Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 177: admonition

"Eh, brother...didn't brother already forgive the concubine?" Xiao Ren said in a panic.

"When did I say that I forgive you?" Xinghai squinted.

"Just now, brother was not..."

Halfway through Xiao Ren suddenly stopped, because she suddenly discovered that Xinghai really didn't seem to say to forgive her.

"I found it, so Xiaoren said, how should I punish you now? You have to know that the mistake you made this time is not small." Xinghai said.

"My concubine thought... there would be no problem..." Xiao Ren said weakly.

"But you think it's useless. You have to know that nothing is set in stone. No matter how good the plan is, there will always be accidents." Xinghai said earnestly.

Xiaoren was silent when she heard Xinghai's words. Indeed, just like her brother said, she planned very well at the beginning, and nothing will happen no matter what goes wrong.

However, the actual situation was completely different from what she thought. Not only did they get lost because they didn't make the signpost, but they also encountered the terrifying Siren Purifier.

Although Xiaoren successfully scared away the Purifier, it was because the Purifier had admitted that the Siren was wrong, so she was able to succeed. Of course, there were also reasons why Song and Zhang were not by her side.

If Song and Zhang were by her side at that time, the siren would definitely be able to see through her disguise, and the end of the matter would be hard to say at that time.

After all, the siren may choose Song and Zhang to start after finding that Xiao Ren is not good to deal with. And because the Purifier’s diving skills are inexplicably good, if it is unexpected, Song and Zhang may have an accident. At that time, Xiao Ren What should Ren do?

Yes, she didn't think about it, she didn't think about anything, she just got pine and camphor into danger when her mind got hot. Although she said that she would protect pine and camphor, she actually didn't That ability.

Thinking of the worst ending, Xiao Ren felt a pang of fear.

But I don't know why, she knew she was wrong in her heart, but she still said unconvinced: "It's not that nothing happened, and the concubines can protect them."

Then Xiao Ren found that Xinghai's face had become ugly in an instant.

In an instant, Xiao Ren immediately understood that she had said something wrong. Just as she was about to say something, Xinghai spoke first.

"It seems that I usually spoil you so much that now you are not willing to admit your mistakes. It seems that I really want to teach you a lesson."

Then Xiao Ren only felt the world spin, and when she stabilized, she found that she was now lying on Xinghai's lap.


With a crisp sound, Xiao Ren only felt a piercing pain in her butt, which made her tears flow out all of a sudden.

Speaking of Xiaoren, no, all ship women have such a characteristic.

Obviously, you can get up and continue fighting any kind of injury you have suffered in the battle, but in normal times, as long as a little pain can make some navy girls tearful, such as Xiaoren who is now lying on Xinghai's leg.

"Oh, it hurts!"


"Ouuuuu, I don't want my brother..."




Xinghai, who had hit Xiaoren's **** hard, almost became addicted, but fortunately he recovered in time to stop, otherwise he might be wrong.

However, when Xinghai stopped in time, Xiao Ren's buttocks still became red and it seemed to be a little swollen.

It’s strange to say that there will be no injuries during the battle, but this kind of injury, which is completely incomparable with the injuries received in the battle, can make Xiao Ren’s buttocks swell up. What is it like?

No, how could I have such strange thoughts? Xinghai, who sensed that I was wrong, quickly stopped those evil thoughts in his mind.

Xinghai looked at Xiao Ren who was still lying on his lap with tears, and felt that what he had done seemed a bit too much.

However, what Xiaoren said just now really angered Xinghai. He clearly said that, as long as Xiaoren said that she was wrong, then Xinghai would not punish her too severely, but Xiaoren was wrong. Choose the worst item.

But now that things have been done, there is nothing to regret, but Xinghai will find time to apologize to Xiaoren about what happened just now.

Although the average person would not shame himself by doing this, in Xinghai's opinion, this might be a bit embarrassing, but if it is wrong, it is wrong. There is nothing to say, so he will definitely apologize.

But now Xiao Ren just kept shed tears, did not speak or cry, this made Xinghai a little flustered.

But Ren is immune to Xinghai's magic power, and similarly, the ability of the healing element is also immune, so Ren can only make Ren himself better and cannot use magic to make Ren quickly heal.

After thinking about it, Xinghai felt that he couldn't keep Xiao Ren lying on his lap like this, so he carefully picked up Xiao Ren, and then walked to the bedroom on the side.

After entering the bedroom, Xinghai carefully placed Xiao Ren on the bed, then turned and closed the door.

Xinghai reached the edge of the bed, with his back facing Xiaoren, and after a long silence, he said, "I'm sorry just now, my brother made a bit of a heavy hand."

Xiao Ren didn't respond, but even if Xinghai didn't look back, he knew that Xiao Ren must be tearful now.

"Actually, I can't blame my brother for being too heavy. Do you know how much your brother's heartache is caused by what you just said?

Xinghai paused, and then said: "Yes, you think you have nothing wrong, I also know that you have the ability to protect them, but that is under normal circumstances, the situation is special during this period of time, and everything needs special Be careful, especially not to go out at will."

"Otherwise, if something goes wrong, what do you tell me to do with brother."

"Maybe you think I don't care about you, but if I really don't care about you, I won't say so much to you."

"You are very important to me, so is Lafite, and everyone in the port area. I don't want any of you to have any problems. So I will be very strict with this kind of things that involve your safety. I also hope you can understanding."

Feeling Xiao Ren who was still unresponsive, Xinghai sighed, then prepared to get up and leave.

But a small hand grabbed the corner of Xinghai's clothes.

"Brother don't go!"

Xinghai turned his head and saw Xiao Ren's teary face.

"Brother don't leave the concubine body, the concubine body will be obedient in the future, and the concubine body will definitely listen to the brother's words in the future. The concubine body will never do things that make the brother angry. Don't leave the concubine body.

Just now, at the moment Xinghai got up, Xiaoren only felt that Xinghai's figure suddenly became distant. She felt that if she didn't do anything, her brother would leave, really would leave.

So she grabbed the corner of Xinghai without hesitation.

"Brother, hug me... okay..."

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