Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 179: Monster in the red mist

"Is this what the world should be like?"

Xinghai looked at the rolling red mist and murmured.

Xinghai originally thought that the world would be a world mostly composed of oceans, and then Crimson was a certain species in the deep sea

But now it seems that the world is more than just the sea. There may be such a red mist floating on the sea.

And the life in that world lives in this red mist.

To be honest, Xinghai doesn’t like this red mist. These red mists always give him a weird feeling. This feeling makes Xinghai very uncomfortable. In addition, Xinghai didn’t feel anything before. Grasping Xinghai's hand, this alone made Xinghai's sense of vigilance against these red mists greatly increased.

"Hai, do you want to do something?"

Xinghai looked at the red mist below, and said in deep thought, "Let's go inside a little bit."


After speaking, the two flew to the depths of the Red Mist Sea.

The moment Xinghai passed through that invisible wall, the scenery in front of him changed drastically.

The originally cloudless sky was instantly covered by a large number of red clouds, and from time to time a red lightning struck down, and the air was also filled with a faint red mist.

Although I don't know if the red mist will affect the two of them, for safety's sake, Xinghai still put a fully enclosed magic shield on himself and Rafi to prevent accidents.

As the two of them continued to deepen, the red sea of ​​fog under their feet became higher and higher, and the strange breath became heavier.

Suddenly, Xinghai waved his hand, and several yellow magic circles appeared beside him, and then yellow lasers shot out from the magic circles.

At the moment when Xinghai launched the magic circle, a huge monster suddenly rushed out of the foggy sea below.

This behemoth ran into the Xinghai laser and was shot out of several large holes. Then the behemoth sprinted for a certain distance under the action of inertia and then fell back to the sea of ​​fog.

However, when the behemoth was about to fall, Xinghai grabbed it and controlled the magic to bring the behemoth to his eyes. Upon careful observation, Lafite also came up with interest.

This is a monster whose appearance cannot be described in words.

It is composed of red muscles and metal parts, and looks like a huge mechanically modified creature.

It looks a bit like a whale, but it is completely different from a fish because it still has several claws. No, it might be more appropriate to call those things by arms, because it looks like a few enlarged versions, made of muscle and steel. Humanoid arm composed.

"This thing doesn't seem to happen naturally, do you have any ideas, Lafite." Xinghai asked Lafite on the side.


Lafite pondered for a while, and then said: "This is a synthetic creature, and it's still a very crude synthetic method. Now Lafite can only see so much, and the others need more research."

"Is that so?" Xinghai said to himself.

This thing felt very weird to him, but it was a bit worse than the red mist below. After thinking about it, Xinghai released his magic power and let this thing fall.

Then Xinghai controlled his magic power again, and he fished out a spherical object in the red mist below.

When Xinghai brought this thing close to him, Xinghai realized that it was a huge eyeball.

This eyeball is about the size of a football. When Xinghai discovered it, it was moving wildly in the red mist, and all the weird creatures avoided this thing, so Xinghai gave this thing without hesitation. Grab it.

This eyeball was struggling after being caught by Xinghai, as if to break free of Xinghai's control.

It's strange to say that it's just an eyeball, but it can be seen that its pupils are constantly moving.

But this thing is not a synthetic life. If Xinghai remembers correctly, there are such things in many worlds, and there are many kinds of them, but most of the time this thing belongs to the evil camp.

Xinghai is not surprised that this thing will appear here, but why those synthetic beings are afraid of this thing, this is the reason Xinghai is strange.

"Hai, do you need to take it back and study it?" Rafi suggested from the side.

Xinghai pondered for a while, then said: "Okay."

The thing before was too big, and the monster was not only a creature that this world didn't have, but it looked like something evil. Xinghai had no way to explain the source of that thing.

Moreover, Xinghai didn't want that kind of thing to enter his space ring, not for other things, just because that thing made Xinghai feel sick.

Although Xinghai just took a casual look, Xinghai already knew how that thing was made.

Although that thing can be named a creature, in fact that kind of thing is not considered a creature at all, because it is only a synthetic, like a puppet.

The method of synthesis is also very simple, that is, using some special secret methods to fuse living creatures with mechanical bodies, and then this monster can be created.

However, because this was originally the reason for a forbidden secret technique, most of the things created by this secret technique do not have a complete shape. They must be monsters, indescribable things, even if this secret technique is perfected, it is useless. .

With the appearance of the monster just now, Xinghai can be sure that there must be a humanoid in its synthesis list, and looking at that huge appearance, there must be a lot of materials required, that is, a large number of humanoids are needed.

Xinghai doesn't know what the specific number is, but looking at the size of the hundreds of meters, the consumption can be imagined.

But catching this eyeball can be said to be an unexpected gain.

Although this eyeball is not a kind of synthetic creature, it must have a certain relationship with those things. Maybe you can get the relationship between the aboriginal people in the red mist world on this eyeball.

After seeing the monster, Xinghai estimated that the Red Mist World was not like this before. The Red Mist World was probably destroyed under these weird red mists. As for the reason for the formation of the red mist, where did the red mist come from? Come, Xinghai still has no way of knowing, but as long as Xinghai wants to solve the red mist crisis, Xinghai will know the source of these red mists.

While Xinghai was thinking, the eyeballs caught by Xinghai's magical power seemed to find that it was impossible to escape, so its only pupil began to shrink violently, and then that pupil became a mouth full of fangs. .


A weird voice came from that big mouth, like a sound wave spreading out quickly.

Then, in the next instant, the entire sea of ​​red mist boiled.

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