power to fight, then Xiaoren’s original offensive plan will be changed to a defensive plan.

As long as the sister can be dragged to rescue her, the result will be the same.

But she was lucky. The Purifier made the choice she most hoped. The Purifier chose to escape instead of fighting her.

But when the Purifier escaped, she suddenly had a strong sense of sight. It seemed that she had seen this scene somewhere, and more than once, but soon this question was immediately left behind by her.

Your elder sister is coming, so I should go find Song and Zhang and the others first. I don't know where the two of them ran just now. Even her radar can't see the shadow of those two guys.

But the direction in which the Purifier flees just now seems to be the same direction as the sister-sama rushed to.


Rafi led a group of ship ladies on a frantic journey.

Suddenly, Rafi said: "I found them, but they are in danger now, I'll take a step first."

After speaking, Lafite accelerated directly, leaving her ship's mother far behind.

Several ship women looked at each other helplessly, and followed Rafi's signal with great effort to move over.


After diving into the water, the Purifier chose a direction and drove off. After running a long distance and making sure that Xiao Ren had not caught up, he floated from the water.

"Wow, what's the matter? The observer is so disagreeable to do it. Fortunately, I learned a good underwater escape technique from the builder, otherwise I'll be over this time."

The Purifier stood on the water, wringing his hair while talking to himself.

"Why should I have such long hair? It feels uncomfortable every time I soak in water."

The purifier who had gotten his hair looked up and looked around.

"Come on, let me see if this is... Hey, that seems to be a ship girl."

The purifier seems to have found something interesting.

"Unlucky for so long, can I finally have some fun? Finally I can have a good time."

"Let me see who is this."

The Purifier said, carefully looking at the side where the ship's wife appeared, and a ray of light began to shine in her eyes.

This is the characteristic of their siren. I don't remember what Purifier is called, but this ability is particularly useful because she can use this ability to look at night as if it were daytime.

It is precisely with this ability that the Purifier often plays with other ship mothers in applause at night. After all, ship mothers need to use searchlights for night battles, and she does not need them. One can imagine how great her advantage is.

It was also the happiest time for her, because at this time she can play as much as she wants.

"Ah, it's the Lafite, it's a destroyer, it's great, this time you can have a good time." The Purifier exclaimed excitedly.

Because in her opinion, as long as a destroyer like Lafite can dodge her torpedoes, there is absolutely no way to break her armor with the destroyer's main gun, so she doesn't have to worry about anything.

Although it is a very abnormal thing to say that there will be a single ship girl here, but the Purifier who is eager to vent his sullen heart can't manage so much.

Of course, the Purifier also didn't discover the amazing speed of this Rafia.


Lafite was on her way. She arrived at Xiao Ren's side earlier, and Xiao Ren's danger would be reduced by one point. That's why she chose to go alone because the speed of other ships was too slow.

But suddenly, a figure stood in front of her. According to the radar's analysis, it was a siren. Since it is a siren, there is no good way to show mercy.


The Purifier chose a good time, and when the Rafi Ship Mother entered a certain range, she jumped out too short.

"Haha, you..."

Before she could finish her words, the Rafi ship lady had already arrived in front of her, and then she heard a sentence without any emotion.

"Get in the way"

In the next second, the Purifier felt an unimaginable force in his stomach.

Had it not been for the principle that Jianniang and Siren were unable to carry out high-level physical damage, she felt that there was a big hole in her stomach.

The result of being hit by this huge force is that the Purifier flew out 100 meters away and brought a burst of water on the sea, rolling dozens of meters, and finally floated face down on the sea, unconscious.

Then she heard a word in a daze before she fully awake.

"This is not within the hunting range of the sea, so it should be taken back for research."

Then the Purifier felt a huge force hit her again, making her completely unconscious.

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