Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 178: Red mist

After the last time, Xiao Ren seems to have changed a lot. She no longer thinks about going to play like before. Every day, she sits quietly in the office with Xinghai. She will go wherever Xinghai goes. Nowhere else.

Even if Song and Zhang came up to play with Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren refused, which made Song worry for a long time whether he did something wrong.

Later, Xinghai Yi Xiaoren sent it away just because he was in a bad mood after that incident, and he would be better in a few days.

However, such an overly quiet Xiao Ren also made Xinghai very worried, because the previous Xiao Ren was obviously very noisy, but now he suddenly became quiet, which made Xinghai feel uncomfortable.

Xinghai wanted to find a time to have a good conversation with Xiao Ren, but recently he was so busy that he couldn't get out of it.

Because after Xiaoren and him explained the matter of Hongwu, Xinghai immediately questioned the purifier in the laboratory.

The Purifier was still unwilling to cooperate at the beginning, and was dragged out after Xinghai used some methods, but this incident also greatly changed Xinghai's image of the Purifier.

According to the information obtained before, the Purifier is a powerful, ruthless siren, and he is not afraid of death on the battlefield, and can often bring huge casualties to the ship's ladies.

But the purifier Xinghai saw was a purifier who was a little off-line, afraid of itching and pain.

This made Xinghai wonder if Rafi had caught the wrong person.

Although the purifier in front of him has repeatedly affirmed that he is a purifier, Xinghai still has a certain degree of suspicion. The reason why he did not directly deny it is because there is a setting of whether the ship’s mother has a ship outfit or not. It's the Siren, but it's hard to guarantee that they don't have the same settings.

However, Xinghai also conducted some experiments on the Purifier. He found that the structure of the Purifier is exactly the same as the Jianniang to a certain extent. In addition, the Jianniang was built from the siren’s mental cube, or It is permitted to conclude that Jianniang and Siren are actually the same species with the same root.

It is because of the same root that there must be a certain connection between Siren and Jianniang, and a lot of information shows that many of Siren’s behaviors are very confusing, but because Siren is still the enemy of mankind, these The behavior is regarded as some kind of conspiracy by the Sirens.

The twists and turns in this are worthy of Xinghai to study, he also wants to study, but now he does not have that time at all, because Xinghai got a terrifying news from the purifier, that is, there is a red mist. It seems to be floating towards the Koror Islands.

This may be the worst news Xinghai has heard in this period of time. Unexpectedly, Crimson would have not come, but it was such a big battle.

Although the Purifier is only guessing, she can at least confirm that there is a large area of ​​red mist around the Koror Islands. Even if it does not cover the Koror Islands, what might escape from the red mist is a big trouble.

So Xinghai decided to find a time to explore the situation with Lafite first, and just take this opportunity to study things like Crimson carefully, or make a response later.

As for the infection issue, Xinghai didn't worry at all, not to mention Xinghai's own defense methods, that is, Rafina's physique as an artificial **** can completely exclude these things from his body.

After all, no matter how you say it, Rafi is also a god, and the battles of things that can infect gods will not be such a small fight, it is more terrifying, and can even make the universe tremble.

Xinghai searched all the way along the direction given by the Purifier, while Lafite searched in another direction, but after searching for a long time, Xinghai did not see the red fog that the Purifier said. Suspect that the Purifier was lying to him.

In the end, Rafi found the red mist on the other side, but the direction was completely different from the direction given by the Purifier. After learning about this, Xinghai's trust in the Purifier dropped one point again.

This is because the purifier may deliberately fix him. Of course, it is also possible that the purifier simply forgot the direction, although Xinghai felt that the latter situation was more likely.

Xinghai stood on the surface of the sea, looking at the red mist that obscured the sky.

When the Purifier described the Red Mist, Xinghai also felt that it was possible that the Purifier had deliberately exaggerated the image of the Red Mist, but when Xinghai saw it, he discovered that the Purifier was still small.

The red mist is indeed a mist, but this mist is a little bigger.

From the perspective of now, this piece of fog is like a red wall of fog, just in front of the Xinghai, the red mist is constantly surging, seeming to want to rush towards the Xinghai.

But this piece of red mist was like being blocked by an invisible wall of air. The red mist could only surge on the outside of the wall, but could not get inside the wall.

Xinghai walked over and put his hand into the red mist.

When Xinghai plunged his hand into the red mist, Xinghai felt that his hand had passed through a thin film.

"The world's self-protection measures?"

Although Xinghai seems to be casually piercing his hands into the red mist, Xinghai has already attached several inscriptions and magic circles to his hands. Once something happens, these inscriptions and magic circles will immediately respond.

After Xinghai dived into the red mist, his hand felt a breath that was obviously different from this world.

"Not only is it harmful to the ship's mother, it is not even a good thing for the world? It's no wonder the world has this reaction."

Xinghai smiled and was about to retract his arm, but his face suddenly changed, because he found that his hand seemed to be unable to pull out. This situation caused Xinghai to directly activate the inscription attached to his hand.

In an instant, a strong wave broke out.

The thing that originally bound Xinghai's arm disappeared, and even the red mist was cleared by Xinghai, thus revealing the scene inside the red mist.

It was a world shrouded in a weird red light, and the things that grabbed Xinghai just now seemed to have disappeared, but Xinghai saw some weird shapes in the looming red mist, and those things were definitely not siren. It is even more impossible to be the ship's mother.

"Is it the native species of the previous world?"

Xinghai frowned as he watched the looming shadows in the red mist and the red mist that gradually gathered.

After thinking about it, Xinghai decided to have something bigger.

Thinking of this, Xinghai said to Rafi on the side: "Let's go, let's go up and take a look."

"Yeah" Rafi nodded.

After seeing Rafi nodding, Xinghai flew directly up the wall of red fog, Rafi also followed the climate.

After ascending hundreds of meters, the towering red fog wall always reached the top.

In order to better observe, Xinghai continued to climb a certain distance, and then began to observe carefully.

What greeted Xinghai's eyes was an endless sea of ​​red mist that was constantly surging, and there seemed to be some super-large creatures in it.

"This is beyond my imagination."

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