Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 176: Xiao Ren's reason

After letting the Purifier settle down in his laboratory, Xinghai remembered that Xiaoren and the others had been lost before, so Xinghai called the three of Xiaoren over again.

"You know what I'm looking for you for." Xinghai said, looking at the three navy girls standing in a row in front of him.


The three ship mothers froze, no one said anything.

Xinghai looked at them, sighed helplessly, and said, "Forget it, you still talk about what happened to you before and why you want to run out of the safe range I set."

The three loli were silent for a while, and then Zhang still said: "Commander, we are playing a game of ghost and man and man. We are playing, we don’t know where we are going, and then we can’t find the way back. ...And please commander not to punish us!"

Speaking of the last Zhang, he hugged his head and squatted in fear, shaking all over.

Seeing Zhang's appearance, Xinghai walked helplessly to help Zhang up, then touched her head and said: "Zhang, you think too much, Commander, I just want to know what happened to you before, and I didn't want to punish you guys."

"Really?" Zhang Lei looked at Xinghai with bowed eyes.

"Of course it is true, when did the commander fool you?" Xinghai said.

Hearing Xinghai's words, Zhang's hanging heart was finally let go. And hearing Zhang's words, Xinghai estimated that Song didn't know much, so the main problem still appeared with Xiao Ren.

Thinking of this, Xinghai said to the three girls: "Song Zhang, you two go first, Xiao Ren stays, I have other things to find you."

Hearing Xinghai's words, Xiaoren's body became stiff, while Zhang Hesong was relieved, and the expression on his face became a lot easier.

However, Zhang seemed to have thought of something, looked at Xiao Ren anxiously, and finally went out.

After Zhang Hesong completely left, Xinghai looked at Xiao Ren who was silent and his expression changed, knocked on the table and said, "What do you want to say."

"Ahaha, my concubine doesn't know what brother you are talking about." Xiao Ren said with his head tilted.

Hearing Xiao Ren's words, he frowned and said, "Are you going to hide it at this time? Without your deliberate plan, the general ship lady has no way to break through your sister's blockade without being discovered. of."

"And knowing that except me and your elder sister, you are the only ones who are blocked. What else do you want to argue with."

Hearing Xinghai's words, Xiao Ren lowered his head and fell silent.

After a long time, Xiao Ren still didn't say a word. Just as Xinghai was about to say anything, Xiao Ren suddenly broke out.

"What can I do for my concubine!"

"Since I came back, my brother doesn't love me anymore. My brother only loves my sister. I only care about my sister. It's my brother who abandoned his concubine first.

Listening to Xiao Ren crying and roaring, Xinghai was stunned.

Because the ship girl who looked similar to Xiao Ren before was a javelin and the z23 was so mature that Xinghai brought this view to Xiao Ren, but he forgot that Xiao Ren was different from them.

Although Xiaoren and z23 and the Javelin Rafi are about the same size, their personalities are completely different.

Really speaking, it is that Xiao Ren's character is more biased towards children and ordinary girls. Of course, this is not to say that Z23 Javelins are not like girls, just because they have a responsibility and mission, which is constantly urging them to move forward, so that they seem to be more mature.

But Xiao Ren does not have these things, because she was independently created by Lafite, and her personality is also set by Lafite, so Xiao Ren does not have those things about Javelin and others, so she cannot be generalized to them.

It is precisely because Xiao Ren is more like an ordinary girl that she is more sentimental than other ship women.

And when he was in the world of Date Wars before, because Xinghai spent most of his time idle and unemployed, Xinghai had a lot of time with Xiao Ren.

But after returning to the port area, Xinghai didn’t have time to accompany Xiaoren anymore because there was so much work to do. In addition, he often communicated with Lafite because of work, so Xiaoren was born. Such a misunderstanding.

However, it is understood that Xiaoren's mistakes still need to be punished, especially since she still brought Song and Zhang together. If she were the only one, perhaps the matter had not been so serious yet, but she brought Song and Zhang together. This nature could be described as very bad.

So Xinghai has to punish Xiaoren, if she doesn't let her remember her mistakes, then she won't make corrections, maybe she will make more serious mistakes next time. However, what kind of punishment he should give Xiaoren now, not only to let her know that he was wrong, but not to be too much.

Xinghai was in trouble for a while.

But after thinking about it, Xinghai decided to stabilize Xiao Ren's mood first.

Thinking of this, Xinghai walked over to pick up Xiao Ren, then returned to the chair, and let Xiao Ren sit on his lap, just like they often do in the world of Date Fight.

"Brother... Brother?"

Feeling Xinghai’s movements, Xiao Ren didn’t know what to say for a while, because this feeling was so addictive to her. In those days, she was sitting quietly in her brother’s arms. Spend those happy times.

She knew in her heart that she would definitely not be able to beat her elder sister, but she only hoped that her brother would be like this occasionally, as long as she could come once in a while, she would feel very satisfied.

But after my brother came back, he didn't even have such occasional opportunities. Every time she could only look at her elder brother from the sidelines, and she didn't even have the opportunity to contact him. This made Xiao Ren a kind of inexplicable emotion. Driven by this inexplicable emotion, Xiao Ren did it. The kind of thing before.

But now, being held in this way by his brother again, Xiao Ren only felt as if he was surrounded by happiness.

Xinghai looked at Xiao Ren and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my brother ignored your feelings before. This is my brother's mistake, but Xiao Ren also has to be considerate of my brother, because there are too many things in the port area. Time is difficult to take care of, and my brother will never abandon Xiao Ren, so never say anything like that again, okay?"


Xiao Ren rubbed against Xinghai's chest happily, like a well-behaved kitten.

"So, is Xiao Ren's mood better now?" Xinghai said.

"Yeah, my concubine is very happy now, and my concubine feels that I have never been so happy before." Xiaoren said.

"In this case……"

Xinghai suddenly changed his tone and said

"Then we should discuss the punishment for what you did before."


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