Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 174: Experimental Purifier

"Sister-sama, what... is that?"

Xiao Ren looked at the thing dragged by a drone behind Rafi, and said cautiously.

Hearing Xiao Ren's words, Lafite looked back and said, "It's nothing, it's just a test product."

"Is there any danger in this way?" Xiao Ren said again.

"She is weak, so it's okay, and it's a good experiment."

Hearing Rafi emphasized the test product once again, Xiaoren knew that her older sister had decided to bring the thing in her hand back to the port area, but there should be nothing wrong with her older sister.

Xiao Ren glanced at the thing behind Lafite again. If she read correctly, that thing should be the purifier who had just escaped from her hand.

But I don't know why it has become the spoils of sister-sama now, maybe it was taken away by her sister-in-law when she fled.

It is worth mentioning that the Purifier is now facing the sea, and one of her feet is hung by the drone, just like that.

It must be painful, Xiaoren thought in his heart.

Although the seawater is a little softer relative to the ground, once the speed rises, there is not much difference, and if Xiao Ren remembers it correctly, the Purifier is actually a little afraid of pain.


At about one o'clock in the middle of the night, a group of ship ladies finally returned to the port area safely. Xinghai breathed a sigh of relief after seeing them returning safely.

Although he knew that this would end, he would still inevitably worry about whether they would run into any danger, but it was okay now that none of the things he worried about happened.

After conducting a simple check on all the returning ship mothers and then listening to the simple report they reported, Xinghai drove them to sleep. After all, it was so late that they must be tired.

Especially the three little guys, who had been frightened for so long, fell asleep as soon as they returned to the port area, and Xinghai couldn’t ask more. Let them go to sleep today, and ask them tomorrow. .

After the matter was almost dealt with, Xinghai shifted his gaze to the thing dragging behind Rafite.

Xinghai took a look and determined that this siren was a purifier, because there were too many stories about her, and she was the most active siren of all siren.

And this siren seems to have the ability to resurrect, because no matter how many times she is killed, she will jump out and make a big fuss after a period of time, but it is precisely for this reason that most of her current information is touched. Through.

"Lafite, how did you... get this back?" Xinghai asked.

"Lafite was on the way, and then she suddenly jumped out. Rafie knocked her out with a punch. Because she thought it was a good experiment material, so Rafie brought it back." Lafite explained.

After hearing what Rafi said, Xinghai roughly understood what happened. It can be said that this purifier was Rafi's occasional trophy.

But this seems to be good. Last time the observer's body was taken away directly by Lafite. He didn't even touch it a few times, let alone study it. Now he always has the opportunity to study it.

Seeing Xinghai's aggressive gaze, Rafi blocked Xinghai, looking at Xinghai with a displeased expression, "Hai, I shouldn't be interested."

Xinghai couldn't help showing a wry smile when he heard Rafi's words.

"Lafite, I won't talk to a corpse anymore..." Xinghai was interrupted by Lafite before he finished speaking.


Hearing what Rafi said, Xinghai said incredulously: "Rafi, you just said that this purifier is...alive?"


Raffi nodded.

After getting confirmation from Rafi, Xinghai’s eyes became even more fierce. This is a living senior siren. This is completely different from the siren he captured before, but be careful to prevent this. Siren committed suicide suddenly.

After all, there is an observer in the previous example, isn't it?

Seeing the fiery eyes in Xinghai's eyes, the dissatisfaction in Lafite's eyes became more obvious, and her small face was bulging into a bun.

Then she glanced at Xinghai angrily and said, "Hai, you are not allowed to go to bed today."

After speaking, Rafi dragged the Purifier away.

Xinghai looked at the back of Rafi leaving angrily, and patted his head helplessly. Why was he so awkward in front of Rafi just now? Now it's all right, Je Rafi is angry.

However, Xinghaigen didn’t pay attention to Rafie’s words that he was not allowed to go to bed. He had been with Rafie for so long. He really had to use some small tricks to go to bed.

As for what these small means are, it is not enough to explain to outsiders.


"Are the bans done?" Xinghai asked.

"Yeah" Lafite nodded, and said, "Lafite is very confident about the prohibition done with Hai."

Just last night, Xinghai finally touched the bed. After using some men's methods and then making a lot of promises, Xinghai finally got the right to experiment with the Purifier.

And what they are doing now is to impose restrictions on the purifiers.

These prohibitions are varied, such as the sealing power led by Xinghai, the inability to leave the port area, the special commands in the blockade purifiers led by Rafi, the special abilities of the seal purifiers, etc...

In short, a bunch of weird prohibitions can confirm that the Purifier is now a mascot, and there is no way to run.

Speaking of it, if it were not for the in-depth development of Lafite’s previous research on the ship’s mother, and the internal structure of the siren and the ship’s mother were not very different, perhaps Rafite could not do it now.

"Lafite, just put this siren here and study it, okay?"

"No, Lafite refuses. Hai might do strange things to her while Lafite is away."

"Am I like that kind of person? I only do some ordinary research."


Lafite stared at Xinghai for a long time before saying: "Lafite agreed to put her here, but Hai must not do strange things."

"Don't worry, how could I be interested in a siren, how can I say that she is also a siren, and she is not pretty."

"Hey, I don't like to hear what you said, it's not easy for me to read."

Before Xinghai's words fell, an angry roar came from nearby.

Xinghai and Rafi turned their heads to look over, and saw the Purifier lying on the cage, looking at Xinghai with an unhappy expression.

"I've never seen such an arrogant human being. Wait, I want you to look good."

With that, the purifier grabbed the steel bars on the cage and pulled it to both sides forcefully.

But no matter how much strength the purifier used, the two steel bars still remained motionless, and there was no sign of any bending.

"Aha, your cage is quite strong. Let me take it easy. I may have just woke up and haven't recovered."

Xinghai looked at the Purifier, then walked over in silence and opened the cage that was not locked at all.


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